- continue high; stay high

Fish growers and analysts expect prices to stay high .
The interior of Corsica is high and untamed .
The combination of high property prices and laziness has left many parents with the surprise -- one that is not always welcome -- of finding their thirtysomething children are not in a rush to leave .
Moreover , according to the World Bank , soaring food prices threaten to make at least 100m more people hungry .
As a result , oil has stayed expensive , in spite of the worst economic downturn since the great depression .
LIBOR remains particularly elevated when compared with the official overnight rate the federal funds rate of 2 per cent .
With flat nominal gross domestic products , countries with high interest rates are at risk of falling into a debt trap .
Despite sluggish GDP growth , high unemployment , and the squeeze on the middle class , car and truck sales are rising .
Further deals are expected this year as continued high oil prices boost the spending power of the six states in the Gulf Cooperation Council region .
If those margins fall faster than GDP rises , investors could start to reconsider some of the hefty valuations they 've pinned on equities .
The Italian budget deficit is relatively moderate at just over 4 per cent of GDP and Italy has managed a high level of government debt for decades .
The Federal Reserve , European Central Bank and the Bank of England are likely to keep interest rates on hold this week , amid a deteriorating global growth and continued high inflation .
The rapid rise in domestic prices , CPI is high ; people face the risk of rapid depreciation of individual property .
Tokyo-based market research firm mm Research Institute reports that e-reader demand was weaker in Japan last year than expected owing to the high price of e-books in Japan , their relative scarcity , and competition with smartphones and tablets .
Oil prices are also hindering interest rates cuts in Europe where the Bank of England and European Central Bank remain worried about high inflation .
Yang Siming , general manager of Nanjing Iron & steel , told a steel conference in Xiamen this week that most Chinese steel mills had cut output because of shrinking demand and high costs of raw materials .
For all the concern , the world today is better equipped to swallow expensive oil than it was when Jimmy Carter was installing solar panels and a wood-burning stove in the White House .
The performances is that large variance growths rapidly between saves and loans . M2 and M1 continually deviation , excess reserve of banks has a high level and money market interest rate has a low level .
Large state-owned power companies have no choice but to keep operating and we have seen strong power generation growth from them so far this year despite the high coal prices , said Daisy Zhang , an analyst with BNP Paribas in Shanghai .
Ronald Reagan at precisely the same moment in his administration the midterm of 1982 his presidency similarly bogged down in recession and high unemployment , had identical poll numbers as Mr Obama , stuck around the mid-40s .
A combination of economic reforms , a favourable global environment and high oil prices produced real GDP growth across the region of 6.5 per cent last year , bringing up average per capita incomes 75 per cent higher than 2002 , the first year of this petrodollar boom .
Ipsos believes the absence of a recovery in consumer confidence to match signs of economic recovery reflects high levels of unemployment in many developed economies .
Imposter fears are common among men and women alike , research shows , and are blamed for an array of problems , from high college-failure and dropout rates to low female participation in math , engineering and science jobs .
According to two G20 officials , the draft communiqu é made reference to the risk to global growth from high commodity prices , and welcomed the commitment of oil-producing countries to provide adequate supply . But it made no reference to Iran or sanctions .
In recent years China has been confronted with the huge inflationary pressures , due to the subprime mortgage crisis , the European debt crisis caused by the shock of the global financial markets and the domestic CPI and PPI high and severe shock .
Worse , the exchanges , which have a business interest in high volume , encourage co-location whereby traders can route their orders to servers in the same location as the exchanges ' computer matching systems .
When oil prices are high , it is also cheaper .
Very high rough prices reflect a starved pipeline that needs replenishment .
Partly because high prices are putting off India 's jewellery buyers .
Late treatment was a major reason for the high death rate .