
  • 网络knowledge management capability
  1. 基于CMM模型的图书馆知识管理能力探讨

    The Discussion on Knowledge Management Capability of Library Based on The CMM Model

  2. 知识管理能力预警系统的构建

    Construction of the Early Warning System for Knowledge Management Capability

  3. 在评价企业知识管理能力的基础上,引入AHP法作为决策分析方法,并分析了如何实现两两判断矩阵的构建。

    On the basis of evaluating the existing KM abilities in a firm , how to construct a pairwise comparison matrice using the AHP ( Analytical Hierarchy Process ) is analyzed .

  4. 利用层次分析法(AHP)计算所建立的嵌入跨国外包体系的产业集群知识管理能力评价指标体系中的各指标对上一层指标的权重,进行分层排序。

    The rights of the indicators to the upper layer of indicators in the evaluation index system are calculated and arranged , by the method of the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .

  5. 人力资源能力成熟度模型(P-CMM)及其应用基于人力资源的知识管理能力成熟度研究

    The Study on People Capability Maturity Model ; Study of KM-CMM Based on HR

  6. 产品创新中顾客知识管理能力的提升策略

    The Promotion Strategy of Customer Knowledge Management Ability in Product Innovation

  7. 现代服务业知识管理能力综合评价模型研究

    A Model Study of Modern Tertiary Industry Intellectual Management Ability

  8. 基于α-截集的企业知识管理能力模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of Knowledge Management Capability of Enterprise Based on α - Cut

  9. 顾客知识管理能力对新产品绩效的影响研究

    The Research of the Performance Impact of New Products on Customer Knowledge Management

  10. 高新技术企业中层管理者的知识管理能力研究

    A Study of Knowledge Management Competency of Middle-level Managers Toward the High-tech Enterprise

  11. 高等院校教师知识管理能力探悉及实证研究

    On the Knowledge Management Ability of College Teachers

  12. 最后提出了提升客户知识管理能力的建设性的建议。

    At last , the constructive suggestion for improving competence of CKM is brought forward .

  13. 基于人力资源的知识管理能力成熟度研究

    Study of KM-CMM Based on HR

  14. 航空制造企业知识管理能力评价案例研究

    Research on Evaluating the Ability of Knowledge Management in Aviation Manufacturing Enterprise : A Case Study

  15. 科技型中小企业的知识管理能力与企业绩效关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Knowledge Management Capability and Firm Performance-Evidence from Technology-oriented Small-medium Companies

  16. 从不同角度研究了企业知识管理能力与竞争力之间存在的数量关系。

    The quantitative relationships between an enterprise 's knowledge management capabilities and its competitive power are investigated .

  17. 而知识管理能力则从三个方面进行分析,分别是知识获取能力、知识共享能力和知识应用能力。

    Knowledge management ability is analyzed from the stages of knowledge acquisition , knowledge sharing and knowledge application ability .

  18. 总之,本文对提高商业银行客户知识管理能力方面有重要的指导意义。

    In summary , this article has important guiding significance to improving the ability of commercial banks customer knowledge management .

  19. 发现知识管理能力作为中间变量,调节知识管理过程、IT平台对企业绩效的影响。

    As a intermediate-variable , the KM capability moderates the effect of KM processes and IT platform on organizational performance .

  20. 基于人力资源的知识管理能力成熟度研究国防工业科技成果转化知识管理组织成熟度模型

    Study of KM-CMM Based on HR Knowledge Management Organization Maturity Model of Science and Technology Achievements Transformation of Defense Industry

  21. 研究结果为知识管理能力确实在战略人力资源管理实践与创新绩效的关系间起中介作用这一观点提供了论据。

    These findings provide evidence that knowledge management capacity plays a mediating role between strategic human resource practices and innovation performance .

  22. 本文结合调研数据,实证分析了江苏省高校教师知识管理能力的状况。

    This paper , in the light of the research data , analyzes the situation of the KM ability of college teachers of Jiangsu Province .

  23. 论文以关系嵌入对客户知识管理能力的影响为主线,在相关文献综述的基础上,初步建立了关系嵌入、知识管理能力与客户知识管理绩效的测评指标体系。

    An evaluation index system of relational embeddedness , knowledge management capability and customer knowledge management performance set up on the base of related literature review .

  24. 最后,针对实证检验结果以及现实依据,提出了我国科技型中小企业利用知识管理能力提升企业绩效的建议。

    Finally , based on the test result , I advance some suggestions for the technology-oriented small-medium companies in China to improve their knowledge management capabilities .

  25. 并以此作为客户知识管理能力的分析框架,提出了客户知识管理能力的测评指标体系。

    The model is regarded as the analysis frame of the competence of CKM . Then the evaluation system of the competence of customer knowledge management is described .

  26. 最后,针对调研结果提出初中信息技术教师知识管理能力发展建议,为下一步研究打好基础。

    Finally , the research gives the development suggestions of junior middle school information technology teachers ' knowledge management ability , to lay the foundation for the subsequent research .

  27. 本文希望通过对客户知识管理能力和大客户管理探索性研究,能为我国工业品企业整合客户知识管理和大客户管理提供有价值的建议。

    This paper hope of customers through knowledge management ability and large customer management exploratory research , industrial enterprise integrating customers for our knowledge management and large customer management provide valuable Suggestions .

  28. 同时,企业知识管理能力与人力资源管理实践活动之间有密切的关系,在企业知识管理的获取、共享和应用环节都离不开人力资源管理活动的支持。

    At the same time , the research of knowledge management and human resource management research is inseparable , knowledge acquisition , sharing and application behaviors are closely related to human resource management practices .

  29. 图书馆知识管理能力的分析。以图书馆知识管理流程和知识价值链为基础,分析图书馆知识管理能力的构成要素和影响因素。(3)图书馆知识管理能力的评价。

    Based on the knowledge flow and knowledge value chain , the constituent elements and influencing factors of library knowledge management capability are analyzed . ( 3 ) Library knowledge management capability is evaluated .

  30. 建筑企业是面向建设项目的组织,建设项目是其基本的业务活动,因此建筑企业的知识管理能力很大程度上取决于其项目的知识管理能力。

    Construction companies are typical project-oriented organizations whose core business is undertaking projects . Therefore , their knowledge management ( KM ) success is determined largely by their ability to manage knowledge in project context .