
  • 网络industrial marketing
  1. 农产品特产的整体营销还具有它的特殊性,它不同与工业品营销,它需要结合农民、农村和我们整个社会体系的物流系统进行整体营销,因此它更具挑战性。

    The agricultural marketing has its particularity , differing from industrial marketing . It ought to combine peasants , villages and the overall social logistic system .

  2. 第二,工业品营销情境中,交易利益和关系利益并列成为企业-顾客关系质量的影响因素,二者对顾客满意和顾客信任均具有显著的正向影响,而对顾客承诺没有直接影响。

    Secondly , in industrial marketing context , either transaction benefit or relationship benefit has a significant positive impact on the two of three dimensions of relationship quality : customer satisfaction and customer trust . But they have no direct impact on the other dimension : customer commitment .

  3. 本文以TP公司的工业品营销存在的问题为研究对象,总结分析了TP公司工业品营销的现状和存在的问题。

    The paper studies the problem on TP company marketing , also summaries and analyses current situation & problem on marketing of TP company .

  4. 工业品营销中买卖双方关系的发展方向也正是大客户营销所追求的长期合作关系乃至结成产业价值联盟。

    Key account marketing is the inevitable outcome of the development of the focus on customer and the relationship marketing .

  5. 营销渠道是现代营销学中非常重要的一个环节。对于营销渠道的研究,很多是基于快销品的。而对于工业品营销来说,营销渠道同样重要。

    Marketing Channel is a very important portion in Modern Marketing studies . However , many researches are focusing on the consuming products .

  6. 第二章相关理论综述,简要介绍营销战略管理、关系营销以及工业品营销相关理论,为构建玻壳产业营销管理的提供理论基础。

    In the second chapter , the paper collects related theories , briefly introduces marketing strategic management and relation marketing and manufacturing product marketing , to construct theoretic foundation of marketing management .

  7. 通过对工业品营销的分析、以及对中国新的电信环境的分析和国内各通讯系统设备制造商近年来的发展分析,首先总结了通讯系统设备营销的特点;

    Through analyse the industrial product , the enviroment of China telecom and the development of communication system equipment manufacture in years , we can conclude some ideas . First it summarize the point of business for communication system equipment .

  8. ALT电气公司工业品关系营销研究

    Study of Industrial Relationship Marketing of ALT Electric Power Equipment

  9. 第五章是内部策略的研究,其核心内容是工业品技术营销、品牌营销、关系营销。

    Its core content is technical marketing strategies of the industrial product .

  10. 西门子公司江西工业品市场营销研究

    Marketing Research of Siemens Co. Jiangxi Industrial Product

  11. 所以必须对信息产品进行定义和分类,才能在此基础上分析信息产品有别于一般工业品的营销策略,它包括产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略。

    Marketing strategies of information products differ from general industrial products in terms of product price , place and promotion strategies .

  12. 国内多数人认为工业品的营销渠道结构比较简单,对工业品的营销渠道的研究较少。

    The majority thinks that channel structure for the industrial products is comparative simple ness , so the research is less .

  13. 本文首先对市场调研的特点和工业品市场营销特征等进行了理论上的概括;

    The author firstly makes a brief introduction about the theory of features of market survey and the characteristics of industrial product .

  14. 本文主要研究如何将市场定位理论运用到工业品市场营销中去并制定科学合理的营销策略。

    This article mainly studies the method of making the reasonable marketing strategy by applying the marketing positioning theory in the industrial products business .

  15. 多数人认为工业品的营销渠道结构比较简单,对工业品的营销渠道的研究较少,而营销渠道建立的难度和建成后的稳固性能增强企业持久竞争力。

    Most people think of industrial marketing channels relatively simple structure , marketing channels for industrial research less . Marketing channels and the difficulty and set up a solid performance after the completion of lasting enhance competitiveness .

  16. 本文运用顾客忠诚的最新研究成果,结合工业品市场营销及工业品市场购买特征的理论,重点探讨工业品企业顾客忠诚的主要影响因素,提出了工业品市场顾客忠诚影响因素模型。

    This paper focuses on the influence factors of the industrial customer loyalty , using the latest research result of customer loyalty , combination the theories of industrial marketing and industrial purchase behavior characteristic . As a result , an influence factor model is provided for industrial customer loyalty .

  17. 因此,当前的中国工业品企业的营销观念及理论很难适应市场变化和行业发展的需求。

    So , in present , marketing idea and theory of industrial products enterprise are not suitable for change of its market and development .

  18. 为加快关系营销从观念到工具的转化,使工业品企业实施关系营销战略有章可循,笔者尝试构建了工业品企业关系市场模型。

    To accelerate the transformations from ideas to tools and to regulate the relationship marketing strategy , the author tries to structure the relationship market model of the industrial products enterprise .

  19. 对于处于中场产业中的高科技工业品企业来说,营销的重点已从以产品为导向转向以为客户提供解决方案为导向,因此开展解决方案式营销是企业营销的发展趋势。

    For the high-tech industrial products enterprises in the Semi-finished Product Industry , the key of marketing has changed from product-oriented to providing customers solutions-oriented . So carrying out solution marketing is the trend in the near future .

  20. 随着中国市场全球化程度的加深和工业品市场竞争的日趋激烈,有关工业品营销理论和策略的研究也将持续创新和完善。

    With the deepening of globalization and fierce competition in industrial product market , innovation and improvement on the theory and strategy research of industrial product marketing will be going on .

  21. 由于消费品市场和工业品市场中顾客主体特征的种种不同,不能简单的将消费品营销理论框架和研究成果直接应用于工业品营销领域。

    There is so much difference between consumer market and industrial market that the theoretical framework and research results of consumer market cannot be used directly in industrial marketing .

  22. 之后提出了针对工业品企业的顾客忠诚建立和培育的的途径,并且给出了基于顾客价值和顾客转换成本的顾客忠诚管理策略,用以指导工业品企业的营销实践,提高企业的长期盈利能力。

    The customer loyalty management policies based on customer value and customer switching costs have been tried to provid help on industrial marketing which can improve the long-term profit performance .

  23. 工业品市场是面向组织购买者的市场。工业品市场的组织、产品、顾客和购买决策、行为相对于消费品市场有很大的不同,这导致了工业品市场营销策略的特殊性。

    Industrial product market is mainly for organization buyers and has great difference from consumable market in sense of organizing , product , customer , purchase decision and purchase action , which shapes particularity of marketing strategy for industrial product market .