
  • 网络knowledge collaboration;knowledge synergy
  1. 知识协同是在知识管理和协同学(Synergy)这两种现代战略管理理念集成创新基础上提出的崭新的管理思想,是继过去十余年知识管理全球性研究热潮之后的又一新的研究热点。

    Knowledge synergy comes into being . Knowledge synergy is a new management thought based on the study of knowledge management and synergy . Knowledge synergy is another new research hot spot following the global study wave of knowledge management in the past more than ten years .

  2. 内容提要知识协同可提高相关多元化企业绩效。

    Knowledge synergy can increase the performance of related diversification company .

  3. 集成化采矿CAD的知识协同性研究

    Research the Cooperation of Knowledge in Integrated Mine CAD

  4. 以维基(Wiki)为代表的社会性软件所具有的参与性、自组织性、协同性、聚合性、开放性等特性,使其成为了知识协同的有力工具之一。

    The social software represented by Wiki which its participation , self-organization , cooperation , polymerization , openness and other characteristics makes itself becomes a powerful tool for knowledge collaboration .

  5. 企业群知识协同要素及过程模型研究

    Research on Knowledge Collaboration Elements and Procedural Model of Enterprise Clusters

  6. 以服务提升制造业竞争力的知识协同分析

    Acknowledge Coordination Analysis Based on Improving Manufacture Industry Competition by Service

  7. 基于语义网的企业知识协同管理研究

    Study on knowledge collaborative management of enterprises based on semantic Web

  8. 敏捷制造企业工艺信息系统中的知识协同

    Knowledge Collaboration in Process Information System for Agile Manufacturing Enterprises

  9. 基于知识协同的企业生产信息组织方法研究

    Research on organization model of enterprise production information based on knowledge-node collaboration

  10. 创新型国家电子政务知识协同服务研究

    Research on the E-government Knowledge Collaborative Service for National Innovation

  11. 基于市场导向的产业集群知识协同模式研究

    Study on the Industry Cluster Knowledge Coordination Model Based on External Guiding

  12. 这种协作方式我们称之为知识协同。

    We name this kind of coordination the knowledge coordination .

  13. 虚拟企业知识协同效应的形成机理与综合评价

    Formation Mechanism and Comprehensive Evaluation of Synergistic Effect on Knowledge in Virtual Enterprise

  14. 在这个不断循环的过程中,知识协同效应就应运而生了。

    In this continuous cycle of process , knowledge synergistic effect comes into being .

  15. 论述了知识协同的概念及四种分类组合;

    The conception of knowledge synergy and its four combinations based on two classifications are discussed ;

  16. 母子公司组织协同、知识协同与创新绩效的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Organizational Synergy , Knowledge Synergy and Innovative Performance of Parent-Subsidiary Corporations

  17. 而知识协同正是知识管理研究中的一个重要方向。

    And knowledge collaboration is a important direction of research on knowledge management ( KM ) .

  18. 论企业知识协同

    On Company Knowledge Synergy

  19. 建立了知识协同的过程模型,并对知识协同效应的涌现进行了探讨。

    A process model of knowledge collaboration was established and the emergence of knowledge synergistic effect was discussed .

  20. 本文的主要工作是面向农业领域的本体知识协同建构和语义信息检索。

    In this paper , the main work focuses on the collaborative construction of agricultural ontology and semantic retrieval for agricultural resources .

  21. 探讨了并行工程中知识协同处理的7元组描述模式,并在此基础上提出了基于信任度和基于模糊集理论的两种不同类型的知识协同处理算法。

    Based on the presented seven tuple of knowledge collaboration in Concurrent Engineering ( CE ), the confidence based knowledge collaboration approach and algorithms are proposed .

  22. 在这一形势下,知识协同成为了供应链企业间更快速的反映市场,满足需求,提高核心竞争力的有效方式。

    In this situation , the knowledge collaboration becomes the effective way to reflect market more quickly and then improve the core competitiveness of supply chain .

  23. 近年来,知识协同的现象不断涌现,已成为企业知识管理和协同化的发展趋势。

    Recently , the phenomena of knowledge collaboration ( KC ) emerge continuously and it has become the developing trend of knowledge management and enterprise collaboration .

  24. 通过文献综述,参照已有知识协同及知识员工能力方面的一些概念,提出了较准确的概念。

    With the summing up of the bibliography , referring to the existing concepts of knowledge-coordination and knowledge staff abilities , it gives the relative accurate concept .

  25. 论文构建了基于知识协同进化的企业竞争力理论模型,提出了中小企业赢得竞争力的网络组织路径。

    The author explores a theoretical model of enterprise competitiveness based on knowledge co-evolution and points out the network organizational path by which SMEs can get competitiveness .

  26. 随着网络的蓬勃发展,如何充分利用分布式的资源,进行知识协同处理成为了新的问题。

    With the development of the network , how to make good use of the distributed resources and process the distributed knowledge has been the new problem .

  27. 本文概括与研究相关的能力的研究成果,结合知识协同工作开展的过程,建立了构成因素模型,并用实证方法验证模型的有效性及合理性。

    This paper concludes and studies the relative results of researches on abilities , and it establishes the model of elements according to the course of the knowledge-coordination work .

  28. 本文研究了知识协同的原理和方法,确定了质量屋群决策模型的先综合评估结果再统一决策原则。

    In this article , the author researches the principles and methods of knowledge collaboration , and determines the rule of integrating evaluation results in advance and united decision-making afterwards .

  29. 企业知识协同的活动主体都是人,知识协同的过程是一个人与人之间进行知识的交流和创新的过程。

    The main bodies of knowledge-coordination activities in a company are mostly persons , and the course of knowledge coordination is one of the knowledge exchange and innovation among people .

  30. 在深入分析供应链知识协同的基础上,从知识、组织和文化三个方面构建了供应链知识协同共享的实现机制。

    On the further study of supply chain knowledge synergy , a realization mechanism of supply chain knowledge synergy sharing was built up from three aspects such as knowledge , organization and culture .