
  1. 对顾客满意营销观念的质疑

    Query on the Sail Idea & to Customers ' Satisfaction

  2. 实施顾客满意营销的理论探讨

    A discussion of implementing customer satisfactory theory of marketing

  3. 提高家电连锁企业顾客满意的营销创新研究

    The Research on Marketing Innovation of Enhance Appliance Chains Enterprise Customer Satisfaction

  4. 通过价值、质量和服务实现顾客满意&营销新视野系列之一

    Building Customer Satisfaction with Value , Quality and Service

  5. 取得高程度的顾客满意是营销的最高目标。

    The ultimate goal of marketing is to achieve the customer satisfaction to the highest .

  6. 顾客满意既是营销的核心,也是现代企业活动的基本准则。

    Customer satisfaction is not only the core of marketing but also the basic criteria of modern business activities .

  7. 第5章重点介绍了公司为实现战略目标将采取的竞争战略&顾客满意战略和营销战略组合,并对公司薪酬制度改革提出了设想。

    Chapter 5 mainly introduce the competitive strategy which is for achieve the strategy goal , customer satisfaction and marketing strategic mix , and make out the assumption of the reform in the company 's payment regulation .

  8. 1965年卡道佐(Cardozo)首次将顾客满意的概念引进营销领域。

    The concept of Customer Satisfaction ( CS ) was introduced to marketing area firstly in 1965 by Cardozo .

  9. 对心理咨询业营销的创新就是运用服务营销理念对心理咨询业的4P组合策略进行补充,将整合营销战略、顾客满意战略、服务营销组合战略等用来指导心理咨询业的经营。

    The innovation to the psychology counseling is making use of the services marketing concept to reinforce the 4P combination strategies , applying the integrated marketing strategy , the customer-satisfied strategy and service marketing combination strategy to supervise the development of psychology counseling industry .

  10. 顾客满意阈值及市场营销策略属性的离散估计

    Combination estimates of customer satisfaction and threshold on marketing research

  11. 基于顾客满意的供电企业营销人员绩效管理与激励机制研究

    Study on the Customer Satisfaction-based Performance Management and Incentive Mechanism for Marketing Personnel

  12. 顾客满意理论对市场营销学的贡献

    Contribution of Customer Satisfaction Theory to Marketing

  13. 服务质量与顾客满意都是服务营销管理的核心理念,提高服务质量可以提高顾客满意度,增加企业的利润。

    Service quality and customer satisfaction are the core ideas of service marketing management . Improving service quality can improve customer satisfaction and increase corporate profits .

  14. 首先,简要概述文章的研究意义及整体内容框架。其次,在对顾客满意理论和体验营销研究成果回顾的基础上,进行文献的梳理、观点的总结整理。

    First of all , a brief overview of the significance and overall framework . Secondly , on the basis of literatures , the paper summarizes the point of views related with the main points of experience marketing and consumer satisfaction .

  15. 顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销

    The strategy and marketing of customers satisfaction

  16. 顾客价值管理和顾客满意管理是市场营销的两个重要领域,也是我国铁路客运业面临激烈竞争情况下有待深入探讨的问题。

    Customer value management and customer satisfaction management are two important realms of marketing . They are important to railway that need thorough study .

  17. 顾客满意对企业生存与发展的具有重要意义,顾客满意营销受到各企业的高度重视。

    Customer satisfaction is very important for a enterprise and has been fully recognized .

  18. 顾客满意可以从定性和定量两个方面进行分析,其一是顾客让渡价值理论及其影响因素,其二是顾客满意与企业市场营销策略。

    The analysis of the customer 's satisfaction can be qualitative , which relies on the theory of the customers ' devolution value , and its influencial factors , which is based on the customer 's satisfaction , and the enterprise 's marketing strategies .