
  • 网络knowledge fermentation;knowledge fermenting
  1. 优化产业集群知识发酵模型需要加强技术创新的扩散,应采取强化集群知识传播与碰撞、优化集群知识发酵环境、构建集群知识发酵激励机制等对策。

    To optimize the industrial fermentation knowledge cluster model , we need to strengthen technical innovation diffusion , and should be taken these countermeasures such as strengthening the dissemination and collision of cluster knowledge , optimizing the environments , and building the incentive systems of cluster knowledge fermentation .

  2. 从知识发酵机理看管理咨询的成败

    Seeing Success / Defeat of Management Consultation from Knowledge Fermenting

  3. 基于知识发酵理论的知识管理系统框架研究

    System Framework of Knowledge Management Base on Knowledge Fermenting

  4. 基于知识发酵的组织核心能力研究

    Study on Organizational Core Competence Based on Knowledge Fermenting

  5. 知识发酵可以极大地加速项目管理中新知识的获得。

    Knowledge fermenting can speed up the obtainment of new knowledge in project management .

  6. 项目管理中的知识发酵

    Knowledge fermenting in project management

  7. 基于数据库的产生式知识表达及其在发酵过程中的应用

    A production knowledge representation based on a database and its application in a fermentation process

  8. 记住,许多庸人自扰的问题,都是来自我们过去所吸收的烂知识中,因发酵而生的。

    Listen ! Many needlessly worried problems fermented in and from the bad knowledge that we have absorbed .

  9. 随后,根据组织知识与学习的特点提出知识发酵模型,并尝试用知识发酵来解释现存的有关核心能力的各种思想,提出基于知识发酵的组织核心能力的含义。

    Thirdly , this paper offer theModel of Knowledge Fermenting , try to explain the theory of core competence by it , and put forward meanings of core competence based on it .

  10. 知识经纪人与组织知识创新:基于知识发酵视角

    Knowledge Broker and Knowledge Creating in an Organization : from the Perspective of Knowledge Fermenting

  11. 在融知&发酵模型中,知识集聚就是融知的过程,是知识发酵的必要条件和前提条件,而知识发酵是创造新知识的过程。

    In the knowledge blending-fermenting model , Knowledge Agglomeration is the knowledge blending process , as the necessary and the precondition of the knowledge fermenting process .