
cān yǐn bù
  • food and beverage department
餐饮部[cān yǐn bù]
  1. 听说这次餐饮部经理是被挖角来的?

    I heard that the food and beverage department manager was recruited from another company .

  2. 义务消防队主要由保安部、工程部、管家部、餐饮部和前厅部男员工组成。以上部门必须每班保证有两名义务消防队成员当班。

    The Fire Fighting Team of the hotel is made up of male staff mainly from the Security Department , Engineering Department , Housekeeping Department , Food and Beverage Department and Front Office .

  3. 我们亦有为酒店餐饮部(HotelFood&Beverage)提供拍摄服务,惹味卖相能引起顾客食欲。

    We are also provide photography service to Hotel Food & Beverage Department .

  4. 该校餐饮部负责人艾莉森·奥古特说,解密这本名为“FormeofCury”的中世纪菜谱是一种挑战。

    Alison Aucott , general catering manager , said it had been a " challenge " deciphering the book , Forme of Cury .

  5. 酒店餐饮部的高级经理克里斯托夫·特拉夫尼切克(ChristophTravniczek)说,他们存有1700种酒,每瓶至少价值75美元,而最贵的可以达到几千美元。

    Among them , they stock 1700 labels , costing at least $ 75 a bottle and as much as several thousand United States dollars at the top end , said Christoph Travniczek , a senior manager for food and beverage at the hotel .

  6. 我会立即与餐饮部经理联系。

    I 'll contact the Food and Beverage Manager at once .

  7. 酒吧间服务员要对餐饮部经理负责。

    The bar steward be accountable to the beverage manager .

  8. 配合总监完成餐饮部的菜单和酒单的制作。

    Assist complete food and beverage menu and drink list with Director .

  9. 我在餐饮部喝了一杯茶。

    I had a cup of tea in the canteen .

  10. 我们的餐饮部经理会与您联系的。

    Our Food and Beverage Manager will be contacting you .

  11. 热烈欢迎您来到东莞喜来登大酒店餐饮部。

    Welcome to the Food & Beverage department at the Sheraton Dongguan hotel .

  12. 就所有顾客的问题立即与餐饮部总监联系。

    Communicate all guest issues immediately to the Director of Food and Beverage .

  13. 协助收货部验收餐饮部物品。

    Assist receiving to receive f & b goods .

  14. 他们走到对面的车站餐饮部去。

    They went across to the station buffet .

  15. 保证餐饮部的工作与相关要求一致。

    Ensure that there is compliance with the work legislation in Food and Beverage departments .

  16. 餐饮部仓库中各个物品应设立货卡。

    Bin card will be maintained for each item in the f & b storeroom .

  17. 确保餐饮部的所有电话都能快速、准确地接听。

    To ensure that all telephones within the F & B Department are answered promptly and correctly .

  18. 餐饮部和维修工程部员工也必须尽自己的职责。

    The food and beverage service and the maintenance and engineering staffs must also do their parts .

  19. 我原来是国有饭店的职工,还当过餐饮部经理。

    I used to be employees of state-owned hotels , but also as a food and beverage manager .

  20. 我们的产品包括:清洁护理产品、餐饮部产品、洗衣房产品等。

    Our products include : cleaning care products , food and beverage , product , wash Clothing room products .

  21. 而且在饭店内部,贫困员工部门分布较集中在客房和餐饮部。

    In addition , in hotel , the poor staffs are concentrated in rooms and F & B departments .

  22. 上海希尔顿酒店荣幸地宣布潘瑞科先生新近被聘任为餐饮部总监。

    Hilton Shanghai is pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Urs Buder as Director of Food & Beverage .

  23. 魏先生此前在颇受赞誉的旧金山丽嘉酒店餐饮部担任主管,负责相同职务。

    Having previously led the food and beverage division in the award-winning ritz-carlton , San Francisco in the same capacity , Mr.

  24. 制定宾馆餐饮部和客房部的销售计划,并监督每月的销售业绩;

    Making the sales programs for the restaurant and guest room in the hotel ; and supervising the monthly sales results ;

  25. 与前厅部和餐饮部做日常沟通以确保顾客受到最高水准接待。

    Communicate daily with Front Office and Food & Beverage departments to ensure that customers are receiving the highest level of service possible .

  26. 餐饮部的作业可划分为摆台、迎接客人、点菜、烹制、结账、清理。

    Food and beverage operations can be divided as table , welcome the guests , ordering food , cooking , cleaning and checkout .

  27. 酒店管理具体专业实习内容涉及到酒店前厅部、客房部、餐饮部、工程部、营销部、康乐部等多个部门。

    Hotel Management Internship specific content related to hotel front office , housekeeping , catering , engineering , marketing , recreation and other departments .

  28. 杰罗姆•卢西亚尼在2004年进入希尔顿酒店集团,担任坎昆希尔顿高尔夫度假村餐饮部总监。

    Luciani joined Hilton Worldwide in2004 to fill his most recent role as director of food and beverage , Hilton Cancun Golf & Spa Resort .

  29. 大一广交会期间我在金苑酒店前台实习,大二在花园酒店餐饮部实习,大三在白天鹅宾馆实习。

    During my freshman Fair Jinyuan hotel reception practice , sophomore at Garden Hotel food and beverage internship , junior internship at the White Swan Hotel .

  30. 制定并管理餐饮部的预算,开展促销活动。增加销售额,控制成本及提高利润。

    Develops and administers f & b budget , action plan and promotional activities of the department ; stimulates sales and profit , controls operating expenses .