
xiànɡ mù kě xínɡ xìnɡ yán jiū
  • feasibility study of a project
  1. 第五十二条建设项目可行性研究论证时,土地行政主管部门可以根据土地利用总体规划、土地利用年度计划和建设用地标准,对建设用地有关事项进行审查,并提出意见。

    Article 52 In the process of the feasibility study for construction projects , land administrative departments may examine the related matters concerning the land for construction purposes and put forward their proposals according to the general plans for the utilization of land , the annual plan for the use of land and standards for land used for construction purposes .

  2. 工业项目可行性研究企业经济评价方法的BASIC语言程序说明

    On basic language programme for economical evaluation of enterprise in feasibility study

  3. ModelX轿车座椅骨架项目可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study for Model X Automobile Seat Frame Project

  4. 青岛TD-SCDMA智能网建设项目可行性研究

    TD-SCDMA Intelligence Network in Qingdao Construction Possibility Research

  5. T公司NGN商用网项目可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study of NGN Commercial Network Project

  6. 宝来A4轿车座椅项目可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study for Bora A4 Seat Project

  7. 第一章首先阐述了企业ERP项目可行性研究的背景、研究的目的和意义、研究的思路及创新点。

    In the first part , the paper introduces the background , purpose , significance of the feasibility research for the enterprise ERP project and the research mentality .

  8. 本文用弹性预测法,解决了在公路建设项目可行性研究中,如何确定社会经济发展同公路运输需求的关系问题,并编制了BASIC程序,使计算机工作简便、顺捷。

    This paper shows how to apply the elastic forecast method to solve the problem of relationship between social economic growth and highway transportation demand in highway project feasibility study , and compiles a program in BASIC language in order to calculate easily .

  9. 第五章为案例研究,应用本文提出的模型和ERP项目可行性研究方法,对一家机械制造企业进行ERP项目的可行研究,作为对模型和方法的实证研究。

    The fifth part is the case research that analyses the feasible of ERP to a machinery manufacturing enterprises as the empirical research of the model and methods given in the paper .

  10. 第二章主要介绍CMM理论、ERP&CMM理论和国内外对ERP实施能力理论及项目可行性研究的现状,作为本文研究的理论基础。

    The second part mainly introduces the status of CMM theory , ERP-CMM theory and the current situation of ERP implementation capacity research at home and abroad and research of ERP project feasibility .

  11. 本文根据投资项目可行性研究和财务评价理论,对ERW焊管项目进行了投资可行性研究。

    According to the feasibility research and the financial evaluated theories of investing item , the feasibility of the ERW item is researched .

  12. 220kV输变电工程项目可行性研究&电力系统专业设计内容和规范的研究

    Feasibility Research of 220 kV Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering Project & Study on Contents and Norms Concerning Electric Power System

  13. 眼下,4000名来自麦肯锡(McKinsey)、英国环境咨询公司ERC、美国律所Kirkland以及中国铁建下属研究所等多家机构的人士正在开展项目可行性研究。

    Right now , 4,000 people including staff from McKinsey , the British environmental consultancy ERC , the US law firm Kirkland , and research institutes belonging to CRC are working on the feasibility study .

  14. 应用项目可行性研究方法对技术改造项目的启动阶段进行分析;应用工作分解结构(WBS)等技术对该项目规划与设计阶段进行分析;

    There is an analysis of technical project in 3 aspects in this paper-its life cycle , starting stage and planning period through using project life cycle theory , the feasibility studying method of project and Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) method respectively .

  15. 项目可行性研究在公路工程中的应用与前景

    The application and prospect of project feasibility study in road engineering

  16. 论投资项目可行性研究中的竞争情报分析

    On Competitive Intelligence Analysis in the Feasibility Study of Investment Project

  17. 竹纤维产品开发项目可行性研究

    Feasibility Research of Development Project of the Bamboo Textile Fiber Product

  18. 关于加强项目可行性研究的几点思考

    Thinking and Suggestion on Improvement and Strengthening the Project Feasibility Study

  19. 房地产项目可行性研究与企业可持续发展战略

    The Real Estate Project Feasible Research and Enterprises Sustainable Developing Strategy

  20. 县网建设项目可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on the Construction Project in County Electric Power Grid

  21. 而投资决策的作出主要是以项目可行性研究为依据,因此项目可行性研究水准对投资决策、实现盈利起到了至关重要的作用。

    The investment decision-making is mainly based on project feasibility study .

  22. 高新技术项目可行性研究经济评价方法

    Economy Evaluation Method on Feasibility Research of High and New Technological Project

  23. 汽车零部件项目可行性研究探讨

    Exploration on The Feasibility Study of The Auto Parts Project

  24. 论建设项目可行性研究中的生态环境质量评价

    Thoughts on Eco-environment Quality Evaluation in Feasibility Study of Project

  25. 运输需求弹性预测法在公路建设项目可行性研究中的应用

    Application of traffic demand elastic forecast method in highway project feasibility study

  26. 潍坊九龙山一期房地产项目可行性研究

    A Weifang Jiulongshan Issue of Real Estate Project Feasibility Study Picks Wanting

  27. 东海污水处理厂建设项目可行性研究

    A Feasibility Study on East Ocean Sewage Disposal Plant Construction

  28. 河南中德合作造林项目可行性研究的特点和启示

    Characteristics on Feasibility Study of Sino-German Cooperative Forestry Project Henan

  29. 浅谈基于土地整理项目可行性研究的几个问题

    About several problems based on the feasibility research of land consolidation project

  30. 东通公司城市污水处理开发项目可行性研究报告

    Feasibility Research Report for the Urban Sewage Treatment Equipment Project