
  • 网络Philosophy of music;Music Philosophy;philosophy
  1. 有关“音乐哲学”

    On Philosophy of Music

  2. 释义学音乐哲学是当代西方相当有影响力的一支音乐哲学流派。

    Interpretation of contemporary Western music philosophy is a very influential genre of music philosophy .

  3. 论音乐哲学与音乐美学的辩证同一性&从黑格尔音乐思想的形成来探讨

    On Differentiated Identity of Music Philosophy and Music Aesthetics & Hegel 's View on the Essence of Music in Aesthetics

  4. 本文期望在对荀子音乐哲学价值的发掘中,能为和谐社会建设提供新的精神食粮。

    In this paper , expect the value of Zi Music Philosophy excavations can provide spiritual food for the new construction of a harmonious society .

  5. 略论聆听音乐的哲学思辨

    A philosophical contemplation on listening to music

  6. 象征主义在文学戏剧、音乐、哲学、绘画等领域都反映出交相辉映的统一性。

    Symbolism in literature , drama , music , philosophy , painting and other areas reflecting echo the unity .

  7. 后现代语境中审美现代性思想批判&从20世纪美国音乐教育哲学谈起

    A Critique on Esthetic Modernity Thought under Postmodern Context-A Discussion on American Music Education Philosophy in the 20th Century

  8. 学术界多侧重从文学、音乐、哲学等方面研究其成就,但从道教信仰层面研究的则甚少。

    The academic circles lay particular emphasis on studying his literature , music , philosophy , etc. But few scholars study him in Taoist belief .

  9. 审美音乐教育哲学是在20世纪50、60年代发展起来以统一音乐教育行为与思想的音乐教育哲学。

    The aesthetic philosophy of music education was built to unite the practice and thoughts of music education in the fifties and sixties of 20th century .

  10. 音乐教育哲学研究已经呈现出国际化的局面,并将走向一个更加开放的以音乐文化为基础的未来。

    At the same time , the research of music education philosophy is presenting an international picture , and this will lead to an open and culture-based future .

  11. 在不断的理论争鸣和发展中,目前,北美音乐教育哲学研究已经具备作为一门独立学科的特征,拥有专门的研究团体和专业刊物。

    With the ongoing debates and development between the two paradigms , the research of northern American music education philosophy has owned characteristics of being a separate discipline , given that each paradigm has its own research group and journals .

  12. 论欧洲浪漫主义音乐文化的哲学美学基础

    On Philosophy and Aesthetics Foundation of Romanticism Culture of Music in Europe

  13. 20世纪后半叶是中国音乐心理学从哲学心理学走向科学心理学的转型时期。

    The late20th century is a time when the Chinese musical psychology changed from philosophy psychology intoscientific one .

  14. 这种天道观构成了董仲舒音乐思想的哲学基础,也成为董仲舒音乐思想的一个显著特点。

    This kind of day Daoist temple constituted the Dong Zhongshu music thought philosophical basis , also becomes the Dong Zhongshu music thought an outstanding feature .

  15. 健康对我很重要,因为如果我生病就不能做我喜欢的事(玩音乐,教哲学)。

    Uh , health is important for me because I can 't do other things I want to do play music , teach philosophy if I 'm ill .

  16. 额,健康于我很重要因为,如果我生病了我就没法做其他我想做的事——玩音乐、教哲学。

    Um , health is important for me because I can 't. .. do other things I want to do - play music , teach philosophy - if I 'm ill .

  17. 神秘主义触发的灵感是举凡一切诗作、艺术品、音乐作品或哲学著作借以成就其不朽地位所不可或缺的要素。

    Mystical inspiration is the essential element that assures immortality to any work , whether in poetry , art , music , or philosophy . - Modern Mysticism and Other Essays , London : John Lane , 4th ed.

  18. 那么,德国音乐与德国哲学之一致,这奥妙到底指示我们甚么呢?可不是指示一种新的生活方式。我们唯有从希腊的先例来推测,始能了解这种生活的涵义吗?

    To what then does the mystery of this oneness of German music and philosophy point if not to a new form of existence , concerning whose character we can only inform ourselves by surmise from Hellenic analogies ?

  19. 杰西・豪斯(JesseHouse)是一名主修音乐科技、辅修哲学的学生。在我参观房子时,他正在调试一个控制房子音响系统的电脑程序,它似乎正在播放一连串的某种音调。

    Jesse House , a music and technology major and a philosophy minor , was fine-tuning a computer program that controls the house 's sound system .

  20. 杰西&12539;豪斯(JesseHouse)是一名主修音乐科技、辅修哲学的学生。在我参观房子时,他正在调试一个控制房子音响系统的电脑程序,它似乎正在播放一连串的某种音调。

    Jesse House , a music and technology major and a philosophy minor , was fine-tuning a computer program that controls the house 's sound system . It seemed to be playing some sort of series of tones .

  21. 高师音乐课程改革的哲学思想基础

    Philosophic Foundation of Music Course Reforming in High Teacher 's Education

  22. 音乐体现的是哲学层面上的形而上性质。

    The music has its own metaphysical nature of the philosophical level .

  23. 关于语言源于音乐习得机制的哲学思考

    Reflection upon the Music Acquiring Device in Relation to the Origin of Language

  24. 《乐记》是中国音乐美学和艺术哲学的开山纲领,其系统、丰富的音乐美学思想,对后世始终发生着巨大而深远的历史影响。

    The writer held that Yue Ji ( Music Notes ) was an important creed of the Chinese music esthetics and artistic philosophy . Its esthetics ideological made a deep and far-reaching influence aftertime .

  25. 关于音乐的美是音乐哲学中的一个重要命题。

    Beauty of music is an important topic of music philosophy .

  26. 美国著名音乐教育家贝内特·雷默教授在他的论著《音乐教育的哲学》一书中阐述了他的音乐脱盲理念,这是本文写作的原始灵感。

    Bennett Reimer , a famous music educator in America , has explained elaborately and wittily the idea of EIM in his representative work " A Philosophy of Music Education " .

  27. 音乐教学在教什么、如何教这个过程中体现着音乐教化人的哲学思考、及其教育理念。

    The process of music education about what is taught and how to teach shows the philosophical thinking and educational idea that music enlightens people .

  28. 其次,从世界文化的多样性与和平·发展·合作·感情交流、音乐的全球视野和理解·尊重多元音乐文化等方面,论述《世界民族音乐》课程的哲学基础。

    Part II elaborates upon the philosophical foundation of the course in terms of the diversities of world culture and peace , development , cooperation and communication , global scope of music and the understanding and respect for the diversities of music culture .