
  • 网络Knowledge Integration
  1. 基于本体和语义Web服务的供应链知识集成

    Supply Chain Knowledge Integration Based on Ontology and Semantic Web Services

  2. 基于WebServices的现代企业内容管理与知识集成技术

    Web Services-based Modern Enterprise Content Management and Knowledge Integration Technology

  3. 基于本体和SEMANTICWEB技术的产品知识集成基础研究

    Pilot Study for Ontology & Semantic Web Based Product Knowledge Integration

  4. 基于XML的知识集成中间件系统实现

    Implementation of A XML-based Knowledge Integration Middleware System

  5. 本文的研究是基于语义WEB的企业应用集成、领域知识集成的基础性研究工作。

    The study is the fundament of enterprise application integration ( EAI ) and knowledge integration based on semantic web .

  6. 分析发现,语义Web技术应用于企业知识集成管理系统能达到双赢的效果。

    It can be found that applying the technology of semantic Web to knowledge integration system is a " win-win " solution .

  7. 基于Ontology的知识集成建模研究

    Research on Knowledge Integration Model Based on Ontology

  8. 基于本体的CAPP知识集成和知识检索的研究。

    CAPP knowledge integration and retrieval based on ontology have been studied .

  9. 一种CIMS知识集成系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of a Knowledge Integrating System in CIMS

  10. 知识集成是CIMS的重要集成内容。

    The knowledge integration is the important integration content in CIMS .

  11. 首次探讨了可视化建模语言Petri网对适应性知识集成的支持。

    The visual language Petri nets is used in adaptive knowledge aggregation for the first time .

  12. 又进一步提出了一个基于Agent的分布式数据挖掘形式模型,并结合数据挖掘方法和知识集成技术对该模型进行了深入的分析和讨论。

    Further it presents a formalized model of agent - based distributed data mining , and combining data mining methods with knowledge integration it discusses and analyzes deeply the model .

  13. 其中利用扩展置标语言(XML)表达本体来解决协作知识集成和分布式知识互操作;用工作流技术描述协作过程来解决协作过程互操作;

    The ontology is represented by XML to solve the integration of collaborative knowledge and interoperability of distributed knowledge , and the collaborative process based on workflow technology .

  14. 基于模糊TOPSIS的复杂产品研发团队知识集成能力评价

    Evaluation of Knowledge Integration Capability Based on Fuzzy TOPSIS in Complex Product Development Team

  15. 最后,提出了一种基于Ontology的知识集成的模型,并分别以面向领域和面向任务的不同情报研究课题为例,探索了情报研究中知识集成模型的应用方案。

    At last , we puts forward a model of knowledge integration based on Ontology , and discuss some schemes for application based on domain and task which faced different problems of Intelligence Analysis .

  16. 语义化过程是知识集成的另一关键技术,研究了XML数据语义化过程的实现框架、数学定义、实现步骤,并给出示例。

    The process of changing into semantic is another key technique of knowledge integration , it studies the carrying out frame , mathematical definition and the carrying out step of the XML data changing into semantic process , and show the examples .

  17. 该系统将信息集成的Mediation方法扩展到知识集成范围,整个系统分为三层,包括信息抽取层、知识中介层和用户接口层。

    The system extends the Mediation method for Information Integration to the field of Knowledge Integration and there are three layers in this system which includes from bottom to top Information Collection Layer , Knowledge Mediation Layer and User Interface Layer .

  18. 介绍了知识集成的研究背景、分析了现有的知识建模、知识集成系统的建立方法和需要解决的问题,说明了知识集成的基石XML、RDF、Ontology;

    Introduced the research background of knowledge integration , analysed the present knowledge modeling , establish method and the problem have to be solve of knowledge integration system , explained foundation stone of knowledge integration , that is XML , RDF , Ontology ;

  19. 人工神经网络遥感影像分类模型及其与知识集成方法研究

    ANN Remote Sensing Classification Model and Its Integration Approach with Geo-knowledge

  20. 综合集成包括“知识集成”和“系统综合”两层含义。

    ME includes two parts : integrating knowledge and synthesizing system .

  21. 基于本体的模具企业知识集成系统研究

    Research on ontology-based knowledge integration system for die and mould enterprise

  22. OKIAS:一个基于本体的知识集成及应用系统

    OKIAS : A Knowledge Integration and Application System Based on Ontology

  23. 基于信息和知识集成的汽轮机智能诊断

    Intelligent Diagnosis of Steam Turbines Based on Information and Knowledge Integration

  24. 信息资源集成与知识集成比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Information Resources Integration and Knowledge Integration

  25. 需要多学科多领域知识集成等显著特点,导致其研究进展缓慢,软件开发困难。

    Multiple fields need to be integrated and so on .

  26. 知识集成的工作流管理系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Knowledge Integrated Workflow Management System

  27. 基于本体的制造企业知识集成技术的研究

    The Research of Knowledge Integration Technology Based on Ontology for Manufacturing Enterprise

  28. 知识集成模式研究网络计算的模式演变

    Models of Knowledge Integration A study of the evolution of network computing

  29. 供应链流程管理中的知识集成研究

    Study on Knowledge Integration in Process Management of Supply Chain

  30. 知识集成在系统集成创新中占重要地位。

    Knowledge integration plays an important role in innovation by system integration .