- 网络Knowledge Extraction;knowledge abstraction

The evolution of OM and WEB Knowledge extraction effectively promote open integration of knowledge .
Research on Knowledge Extraction Technique in the CBT Development Platform
The Extraction of Information on the Diagnosis of Rheumatic Arthritis by Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on the Rough Set
New mapped knowledge with high reliability will be used to expand domain seed and ontology for the next iteration process .
In 1998 the World - Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ) inaugurated a research initiative centred on the idea of providing semantics for and facilitating the extraction of knowledge from the WWW.
Advances of the Studies on the Knowledge Extraction and Mining from the MEDLINE System
The paper mostly introduces how the knowledge extraction system is designed and realize in the CBT courseware development .
Third , we proposed text knowledge extraction models , including the definition of the concept of text knowledge , analysis of the text structure , transformation of web html to plain text , implement of key word extraction and the topic sentence extraction .
The system contains : database information visualization , WWW information visualization , graphical index technology and content-based retrieval , description and storage of knowledge , knowledge retrieval etc.
In these bases , a mutual knowledge extraction system is programmed .
Ontology-based Method of Knowledge Abstraction in Petrochemical Industry
Research on Extracting Community Knowledge for Question Answering
Applying the neural network in fuzzy systems may solve the fuzzy systems'knowledge extraction problem .
Knowledge Extraction from Medical Literature Database Using Association Rule Mining & Taking Four Anti-neoplastic Medicines as an Example
After analyzing and summarizing the related knowledge extraction system at home and abroad , we present the history and development trends of this field .
It also studied how to use ontology extracting knowledge and modeling knowledge , extracted essential features and attributes of knowledge utilizing ontology and described knowledge representation elements formally .
In order to meet the autonomy and intelligence requirements , the paper researched the knowledge extraction issues with breadth-first search algorithm and knowledge training plan with the improved weighted topological algorithm . 4 .
And natural language processing is the key technology to solve this problem . First , this paper gives out the background and research status of the topic on knowledge extraction from text resources .
Second , we summarized the related key technology to provide the theoretical basis to this paper , including natural language processing , Chinese word segmentation , the semantic similarity algorithm and commonly used dictionary .
We present the knowledge extracting algorithm which supporting inconsistent data The algorithm is based on the rough set theory in granular computing , and it can also be improved as an algorithm for incremental data set .
As librarians and information professionals must face the challenge brought by modern information techniques , the authors suggested that this research field should be emphasized as a key direction for shifting from document management to information management and knowledge management .
Abstraction of the Characteristic Knowledge in the Distillator Operation Process
Due to its powerful representation formalism and associated inference mechanism , the method has obvious advantages in knowledge abstraction .
The rough sets method is used to knowledge classification , uncertainty reasoning and attribute reduction . An example for product development was given .
It includes extracting knowledge elements from document information and then indexing them , building knowledge element warehouse and knowledge warehouse , and setting up the knowledge grid platform of digital library .
The regularized neural network is used to learn and predict the data . Rough set can extract rule knowledge in the neural network , which can be used to predict the time series ' behavior in the future .
Since it is convenient to extract and express the information in fuzzy system , which can approximate the nonlinear function defined in compact set at any precision , it is preferable to other methods in the modeling of the complicated nonlinear system .
Personalized Web Query System Based on Domain Knowledge and Information Extraction
In the framework , the autonomy and coordination of agent are employed to assist user formulate extraction queries , to learn extraction rules on the base of knowledge bases and so on .
Semantic Model-Based Information Extraction Strategy of Digital Library Knowledge Organization