
  1. 黄河文明有建设与钻研的传统,有思考和记录的习惯。

    The Yellow river civilization is of construction , documentation , meditation and investigation .

  2. 黄河文明中心不断转移的生态环境研究

    The Studies of Ecological Environment of Sustainable Shifts of the Center of Yellow River Civilization

  3. 自然环境对黄河文明形成的影响&炎黄二帝称谓的内涵与中华文明的诞生

    The Effect of the Huanghe Valley Civilization by Natural Environment & The Connotation of Yan-Huang and Naissance of Chinese Civilization

  4. 起源于黄河文明的中国服饰文化深受传统东方文化的影响,追求精神层面。

    Chinese fashion culture originating from yellow river civilization is deeply affected by the traditional eastern culture and strives to pursue its spiritual level .

  5. 由于嵩山处于黄河文明的中心地带,以其得天独厚的优势成为历代帝王们优先祭祀的对象。

    As Mount Song in the center of the Yellow River civilization , with its unique strengths to become imperial dynasties are priority targets of worship .

  6. 阆中,在长江文明与黄河文明之间,同时开启的巴蜀文明的一块文化富集之地!

    Langzhong , between the Yangtze River civilizations and the Yellow River civilizations , is a culturally rich land for the simultaneously – existed Ba and Shu civilizations .

  7. 黄河文明主要形成与发展与黄河中下游地区,在自然地理上主要包括黄土高原与华北平原两部分。

    The Yellow River Civilization has mainly been formed and developed in the middle and the lower reaches which cover loess plateau and North China Plain in natural geography .

  8. 陈炉镇陶瓷正是黄河文明的代表性艺术品,而且每一件作品往往携带着它诞生时所处时代丰富的文明印迹。

    The ceramics in the Town of Chenlu is a representative art for such civilization and each piece of work is always carved with marks of the era at its birth .

  9. 真正能够代表黄河文明及其祥和循法与礼仪之邦本质的吉祥物不是表征帝王、皇权,面目狰狞和张牙舞爪的龙,而是作为法道德的象征与面目和蔼可亲的羊。

    It is the " sheep ", standing for justice , morality and clemency that best represents " Yellow River Civilization " rather than the ferocious dragon symbolizing emperor and imperial power .

  10. 传统理论在中华文明起源的问题上,一致认为中华文明起源于中国北方,并以黄河文明为代表。

    On the issue of the traditional theory of the origin of Chinese civilization , It is agreed that Chinese civilization originated from northern which is represented as the Yellow River civilization represented .

  11. 黄河流域文明的发祥与发展

    Origin and Development of Civilization in the Huanghe River Valley

  12. 同时也出现了由新石器晚期各区域文化满天星斗的格局向黄河中游文明中心转变的特点。

    Meanwhile , the situation of the starry sky of regional cultures in the late neolithic period started to transfer to the middle reaches of the Yellow River where the center of Chinese civilization was taking shape .

  13. 北方游牧文明、黄河农耕文明、长江水稻文明被称为是中华文明的三大源头。

    Nomadic civilization in the northern country , the agriculture civilization in the Yellow River region , the rice civilization in the Changjiang River , this three parts could be treated together as the origin of the Chinese civilization .

  14. 第一节是对齐鲁山水画艺术的文化精神的探究,包括齐鲁山水画艺术对儒家文化精神的展现和对中原文化气质的显示以及黄河历史文明的表征。

    The first section of Qilu traditional painting art cultural spirit of inquiry , including Qilu traditional painting art on the Confucian cultural spirit and the Central Plains culture temperament of the display and the the Yellow River historical civilization characterization .

  15. 黄河是中国文明的摇篮。

    Yellow River is the origination of the Chinese cilvilization .

  16. 黄河是中华文明的摇篮。

    The Yellow River is the cradle of Chinesecivilization .

  17. 夏禹的功业,据说开辟了黄河流域迈向文明的道路。

    Yu of the Xia Dynasty exploited the road towards civilization in the Huanghe River Basin .

  18. 黄河中游早期文明起源及人类生产活动,与本区气候关系有很好的耦合性。

    The early civilization origin and human activity of the middle reaches of Yellow River are closely related to the climate in this area .

  19. 此前的观念是,中国文化只有一个源头,黄河是中国文明的唯一摇监。

    The belief used to be that there was only one source of Chinese culture , and that the Yellow River was the only cradle of her civilisation .

  20. 河南省的大部分地区自古至今都是我国主要的农业区,以洛阳为中心的大河南北地区是中国黄河流域农业文明的起源地。

    The most places of Henan are principal agricultural area since ancient times , the place around Luoyang city along the banks of Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese agricultural civilization .

  21. 而且,这个遗址位于长江上游,对黄河是中华文明的唯一起源这一理论提出了质疑。

    And , located on the upper part of the Yangtze River , the site challenges the common idea that Chinese civilization rose from a single source - the Yellow River valley .

  22. 李白继承了诗酒风流传统,同时又借助于胡地以及黄河、长江文明的综合气质,为我们民族的精神体验、审美体验提供了一个新的空间和新的形式。

    Li Bai inherited the romantic tradition of poetizing and drinking with the help of synthesizing civilization qualities of foreign land , Yellow River and Yangtze River areas , offering a new space and a new form of spiritual and aesthetic experiences for our nation .

  23. 黄河长江&中华文明的摇篮

    The Yellow River and The Yangtze River & Cradle of The Chinese Civilization

  24. 黄河流域,中国文明的摇篮

    " The Yellow River Valley , the cradle of The Chinese civilization "

  25. 黄河孕育了华夏文明,哺育了中华民族的成长,塑造了中华民族自强不息、坚忍不拔的民族品格。在炎黄子孙的心目中,黄河已经不是一般意义上的自然河流。

    With the broad mind , it bred Huaxia civilization , nurtured the Chinese nation going , and created hard-working , persevering and resilient national character . In the minds of the Chinese , the Yellow River is not the natural river in general sense .

  26. 以洛阳为中心的黄河南北地区是中国黄河流域农业文明的起源地。

    Centering on Luoyang , the southern and northern areas along Yellow River are the origin of agriculture culture of Yellow River drainage area .

  27. 黄河和黄土高原是世界上独一无二的自然地理单元,黄河流域是中华文明的发祥地。

    The Yellow River and the Loess Plateau is the unique natural geographical unit in the world . The Yellow River basin was the birthplace of the Chinese civilization .