
yù jī zōnɡ hé zhēnɡ
  • Preexcitation syndrome;pre-excitation
  1. 探讨间歇性预激综合征的形成机制。

    Objective Explore the mechanism of intermittent pre-excitation syndrome ( IPS ) .

  2. 预激综合征旁道传导的裂隙现象

    Gap Phenomenon during Accessory Pathway Conduction with Pre-Excitation Syndrom

  3. 预激综合征合并QRS波群增宽的快速性心律失常

    Stability of the relativistic shock waves Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome with wide QRS tachyarrhythmias

  4. 食管心房调搏诊断预激综合征宽QRS心动过速

    A diagnosis of preexcitation syndrome with wide-QRS tachycardia using transesophageal atrial pacing

  5. 结果:①10组显性预激综合征δ波时间与ΔPR均呈高度相关(P<0.01);

    Results : ① The delta waves was significantly correlated with △ PR in 10 groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 目的探讨预激综合征对QRS中间向量的影响及临床意义。

    Objective To discuss the influence of preexcatation syndrome on QRS middle vector and its clinical significance .

  7. 目的探讨预激综合征对额面QRS电轴和横面移行区的影响。

    Objective To discuss the influence of preexcitation syndrome on the frontal QRS axis and horizontal transitional zone .

  8. 预激综合征的外科治疗&附W.P.W.-B型、A型Kent氏束切断各一例报告

    Surgical Treatment of W-P-W Syndrome

  9. 目的:为了确定某些部位的预激综合征是否可引起QRS终末向量改变。

    Objective : The purpose of this investigation was to confirm the changes of QRS ter-minal vector in some patients with preexcitation syndrome .

  10. 采用单导管射频消融法治疗12例预激综合征(WPW)。

    Twelve patients with WPW were treated by single catheter ablation .

  11. 其中WPW综合征A型5例,B型17例,LGL综合征2例,隐匿性预激综合征7例。

    LGL syndrome 2 cases , 7 cases of concealed preexcitation syndrome .

  12. 结论预激综合征患者妊娠期间心律失常的易感性增加,并以房室旁束(kent束)参与的室上性心动过速最常见。

    Conclusion : Patients with preexcitation syndrome were susceptible to arrhythmia , and it was most usual in supraventricular tachycardia with accessory pathway ( Kent ) .

  13. 方法选择46例成人显性预激综合征患者行射频消融术,观察射频消融前后的心室复极离散度指标(QTd和JTd)的变化。

    Methods The changes of repolarization dispersion indices before and after successful radiofrequency ablation in 46 adult patients with overt preexcitation were observed .

  14. 应用核素时相分析(RPA)对15例正常人及17例预激综合征患者射频消蚀(RFCA)术前、术后进行了分析。

    Radionuclide phase analysis ( RPA ) was carried out in 15 normals and 17 Wolff-Parkinson-White ( W-P-W ) syndrome before and after RFCA ( radiofrequency ablation ) .

  15. 目的报告三尖瓣下移畸形(Ebstein畸形)合并预激综合征(W-P-W)患者手术治疗后的护理经验。

    Objective To sum up the experience of postoperative intensive care of Ebstein syndrome in patients with Wolf-Parkinson-White ( W-P-W ) syndrome .

  16. 预激综合征PJ间期延长提示并房室或束支阻滞,但PJ间期正常不能排除并束支阻滞。

    PJ interval prolongation indicates atrioventricular conduction delay or ventricular conduction block , but bundle branch block cannot be excluded when the PJ interval iS normal .

  17. 在学生健康服务中心,医生给她做了心电图,并诊断她患有一种叫做沃尔夫-帕金森-怀特氏症候群(Wolff-Parkinson-WhiteSyndrome,WPW症候群,预激综合征)的疾病,这是一种心脏传导的异常现象。

    At the student health services centre , a doctor gave her an EKG , and diagnosed her with something called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome , a heart condition in which the electrical signaling in the heart malfunctions .

  18. 目的评价显性预激综合征时心室复极离散度指标(QTd和JTd)的临床价值,以阐明偏心性心室除极是否导致心室复极离散度异常。

    Abstract Objective To evaluate the clinical value of indices ( QTd & JTd ) of ventricular repolarization dispersion , and find out if eccentric ventricular depolarization leads to abnormal ventricular repolarization dispersion .

  19. 对15例正常人、9例A型和8例B型预激综合征患者射频消蚀(RFCA)术前、术后进行核素时相直方图分析及左室心功能观察。

    Radionuclide phase analysis and detection of the left ventricular function wre carried out in 15 normal subjects and 17 patients with WPW syndrome ( type A 9 , type B 8 ) before and after RFCA ( radiofrequency ablation ) .

  20. 射频消融治疗预激综合征的护理体会

    Nursing experience about treatment of preexcitation syndrom with radio frequence resolution

  21. 食管心房调搏对预激综合征潜在危险性的评价

    Evaluation of potential risk in preexcitation syndrome through transesophageal atrial pacing

  22. 三尖瓣下移畸形合并预激综合征患者的术后加强护理

    Postoperative Intensive Care of Ebstein Syndrome in Patients with Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome

  23. 预激综合征异常房室传导束切断的外科治疗

    Surgical treatment of preexcitation syndrome by interruption accessory atrioventricular conduction pathway

  24. 预激综合征并心律失常双向传导1例

    Bidirectional Conduction of Preexcitation Syndrome with Arrhythmia : A Case Report

  25. 预激综合征合并快慢综合征的临床分析

    Preexcitation syndrome with tachycardia - bradycardia syndrome : Clinical analysis

  26. 预激综合征患者房性心律失常机制的探讨

    Approachment of Atrial Arrhythmia Mechanism in Patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome

  27. 组织多普勒成像对显性预激综合征旁道定位的影响研究

    Location of the pre-excitation part in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome by Doppler tissue imagings

  28. 预激综合征能改变心室除极全过程

    Preexcitation syndrome can change the whole course of ventricular depolarization

  29. 方法对30例预激综合征患者行食管心房调搏程控刺激。

    Methods Thirty cases of PES were esophageal atrium pacing .

  30. 家族性与散发性预激综合征临床及电生理比较

    The Comparison of Familial and Sporadic Preexcitation Syndrome in Clinical and Electrophysiology