
  • 网络Knowledge Access
  1. 其次,研究了已有的案例表达模型,提出了独立于领域并独立于案例模式的案例表达模型,分析了案例知识存取的流程,设计并实现了系统框架中案例知识存取管理。

    Secondly , the old case representation models are researched , and the ontology-based case representation model is proposed , which is domain independent and case structure independent . The flow of case knowledge access is analyzed , and is also designed and implemented in our framework .

  2. 从图书馆全部活动中概括抽象得出:图书馆的本质特征是知识存取。

    In this thesis , the writer generalizes a conclusion that the storage and output of knowledge is the essential feature of a library .

  3. 用知识存取描述图书馆学研究对象,并阐述知识存取论的意义。

    He used the theory of storage and output of knowledge to describe the study object of library science and elucidated the significance of the theory of storage and output of knowledge .

  4. 一种基于主题图的组织知识的分布式存取架构

    A Framework for Distributed Storage / Retrieval of Organizational Knowledge Based on Topic Maps

  5. 可以说,数字图书馆将实现对人类知识的普遍存取,并最终消除人们在信息获取方面的不平等。

    We can say , the digital library will realize the general access of human knowledge , and dispel people 's inequality in information acquisition finally .

  6. 依据提出的架构,易于实现组织知识的分布式存取和提高组织知识管理的有效性。

    According to the model , it is easy to realize distributed storage / retrieval of organizational knowledge and can heighten the validity of knowledge management .

  7. 在开放存取运动中,机构知识库、学科知识库和开放存取期刊成为这个运动的主要分支,而其中又以机构知识库的发展最为迅速。

    Institutional repository , discipline repository , and open access journal are the three main embranchments of the open access movement . In the three embranchments , institutional repository develops most quickly .

  8. 近年来,知识可视化被人们广泛应用于知识的存取、交流、评估和日常管理等方面,在帮助人们提高学习绩效和有效解决信息过载等问题方面有着举足轻重的作用。

    In recent years , knowledge visualization has been widely used in knowledge access , communication , assessment and daily management , etc. Knowledge visualization has a pivotal role in helping people to improve learning performance and effective solution to such issues as information overload .