
  • 网络knowledge reasoning;knowledge inference
  1. 知识推理在GIS中的应用

    The Application of Knowledge Reasoning in the Geographical Information System

  2. GIS知识推理操作中的误差度量和传播

    Error Measurement and Propagation in GIS Knowledge Reasoning Operation

  3. 基于模糊Petri网的知识推理与维护系统的设计

    Knowledge Reason and Maintenance System Design Based on Fuzzy Petri Net

  4. 一种模糊Petri网的逆向知识推理方法设计实现

    Design and Implement on a Backward Reasoning Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Petri Net

  5. 基于事例知识推理方法(CaseBasedReasoning,CBR)是解决CRM中客户支持和服务子系统的问题的重要方法。

    Case based reasoning ( CBR ) is machine study method used to solve to client service sub-system in CRM .

  6. 基于概念语义网络图的RDF知识推理研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of RDF Knowledge Reasoning based on Concept Semantic Network Graph

  7. 规划识别(PlanRecognition)是近年来人工智能领域比较活跃的研究热点,它已经广泛应用于知识推理、自然语言识别和入侵检测等多个领域,并且取得了较好的研究成果。

    Plan Recognition is an active research focus on artificial intelligence now . It has been widely used in knowledge inference and intrusion detection etc. And it has achieved good results .

  8. 探讨了GIS知识推理操作中误差的来源、分类和度量并基于可能性理论给出了推理过程中的误差传播律。

    This paper discusses the source , classifiCation and measurement of error in GIS knowledge Reasoning operation , and introduces the error propAgation law in reasoning procedure based on the Possibility theory .

  9. 利用嵌入式CLIPS作为系统的知识推理机,实现了装配体设计的智能化设计。

    Embedded CLIPS is used as the knowledge inference engine to the system and intelligent injection mould assembly design is realized .

  10. 对信息不完全(Incomplete)的知识推理是语义网应用研究的组成部分,这就需要一种能够有效处理不完全信息的本体推理机对不完全本体正常进行推理。

    The incomplete knowledge reasoning for information is an integral part of the Semantic Web applications , and the ontology inference engine which can effectively deal with the incomplete information is needed .

  11. 提出了一种改进的残差GM(1,1)模型进行资源性能的预测;同时基于资源性能的预测,结合知识推理,研究了任务时间特性的预测。

    An improved residual error GM ( 1,1 ) model is adopted to predict the resource performance and furthermore prediction of time characteristics of tasks are studied with combination of knowledge reasoning .

  12. 介绍一种基于时间Petri网的时间知识推理算法,它是在已有算法的基础上,引入模糊时间区间的操作进行扩展而形成。

    The paper presents a temporal knowledge reasoning algorithm based on Time Petri Nets ( TPN ) . At the base of existing algorithm , the fuzzy time interval is used to develop the algorithm .

  13. 本文把Rough理论引入本体,利用Rough处理不确定的关系,并结合protege以及Jess推理机进行知识推理和发现。

    This essay brings the Rough into ontology , makes use of the Rough to deal with uncertain relationship , and then integrates the protege and Jess to deduct and discover acknowledge .

  14. 本文利用多源知识推理的方法以CBERS影像为数据源,对黄河中下游引黄灌区-山东省德州市的主要农作物进行种植面积和空间分布的监测。

    This paper using CBERS-02 CCD images to monitor the main crops sown area and spatial distribution in an irrigation district along the lower Yellow River-Dezhou of Shandong Province .

  15. 从概念的外延和内涵、物体的内部组成结构以及对物体划分方式出发,对产生不同类型的Part-whole关系的原因进行了深入分析,并得出了一些基于Part-whole关系的知识推理规则。

    According to the extension and intension of concept , the compositional structure , and partition way , the different types of part-whole relation are presented .

  16. 借助人工智能的知识推理和计算机网络技术,系统将HACCP和GMP等理念有机地融入到出口蔬菜生产过程中,旨在实现出口蔬菜安全生产的过程控制,以保证出口蔬菜生产整个过程的安全。

    Especially , incorporating Hazard Analyses Critical Control Points ( HACCP ) in the safety production controlling of export vegetable and using knowledge inference of artifical intelligence and computer network technology in this system allows for assuring of process controlling and safety .

  17. 工艺知识推理使能模型及其实现技术

    Study on Enable Modeling & Implementation Technique of Process Knowledge inferring

  18. 知识推理在异构信息流数据识别中的研究

    Research of Knowledge Inference in Data Recognition of Various Structure Information Fluid

  19. 基于知识推理的博弈树搜索算法

    Search Algorithm for Game of Checkers Based on Knowledge Inference

  20. 略论认知语境在语篇推理中的局限性基于动态认知逻辑的多主体系统知识推理研究

    Research on Knowledge Reasoning in Multi-Agent System Based on Dynamic Epistemic Logic

  21. 基于多种知识推理的综合故障诊断系统的设计

    Design of a Multi-Knowledge Inference Based Integrated Exception Diagnosing System

  22. 基于工作流技术的知识推理过程建模及推理引擎的开发

    Research on Reasoning Process Modeling and Knowledge Engine Development Based on Workflow Technology

  23. 避免了对图像检索的庞大计算量以及建立知识推理库的复杂过程。

    The complex processes of searching images and establishing knowledge database are avoided .

  24. 研究了基于知识推理的目标关联。

    The method based on knowledge reasoning is employed in targets association algorithm .

  25. 基于知识推理的导向器类零件精铸模具单元体智能切分

    Splitting Integral Guiding Device Part for Wax - mold Design Base on Knowledge Reasoning

  26. 一种知识推理规则归纳系统的实现

    Realization of a Knowledge Inference Rule Induction System

  27. 通用可视化网络建模的知识推理

    Knowledge inference of general visual network modeling

  28. 该系统的音节识别率为90%,根据知识推理,词组的识别率为93.5%。

    The syllable recognition accuracy is 90 % and the phrase recognition accuracy is 93.5 % .

  29. 利用知识推理技术辅助进行功能和意图向结构模板的映射,提高系统的智能性。

    And knowledge reasoning technology was used to aid the mapping from function and intention to structure template .

  30. 集成投入产出模型和知识推理企业潜力挖掘分析的探讨

    Integrating Input and Output model and Knowledge Reasoning in Discussing the way to explore the potential of enterprise