
ɡōnɡ yè xīn lǐ xué
  • industrial psychology
  1. 工作特征是工作本身所固有的属性,是组织或工业心理学的重要内容之一。

    Job characteristics is the inherent property of work itself , it is one of the important content of organizational or industrial psychology .

  2. 基于工业心理学的理论,分析了铸造作业劳动的心理特征及色彩环境对铸造作业劳动心理的影响,并提出了铸造车间色彩调节的基本方法。

    Based on the theory of industrial psychology , the psychology features of the foundry worker and me influence of color environment on the psychology of the foundry worker are analysed .

  3. 市场对心理学家也有需求,但需求增长最快的职业将是工业心理学和组织心理学。

    Psychologists will be in demand , but growth will be fastest in industrial and organizational psychology .

  4. 结论:结合康复医学、康复工程学及工业心理学,采取科学有效的职业训练方法是帮助残疾人回归社会的最佳途径。

    Conclusion : Adopting the scientific and effective training method is the best way to help the disabled persons returning to society .

  5. 工作满意度的概念一直以来都是工业心理学、管理心理学、社会心理学、组织行为学和人力资源管理等学科讨论和研究的热点之一。

    The study on job satisfaction has been a pop subject for quite a long time in the field of Industry Psychology , Management Psychology , Social Psychology , Behavior in Organizations and Human Resource Management .

  6. 基于工业设计心理学的汽车内饰设计的和逸性研究

    The Research of HEJ on Automotive Interior Design Based on Psychological Industrial Design

  7. 工业组织心理学中的社会称许性研究

    Social Desirability in Industrial / Organizational Psychology

  8. 就在几个选项的可能的职业,包括临床心理学,司法心理学,健康心理学和工业组织心理学。

    Just a few of the possible career options include clinical psychology , forensic psychology , health psychology and industrial-organizational psychology .

  9. 绩效评估是人力资源管理实践中的核心内容之一,也是工业组织心理学长期研究的一个重要内容。

    Performance appraisal is one of the core functions in human resource management , and also is an important research focus in the long history of I / O psychology .

  10. 但事实上,管理层完全可以将违规领导者造成的损失转变为积极的影响,休斯顿大学(theUniversityofHouston)工业与组织心理学教授丽莎•佩妮说。

    But managers can actually turn the loss of a rule-breaking leader into a positive , says Lisa Penney , a professor of industrial organizational psychology at the University of Houston .

  11. 美国工业与组织心理学的现状与发展

    The Present Situation and Development of Organizational Psychology in the United States

  12. 大五人格模型及其在工业与组织心理学中的应用

    Big Five and Its Application on I / O Psychology

  13. 工业与组织心理学中的前瞻性人格

    Proactive Personality in I / O Psychology Industry

  14. 影响工业设计的心理学因素分析

    Analysis of Psychological Elements Influencing Industrial Design

  15. 工作绩效是工业与组织心理学领域中研究的重要内容,是指员工的工作行为、表现及其结果。

    Job performance is an important content in the performance of industrial and organizational psychology research .

  16. 胜任特征的研究途径可以分为差异心理学研究、教育和行为学研究、以及工业与组织心理学研究。

    The approaches of investigating competency include studies of differential psychology , education , industrial and organizational psychology .

  17. 目标设置与行为或心理的关系在工业或管理心理学中、教育心理学领域中一直备受关注。

    The relationships between goal-setting and behavior or psychology are always noticed in the field of Industrial or Management Psychology and Educational Psychology .

  18. 结合设计、心理学、艺术、文化等多种方面对设计进行研究,构成工业设计认知心理学的大概轮廓。

    Combining design , psychology , art , culture * etc. various aspects proceeds the research to the design , constituting industry design the perception psychology is probably the outline .

  19. 因此哲学、心理学、社会学、劳动学、伦理学、行为科学等的知识都应有所指的运用到工业设计认知心理学的研究中去。

    Therefore , the philosophy , psychology , sociology , labor learns , the ethics learns , the knowledge of behavioral science etc. all should to have a researches that make use of cognitive psychological research on industrial design go to inside .