
  • 网络Knowledge industrialization;industrializing knowledge
  1. 知识产业化与产业知识化&海湾地区可持续发展的问题与对策

    Problem and Countermeasures of sustainable development in the Gulf Area

  2. 该报告推荐印度应该鼓励企业间更有力的竞争,把新的知识产业化,并促进为穷人和基层企业的研发工作。它呼吁给新技术企业更多的早期资助。

    The report also calls for more early-stage funding for new technology enterprises .

  3. 中美高校知识产业化影响因素的比较和启示

    Comparison between Chinese and American Universities ' Knowledge Industrialization

  4. 知识产业化的内涵及重要意义

    The Intension and Significance of Knowledge Industrialization

  5. 促进知识产业化,产业知识化

    Urging Knowledge Industrialization and Industry Knowledgeable

  6. 新增长理论为我们提供了理解知识产业化的新视点。

    New Economic Growth Theory set up a new eyeshot for us to understand knowledge industrialization .

  7. 立法促进大学知识产业化的作用透视&发达国家的实践与经验借鉴

    Study on Promoting the Development of Knowledge Industrialization by Legislation : Practices , Successful Experience in Developed Countries and its Enlightenments

  8. 这一体系由农业科技、工业科技和高新技术组成,并从干旱区优势资源出发,探讨了如何通过知识产业化设计实现绿洲高效、持续发展的途径。

    In terms of dominant resources in the arid land , the way toward high efficient and sustainable development of oases through industrialization of knowledge have discussed .

  9. 随着经济全球化、知识产业化和市场自由化的不断发展和竞争的日益加剧,知识己成为国家经济发展的根本,创新则是强大的助推器。

    With the development of economic globalization , industrialization of knowledge , and market liberalization , and the growth of competition , knowledge has become a fundamental of national economic development while innovation is a powerful booster .

  10. 区域知识成果产业化的要素分析

    The analysis of factor of regional knowledge production industrialization

  11. 无奈的现状急需我们找到一条激励创新、促进知识产权产业化的新途径。知识产权信托便在这种形势下应运而生。

    In this helpless circumstance , we need to find a new way which encourage innovation and promote intellectual property industrialization .

  12. 基于文献计量分析的LED知识图谱及产业化对策

    Mapping Knowledge Domains and Industrialization Measures of LED Based on Bibliometric Analysis

  13. 论知识创新成果产业化的螺旋运动

    New Achievements Through Knowledge Innovation : A Spiral Movement in Their Industrialization

  14. 试论知识经济与产业化发展问题

    On Knowledge Economy and Industrialization Development

  15. 自主知识产权成果产业化,能够提高我国自主创新能力、转变经济增长方式、增强我国核心竞争力。

    Industrialization of independent intellectual property can promote enterprise independent innovation ability , change economic growth mode , and enhance core competitiveness .

  16. 区域知识成果的产业化是区域知识经济发展的重要务件,也是区域产业结构升级的重要途径。

    It is a very important condition to the development of regional knowledge economy for the regional knowledge production industrialization , and also it is a important way to upgrade the regional industry structure .

  17. 知识创新成果产业化是在政府、高等院校或科研机构、产业界三重螺旋运动中实现的从根本上改变了传统的经济增长方式,具有重大的产业效应和社会经济效应。

    Pushed by the triple efforts of government , academy and industry , the industrialization of new achievements through knowledge innovation has been fundamentally transforming the conventional pattern of e - conomic growth , thus achieving significant industrial & economic effects .

  18. 因此,开展本课题的研究,为丰富食品科学知识及促进红枣产业化发展均具有重要的意义。

    Therefore the study is important to enrich knowledge of food science and development of jujube industry .

  19. 21世纪是知识经济和信息产业化的时代,企业的竞争表现为人才的竞争。

    The 21st century is the knowledge economy and the information industrialization period , the enterprise competition represents to the talent competition .

  20. 在经济知识化、知识产业化的新的国际经济环境中,高职教育应坚持三个有利于的原则,正视生存环境、加强对策判研、努力拓展发展空间、抓住机遇,加快发展。

    In the new international era of the knowledge-based economy and the industrialization of knowledge , higher education should persist in " Three Benefits " principle to seek for further development .

  21. 而技术市场是实现技术知识资源扩散和产业化的重要桥梁,知识产权法律保护是激励知识创新和技术知识资源产业化的重要机制。

    Technical market serves as important bridge for the realization of expansion of technical knowledge resources and their industrialization and law of knowledge property right protection serves as important mechanism to stimulate knowledge innovation and industrialization of technical knowledge resources .

  22. 完善的知识管理是「知识产业化」与「产业知识化」不断循环的结果。

    The well-established KM circle denotes continuous improvement by repeating the basic cycle of Knowledge industrialize and Industry Intellectualize .

  23. 知识资源化和知识产业化是知识经济的两大显著特征,它们实现了生产方式划时代的变革。

    Knowledge resources and knowledge-industrialization are two marking characteristics , They bring about the epoch-making change of mode of production .

  24. 德国中小企业的融资与担保以知识产权融资促进知识成果产业化

    Promoting Industrialization of Intellectual Fruits through Intellectual Property Right Financing

  25. 在此基础上,采取多种政策措施,通过中介机构和风险投资,促进知识成果的转化和知识成果产业化。

    Basing on it , we need adopt multi-policy measure , utilize intermediary organization and venture capital , and promote knowledge production transform and knowledge production industrialization .

  26. 海湾国家要实现可持续发展,需采取相应淡化限制的对策,诸如:人力资本立国,向知识经济结构转变&包括知识产业化,发展具有海湾特色的知识产业;

    It takes the Gulf countries to adopt countermeasures of corresponding desalinated restriction in order to achieve sustainable development , such as : Nation-building using human resources to transform the structure of knowledge economy , including the industrialization of knowledge for the development of knowledge industry with the Gulf characteristics ;

  27. 从狭义看,知识经济是以知识和信息为基础的经济知识化和知识产业化的经济。

    In narrow sense , knowledge-based economy is the combination of economic knowledge and knowledge industrialization based on the knowledge and information .

  28. 尽快完善我国的知识产权融资制度,加大金融支持企业自主创新的力度,形成知识产权产业化的良好金融环境,对于加快自主创新成果的转化,促进我国经济长期稳定发展具有重要意义。

    Improving IPR financing institution , enhancing financial sustentation of independent innovation and building up favorable financial circumstance for industrialization of IPR , have profound meanings for accelerating the transformation of independent innovation fruits and sustaining long-term stabilized development of Chinese economy .

  29. 为此,必须消除城乡人口素质二元结构,用知识化推进城镇化、加速知识型小城镇建设,用知识化推进农业产业化;

    Dualistic structure that for this reason , must dispel the quality of the population in urban and rural areas , by advancing the urbanization , accelerating knowledge type small town construction more educated , by advancing agricultural industrialization more dedicatedly ;

  30. 结合知识经济发展现状,提出了知识经济的量化标准,即经济知识化和知识产业化标准。

    According to the situation of knowledge-based economic , I propose the quantity standard , namely economic knowledge and knowledge industrialization .