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gǔ pí
  • drum head
鼓皮[gǔ pí]
  1. 著名的击鼓是由交替按贴在鼓皮的控制反弹努力。

    The famous drum roll is produced by alternatively pressing the sticks on the drum head striving for a controlled rebound .

  2. 如果底鼓前面没有鼓皮,那么就把麦克固定在鼓腔内距踩锤击打位置1英尺的位置。

    If there 's no front kick drum head , position the mic inside the bass drum about a foot back from the point where the beater hits .

  3. 鼓皮的一圈被生牛皮紧紧地勒住了。

    The drum skin was tightly strapped over the circle rawhide laces .

  4. 应用ISD1420系列集成语音电路发音,红外光控器的通断对应鼓槌敲击,模拟鼓槌敲击鼓皮振动发声,制作了无皮鼓。

    Using ISD1420 series integrated phonetic circuit to produce sound and infrared diode on-off switch to simulate the beating process , a drum without drumhead is invented .

  5. 鼓手需要一个非常舒适的踩锤击打鼓皮的感觉。

    The drummer needs to be comfortable with the feel of the beater hitting the head .

  6. 如果你用填充物,把填充物一边往后移一边问鼓手,以得到一个合适的、一个在为了踩锤而没有把鼓皮调节的过分松弛的情况下尽可能多的低频下潜的调节。

    If using padding , pull back the padding and ask the drummer to get the tuning " even " and as low as possible without making the head too loose for the beater .

  7. 反鼓取皮移植治疗大面积皮肤撕脱伤的护理

    Anti-drum skin transplantation in the treatment of large area skin laceration nursing

  8. 通过滑动以改变鼓弦张力的皮环。

    A leather loop that slides to change the tension on the cord of a drum .

  9. 孩子们吃起红肠土豆来总是吃得肚皮胀鼓鼓的。鼓手需要一个非常舒适的踩锤击打鼓皮的感觉。

    The children would eat sausage and mash until it came out of their ears . The drummer needs to be comfortable with the feel of the beater hitting the head .

  10. 考虑到落地桶鼓是在标准垂直方向上:如用木地板,当鼓手击鼓,下面的鼓皮也要跟随着震动。

    Consider a floor tom mounted in a standard vertical orientation : With a hardwood floor , when the player hits the drum the bottom head vibrates sympathetically .