
  • 网络knowledge unit;knowledge element;a unit of knowledge
  1. 为了满足面向目标的学习方式,引入知识单元的概念,构建者根据学习目标封装相应的知识点,并以XML语言形式化的将该知识单元结构表现出来。

    To meet the goal-oriented learning style , a concept of knowledge unit has been introduced , and the builders package corresponding knowledge points and represent knowledge units structure in XML language .

  2. 类比源、类比泉和类比知识单元

    Source of analogy , outcome of analogy and knowledge unit of analogy

  3. 系统实现采用XML技术作为构造课件与知识单元的主要工具,以提高整个教学系统的扩展性、操作性、重用性等。

    The system realize courseware and knowledge units with XML-based technology , so as to improve the system 's capacity of extension , operation and reusing .

  4. 基于知识单元的语义Wiki知识库

    A Semantic-Wiki Knowlege Base System Based on Knowledge Elements

  5. 极大相容块是不完备信息系统的最小知识单元。

    Maximal consistent blocks are proved as minimum knowledge units in incomplete information systems .

  6. 知识单元在计算机科学专业教学中的应用

    Application of Knowledge Unit in Computer Science Teaching

  7. 基于文献知识单元的知识组织&文献知识库建设研究

    The Knowledge Organization Based on the Document Knowledge Unit Knowledge base . Studies on Literature

  8. 知识单元初论

    A General Discussion on Knowledge Unit

  9. 文献单元和知识单元是客观知识的基本组分,二者既有区别,又有联系,不能有所偏废。

    Document elements and knowledge elements are basic component parts of objective knowledge . They are different and correlated .

  10. 专利作为包含着丰富信息的技术知识单元,比科学论文更具有技术层面的特征。

    Patent as the technological knowledge unit containing abundant information , has more characteristics than scientific papers on the technical level .

  11. 从第四章开始,首先是对现有知识单元表示方法的叙述,然后提出了改进方法。

    In the first half of the fourth chapter expound ' multi-level knowledge unit ' method and the second half bring forward some improvement .

  12. 此外,研究了个性化的学习视图,设计完成了相应的知识单元学习页面及相应的生成算法。

    The personalized learning view is discussed too , and some schemes of learning scenes are designed and the corresponding algorithms are presented . 5 .

  13. 画法几何学课程的学习是逐步建立知识单元和知识结构链的知识建构的过程。

    Studying the descriptive geometry course was the process of knowledge construction , which mainly included organizing knowledge unit and knowledge structure chain step by step .

  14. 极大相容块是非完备信息系统中的最小知识单元,在非完备信息系统的知识表示、属性约简、粒度分析及知识获取方面有重要的应用价值。

    As minimum knowledge units , maximal consistent blocks are very useful for knowledge representation , attribute reduction , granular analysis and knowledge acquisition in incomplete information systems .

  15. 概念格的可视化给人们提供了直观的分析与观察知识单元内在关系的方法,然而概念格的布局却是相当困难的。

    The Hasse diagram of a concept lattice implements knowledge visualization . Concept lattice visualization provides an intuitionist method for analyzing and observing the internal relation of knowledge components .

  16. 同时为了更好的设计知识单元,以计算机网络课程为例,将知识点进行明确的划分和归类。

    At the same time , in order to design the knowledge unit better , it takes computer networking course as an example to divide and classify knowledge points clearly .

  17. 再次,提出了从知识单元生成诊断规则和贝叶斯网络的方法思路,以知识单元为基础,设计了集成智能诊断系统总体结构。

    Thirdly , the methods of producing rules and Bayesian network from Knowledge Unit are presented , the architecture of an integrated intelligent diagnosis system is designed based on Knowledge Unit .

  18. 在此基础上,建立了诊断维护知识单元模型和基于产品结构树的知识组织模式,进而给出了不同知识情景下的知识重用和知识发现方法。

    Then the diagnosis & maintenance knowledge unit model and pattern of knowledge organization based on product structure tree were set up , and the methods of knowledge reuse and knowledge discovery were provided .

  19. 本文系国家自然科学基金项目:科学信息离散分布的机理与模型研究的第五部分(知识单元离散分布的图形模拟)。

    This is the fifth part of National Natural Science Foundation Project & Research on Mechanism and Model of Scattering Distribution of Scientific Information ( The Graphical Description of Scattering Distribution of Knowledge Unit ) .

  20. 欣赏差异内核就是欣赏者之间不同主体图式结构的差异,主体图式结构并非抽象概念,正是它的内在构成&知识单元与能力构成影响着欣赏结果的差异状况。

    The essential contents of divergence in appreciation are difference of the subject schema , and the internal factor of schema & knowledge and capability influence the condition of the divergence in result of appreciation .

  21. 其中开发环节分为分析知识单元、建立序列结构、设计教学内容、设计教学交互、微视频开发制作、微课程实施设计、反馈与优化。

    The development is divided into the analyzing knowledge unit , establishing the sequence structure , designing course content , designing interactive teaching , developing micro-video , implementation design of micro-lectures , feedback and optimization .

  22. 在笔者看来,类比源、类比泉和类比知识单元的选择事关所类比对象的认识,决定类比成果的大小和意义。

    In author 's view , the choices of source of analogy , outcome of analogy and knowledge unit of analogy concern the understandings of analogy target ; determine the size and meaning of the analogy achievement .

  23. 通过学习行为模式,在学习行为、学习工具、知识单元和学习资源之间建立联系,从而实现学习行为的分析和个性化学习建模。

    By means of the learning behaviors modes , the learning behaviors , learning tools , knowledge units and learning resources can be connected , so the analysis of learning behaviors and personalized learning modeling can be implemented .

  24. 问题图式是能在问题解决过程中起核心作用的知识单元,图式一词虽然产生在国外,但人类的认知发展过程是相同的。

    Problem schemata are able to solve the problem at the process of the central role of knowledge unit , " schema " was produced in foreign countries though , but the process of human cognitive development is the same .

  25. 汤建民提出了类比的三要素,类比源、类比泉和类比知识单元,并对类比源和类比知识单元的选择作了初步的研究。

    Tang Jian-min has put forward the three factors of analogy : source of analogy , outcome of analogy , and knowledge unit of analogy , and has made preliminary research on the choices of source of analogy and knowledge unit of analogy .

  26. 然后,提出工作模式、心智影像中设计知识单元之间的功能联接,以及认知失误对设计型知识工作效率指标的影响关系的理论假设。然后通过实验和原案数据分析对理论假设进行验证。

    Then put forward three theoretical hypotheses about the affect of the work mode , functional connections among the design knowledge units in mental images , and the cognitive failure on the efficiency indexes , and used experiments and protocol analysis to verify the hypotheses .

  27. 在课程规划部分,本文提出了适应性教学规划的实现方法,通过自动选择讲解知识单元、自动安排讲解顺序、根据学生反应自动调整讲解顺序,使教学行为更具有适应性和针对性。

    In the course schedule , this thesis proposes an implementation of adaptive teaching schedule , through automatically selecting knowledge unit , sorting teaching sequence and adjusting knowledge unit queue according to the student 's behavior , the instructional procedure is more adaptive , and the performance is improved .

  28. 进一步讲,概念是知识的单元,于是根据一个领域中各客体间的关系(ontologicalrelation)和概念间的关系(logicalrelation)建立起来的概念体系,也正反映了该领域的知识结构。

    Furthermore , concept is the unit of knowledge so the concept system based on ontological relation and logical relation reflects the knowledge framework in this field .

  29. 在继电保护资源库物理模型的基础上,对继电保护教培资源中的基本素材、知识点单元和网络培训课程三者属性进行了标准化描述。

    The standardization description for the properties of material information , knowledge cell and network training course in relay protection teaching and training material on the basis of physical model of relay protection resource pool are also introduced .

  30. 为了解决多Agent(智能体)多工件的知识化制造单元的任务控制问题,提出一种新的矩阵自动机模型对知识化制造单元进行建模。

    In order to solve the task control problems existing in the knowledgeable manufacturing cell ( KMC ) with multi-agent and multi-workpiece , a new matrix-automaton is proposed to model the KMC .