
  • 网络knowledge city
  1. 知识城市:中心城市发展与转型的选择

    Knowledge City : An Alternative of Urban Development and Transformation for Central Cities

  2. 建设知识城市的经济学思考

    Building Knowledge City : An Economics Consideration

  3. 农村教育知识城市化问题探讨

    The Research on Urbanization of Rural Educational Knowledge

  4. 知识城市评价标准分析和指标体系构建

    The Analysis of Evaluation Criteria of " Knowledge City " and the Construction of Evaluation Index System

  5. 并以知识城市视角探索我国资源型城市转型新路径,为城市管理者在推动城市转型过程中提供新的思考和对策。

    Meanwhile , exploring new path for resource based cities in China from the knowledge city perspective and providing new thinking and countermeasures for city managers in promoting the urban transformation .

  6. 欧美的一些学者突破传统的城市发展理论,提出了知识城市的城市可持续发展理念,知识城市强调通过培育知识,挖掘城市的创造力,提升城市的竞争力。

    Some scholars have broken through the traditional theory of urban development and proposed a concept of knowledge city , which is emphasis on breed knowledge to improve the creativity and competitiveness of the city .

  7. 一个城市只有不断增强其吸引力和凝聚力,发挥特色优势,才能在激烈的城市竞争中获得更多资源和机会,知识城市理念能够为城市品牌建设提供了新的思路和视角。

    A city only to increase attractiveness and cohesiveness , it can get more resources and chance in the city competition . The idea of knowledge city is able to supply a new way and perspective .

  8. 但与全球成功的知识城市相比,我国城市知识产业的实力还很薄弱,发展不均衡,发展后劲受到严重考验。

    However , the knowledge-based industries in our cities still have some problems such as the weak strength , uneven development and potential for further development suffering from a severe test , compared with that in successful global knowledge cities .

  9. 首先,本文从研究背景和意义出发,梳理了近几年来国内外对知识城市理论及城市品牌理论的研究现状,总结了以往研究中存在的不足,指出了本文研究的重难点及特色。

    First of all , this thesis gives a general situation of knowledge city theories and city brand theories at home and abroad in recent years from the background and significance , summarizes the shortcomings in previous studies and point out the difficulties and characteristics .

  10. 在该理念的指导下,原有一些工业城市或处于颓势的城市迅速并成功的转型为知识城市,并且这些知识城市的发展经验充分说明,知识产业是城市转型升级、可持续发展的关键要素。

    With the guidance of this concept , some original industrial cities or cities in the " decline " have rapidly succeeded in converting into knowledge cities whose development experience fully shows that knowledge-based industry is the key element of urban transformation , upgrading and sustainable development .

  11. 文章从构筑知识城市、学习型社会以及阅读、旅游、环境等方面论述大学图书馆在城市文化建设中的作用及其相互关系,提出了存在的问题和相应对策。

    This paper elaborates the university libraries ' function in civic culture construction and the relationship between them from such aspects as constructing knowledge city , establishing learning society , reading , traveling , environment and so on and puts forward the existing problems and corresponding countermeasures .

  12. 基于知识的城市交通拥挤疏导决策支持系统的构造

    Construction of knowledge-based decision support system for urban traffic congestion management

  13. 知识社会城市土地管理的探讨

    Probing on the management of city land in knowledge society

  14. 整合资源传播知识建立城市图书馆公共服务体系

    Constructing the Public Service System of Library by Integrating Resources and Dispersing Knowledge

  15. 在此模型基础上,应用博弈论的相关知识给出城市交通信号协调控制算法。

    Based on the model , an urban traffic signal coordination algorithm is proposed by means of game theory .

  16. 建筑顾问都是没有地震专业知识的城市工程师和建筑师,他们都没意识到详致规划的重要性。

    The facilitators and consultants hired were civil engineers , architects with no specific seismic experience and were unaware of the importance of ductile detailing .

  17. 早在本世纪之初,一些地处欧美和东南亚地区的城市就领先制定了知识型城市战略并进行了有益的实践探索。

    As early as the beginning of this century , some cities located in Europe , America and Southeast of Asia has launched KC strategy and carried out much useful practice .

  18. 显然,建构设计一套基于知识型城市战略导向的城市现实资源能力的评价系统无疑是解决上述问题的一个有益尝试,这即为本文研究的核心内容。

    Obviously , designing such an evaluation model oriented by knowledge-based city strategy is a useful attempt to solve this problem above . It is the essence and purpose of this study .

  19. 本论文采用文献综合、比较分析等研究方法,结合实地调查,应用工程力学、美学、景观生态学等相关学科的理论知识对城市绿地中的挡土墙设计开展研究。

    In light of practical investigation , this essay concentrates on the design of retaining wall in the urban green area by utilizing such theories as applied engineering , esthetics and ecological landscape .

  20. 截至目前,全球已有一批优秀城市在卓越发展中脱颖而出,成为知识型城市的发展标杆,例如澳大利亚的墨尔本、荷兰的代尔夫特和美国的波士顿等。

    Up to now , a number of cities of them have become excellent knowledge-based urban development examples as their outstanding development achievements , such as Melbourne of Australia , Delft of Netherlands , and Boston of America and so on .

  21. 理论部分涉及城市经营基础知识,城市经营在城市规划、建设和管理中的运用,城市经营的模式,国内外城市经营研究和实践。

    The theory part involves urban 's dealing in the rudimentary knowledge , the application of the urban management in the urban planning , construction and management , the mode of the urban management , and research and practice of the domestic and international urban management .

  22. 此外,利用美学的相关理论知识对城市雕塑的创作进行分析研究,并以北京市城市雕塑规划的实际案例分析探讨城市雕塑开放性理论的应用。

    In addition , it has utilize the aesthetic knowledge of the relevant theory to analyze the creation of urban sculpture studies and planning , and use the real case of Beijing City Sculpture plan to discuss the application of the " openness " of the urban sculpture .

  23. 利用视觉传达设计中城市CIS的概念,及人机工程的相关知识对太原城市公交汽车导向标识系统的人性化设计提出拟解决方案构想。

    Visual Communication Design in the city using the concept of CIS , and the ergonomics of the relevant knowledge of the identity of guiding sign of the bus transport system in Taiyuan , human-oriented design solutions proposed by the proposed concept .

  24. 知识社会的城市生态系统复杂性探讨

    Discussion on the Complexity of City Ecosystem in Knowledge-based Society

  25. 知识经济与城市产业空间布局的调整

    Knowledge economy and spatial distribution readjustment of urban industries

  26. 知识经济与城市要素新特点

    The Knowledge Economy and New Characteristics of Urban Elements

  27. 依托空间统计学的知识,分析城市路网中路段交通状态集聚的现象。

    Based on the knowledge of spatial statistics , we analyze the clustering phenomena of road section traffic status .

  28. 实施心理救助的途径:其一,普及心理健康知识,提高城市弱势群体的求助意识;

    There are three approaches to implement mental salvation . Firstly , popularize the knowledge of psychology health , improve salvation consciousness .

  29. 针对城市灾害应急管理的主要特点,运用直觉模糊集的有关知识,对城市灾害应急管理综合能力进行了评估。

    According to the main features of city disaster emergency management , the knowledge about intuitive fuzzy set is used to make a evaluation about management capacity of a city .

  30. 如此循环往复,使城建档案知识管理与城市建设达到螺旋式上升的目的,为城建档案工作向更深层次发展奠定基础。

    So it can achieve the purpose of urban construction archives of knowledge management and urban construction spiral rising , lay the foundation for the archive work at deeper levels .