
  • 网络knowledge governance
  1. 知识治理在现代企业信息战略中的应用

    The Applications of Knowledge Governance in the Modern Enterprise Information Strategy

  2. 这为知识治理的后继研究赋予更加丰富的内涵。

    Follow-up study of knowledge governance will be much richer .

  3. 最后,就知识治理理论的应用问题进行了初步的分析。

    Finally , the application issue of knowledge governance theory is analyzed initially .

  4. 从知识治理的视角出发,构建了一个可以用来削弱知识粘性的管理对策模型。

    Finally , based on the theory of knowledge governance , a countermeasure model of weakening knowledge stickiness is constructed .

  5. 而现有文献尚缺乏从知识治理角度剖析开放式创新对企业创新绩效的影响机制,即开放式创新是如何通过知识治理机制的调节作用影响创新绩效的?这一问题尚缺乏深入的实证研究。

    However , little research analysis the impact of open innovation on innovation performance from the perspective of knowledge governance .

  6. 对这些发起并推动了开放式的创新的企业而言,通过知识治理可实现知识资源的合理配置、有效整合及合理性占有。

    The enterprises which initiate and promote the process of open innovation can realize rational allocation of knowledge , and effective integration and reasonableness of possession by means of knowledge governance .

  7. 完善的知识治理机制能够充分利用开放带来的丰富的全球知识源.并合理应对知识源主体间的占有风险及利益冲突,促进创新的实现。

    A sound knowledge governance mechanisms can take advantage of " global knowledge source ", and response to the possession risk and conflict of interest between the main source of knowledge reasonably .

  8. 在这种背景下,解决企业网络中知识资源治理的问题成为关键。

    Against this tendency , the key issue is the governance of knowledge resource of Inter-Firm Network ( IFN ) .

  9. 他通晓资讯科技行业知识,治理经验丰富,是一名出色的领袖。

    Knowledge of industry of science and technology of information of his be proficient in , management is experienced , it is an outstanding cacique .

  10. 人力资本专用性投资与知识型企业治理设计

    Firm-Specific Human Capital Investment and the Governance of Knowledge-Based Enterprises

  11. 传统的政府管理因之受到挑战,知识密集型治理正在成为各国政府改革的新选项。

    Knowledge - intense governance is becoming the new option of governments in the world .

  12. 第三,对企业知识联盟的治理结构研究综述。第四学习管理企业知识联盟研究综述。

    Thirdly , this chapter reviews the studies on management structure on enterprise knowledge alliance .

  13. 基于风险知识联盟的治理结构

    Governance Structure of Risk-based Knowledge Alliance

  14. 第二部分证明供应链联盟是一种知识交易的治理结构。

    The point that supply chain alliance is a kind of governance structure of knowledge trade is proved in the second part .

  15. 知识、人性与治理模式的关系

    On the Relation between Knowledge , Human Nature and Mode of Control

  16. 企业内两种形式的意会知识及相应的治理方式

    Two Forms of Tacit Knowledge within Enterprises and the Corresponding Ways of Governance

  17. 知识型企业的治理

    The Governance of Knowledge - oriented - enterprises

  18. 本系统可以向群众和基层技术人员介绍崩岗的基本知识、防治和治理措施,提高对崩岗治理意义的认识,促进崩岗防治和治理工作的开展。

    This system can introduce the basic knowledge , prevention and control measures about dilapidated granite to the masses and engineers .

  19. 包括环境信息、战略信息、知识资本信息、治理信息、管理层讨论与分析、社会责任信息及预测信息七类信息。

    The system includes seven type of information : environmental information , strategic information , knowledge capital information , management information , the management discussion and analysis , social responsibility information and forecasting information .

  20. 知识型企业的组织治理&用企业理论对知识型企业治理结构发展所做的探索

    The Organization Governance of Knowledge Firm : the Exploration for Knowledge Firm Governance using Form Theory

  21. 开放式创新所带来的挑战已经不仅仅是知识管理层面的问题,更是组织之间知识的治理问题。

    The challenge open innovation has brought is not confined to knowledge management , but the knowledge governance between organization .

  22. 在知识经济时代,企业能否通过开放式创新显著提高组织绩效,关键在于知识治理机制。

    In this knowledge as the mainstay of knowledge-based economy , whether companies can significantly improve the innovation performance , the key is knowledge governance mechanism .

  23. 指出由于企业知识资源的异质性,企业通过组建供应链联盟来建立企业层面的分工整合体系和知识交易的治理结构。

    Hereby the writer points out that firms build up the " inter-firm level " knowledge division system , or named knowledge transaction governance structure , in the way of building a supply chain alliance , because of the heterogeneity of the knowledge resource among different firms .