
  • 网络prealloyed powder;pre-alloyed powder
  1. W-Ni-Fe高比重合金纳米晶预合金粉的制备

    Preparation of W-Ni-Fe nanocrystalline prealloyed powder

  2. 用共沉淀热分解法制备了用于金刚石制品的Fe-Co-Cu预合金粉。

    Fe-Co-Cu prealloyed powder was fabricated by co-precipitation and thermal decomposition method .

  3. 预合金粉对粉末冶金NiFe(18.5)Al(25)合金性能的影响

    Influence of prealloyed powder on properties of powder metallurgy NiFe_ ( 18.5 ) Al_ ( 25 ) alloy

  4. CuCr预合金粉压坯时效性能

    Ageing Characteristics of CuCr Pre-alloy Powder Compacts

  5. 分析了碳对预合金粉制作钢结硬质合金组织的影响,论述了WC与复式碳化物的形成过程。

    In this paper are analyzed the effects of carbon on microstructures of steel-bonded cemented carbides from prealloyed powder . Formation of WC and compound carbide is described .

  6. 在3种预合金粉锯片中,Cu基预合余粉锯片切割速度最快,Ni基预合金粉锯片切割速度最慢,但是它切割寿命最长,Fe基预合金粉锯片切割寿命最短。

    In three component pre-alloyed powder saw blade , Cu matrix saw blade 's cutting speed is fastest , Ni matrix is the most slow but cutting life is longest , Fe matrix cutting life is shortest .

  7. 着重研究了爆炸压实工艺参数对CuCr预合金粉爆炸压实的影响。

    The effect of the technology parameters of explosive compaction on the explosive compacting density of CuCr alloy was studied emphatically .

  8. 含Fe-Mo-B预合金粉铁基合金的温压成形与液相烧结

    Warm compacting and sinter hardening behavior of an iron-based alloy consisting Fe-Mo-B pre-alloyed powder

  9. 采用机械合金化工艺由Cu、Cr元素粉按重量比各半合成CuCr预合金粉,尔后爆炸压实工艺制坯,再加后续烧结制备了电触点材料CuCr合金。

    Electric touch material CuCr alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying of Cu and Cr powder mixtures with weight ratio 1 ∶ 1 , then by explosive compaction and finally by follow-up sintering .

  10. 结果表明:在金刚石工具胎体中添加1.0%的La-Ni预合金粉,金刚石/铜基复合材料的抗弯强度达到最高。

    When La-Ni powder content is 1.0 % , the bonding strength of composite get maximum .

  11. 合金中的稀土分别以混合稀土(以La和Ce为主体成分)Co预合金粉形式和La(NO3)3的丙酮溶液形式在湿磨时直接加入。

    The addition forms of rare earth were mischmetal , mainly containing lanthanum and cerium and cobalt pre-alloyed powder and La ( NO_3 ) _3 dissolved in acetone , which were added during the wet-milling of cemented carbide respectively .

  12. 采用差热分析法研究了纯氧气氛下WC粉、Co粉、RECo预合金粉、WC8Co硬质合金的热稳定性以及稀土对硬质合金热稳定性的影响。

    Differential thermal analysis ( DTA ) was used in the study of the thermostability of WC powder , Co powder , RE-Co powder and WC-8 % Co cemented carbides , and the effect of rare earth on the thermostability of cemented carbides in oxygen .

  13. Fe-Mo-B预合金粉对温压铁基材料烧结硬化性能的影响

    Influence of the Amount of Fe-Mo-B Pre-alloyed Powder on Properties of Warm-compacted Iron-based P / M Material with Sinter Hardening Process

  14. 利用氢气共还原混合盐制取Ni-Fe-Mo预合金粉,分别在873K、1023K、1073K温度下还原。

    The Ni-Fe-Mo prealloy powder is prepared by coreduction of mixed salt with hydrogen at 873K , 1023K and 1073K respectively .

  15. 结果表明:混合粉中加入一定量的Fe-Mo-B预合金粉,利用温压工艺压制成形后烧结硬化,可有效提高试样的力学性能并可获得典型贝氏体组织。

    The addition of Fe-Mo-B pre-alloyed powder could effectively improve the mechanical properties of samples after warm compaction and sinter hardening process and typical bainite could be obtained using optimized processing parameters .

  16. 为深入了解含Fe-Mo-B预合金粉的铁基合金的温压行为,研究了不同成形温度、不同Fe-Mo-B预合金粉含量对压坯密度、弹性后效以及样品显微组织和力学性能的影响。

    For understanding the shaping behavior of iron-based alloy consisting Fe-Mo-B pre-alloyed powder during warm compaction ( WC ), the influence of the compacting temperature and the amount of Fe-Mo-B pre-alloyed powder on the green density , residual elasticity and microstructure was studied .

  17. 预合金粉胎体中合金元素达到同等均匀化的过程加快,易于达到致密。

    Alloy element homogenization and densification of pre-alloyed powder matrix is easier .

  18. 预合金粉制作钢结硬质合金组织的研究

    Study of Microstructures of Steel-bonded Cemented Carbides from Prealloyed Powder

  19. 钢结硬质合金预合金粉的研究

    Study on the Steel-bonded Cemented Carbide Pre-alloyed Powder

  20. 结果表明:预合金粉的加入,促进了胎体的均匀合金化过程,但减缓了其致密化过程。

    Results show that the homogenization process of saw segment was improved but the densification of it was slowed down by the addition of prealloyed powder .

  21. 结果表明:三种锯片性能都达到使用要求,预合金粉锯片在切割速度、切割寿命上均比混合粉锯片高。

    The results show that three saw-blade all can fulfill task . Pre-alloyed powder saw blade 's cutting life and rate is higher than mechanical mixed powder saw blade .

  22. 预合金粉具有烧结温度低、合金化程度高、易于调整胎体成分等优点,在金刚石工具的制备中有广阔的应用前景。

    Pre-alloy powder has advantages of the low sintering temperature , high degree of alloying and easy to adjust the matrix composition . Now it is widely used in the preparation of diamond tools .

  23. 指出,由喷雾转化法生产的纳米WC&Co复合粉是一种预合金粉,它的烧结应该属于超固相线液相烧结范畴。

    It is pointed out that the nanophase WC-Co composite powder prepared by SCP is a kind of prealloyed powder , so its sintering should belong to the category of supersolidus liquid phase sintering ( SLPS ) .

  24. 超高强度烧结材料用预合金钢粉

    Prealloyed steel powder for ultra-high strength sintered materials

  25. 采用先在钎缝间隙中预填合金粉,然后在钎缝外置放钎料进行钎焊的方法,解决不锈钢接头宽间隙的钎焊问题。

    The braze of stainless steel joints with wide clearance is made by pre filling alloy powder into the gap .

  26. 以预扩散合金粉为主要材料研制了一种导卫板堆焊材料,并对某厂轧机导卫板进行了堆焊修复。

    A kind of new surfacing material was developed with pre-diffused alloy powder as main constituent , and the rolling mill guides were repaired .

  27. 采用高压水雾化技术可用于生产高密度、高强度、尺寸稳定性的低氢损含量的水雾化预合金钢粉。

    The conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) High-pressure water-atomization can be used to produce a pre-alloyed steel powder with high apparent density , high green strength , size-stability after sintering and low hydrogen-loss content ;