
  • 网络static information
  1. 采油厂静态信息GIS综合管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Application of Integral Management System of Geologic Information System ( GIS ) of Static Information in An Oil Production Plant

  2. Registry保存了后端服务的所有静态信息,包括端点URL和参数。

    Registry saves all the static information of the back-end services including the endpoint URL and the parameters .

  3. 它有助于将Web主页从简单地提供静态信息转变为提供实时或动态信息。艺术拯救人生

    It helps Webpage in transferring from delivering simple static message to dynamic information . Art Delivering Life

  4. 服务器程序建立数据库来操作船舶静态信息,并通过GPS采集船舶动态信息显示在电子海图上。

    Server program creates database for saving ship information , and displays the dynamic information on ECDIS by GPS .

  5. 简单的链接从位于一个页面上的portlet传输静态信息到到位于另一个页面上的portlet。

    A simple link from a portlet on one page carries static information to a portlet on another page .

  6. 文章将停车调查得到的信息分为准静态信息,静态信息和动态信息,对准静态数据的处理方法给出了逻辑模型并用VB语言实现。

    In this paper , the information collected from parking survey is divided into semi - static information , static information and dynamic information .

  7. 然而,您可以单独得到静态信息,并且在需要时将它与PMI数据绑定。

    However , you can get the static information separately and bind it with the PMI data if needed .

  8. 可以利用地区挑选出PDF文档中显示的适当静态信息和动态数据。

    You can use the locale to pick the appropriate static messages displayed in the PDF document , along with the dynamic data .

  9. 注意,您可以从数据库或web服务获取该托管bean数据,但在我的演示中,它仅保存有关不同国家的静态信息。

    Note that you can get this managed bean data from a database or a Web service , but for the case of my demonstration it just holds static information about the different countries .

  10. 基于J2EE体系构架提出系统结构模型和各个功能模型以及数据模型,既可对工装制造过程的动态信息进行有效的控制和跟踪,又能对工装的静态信息进行管理。

    The architecture of the system , function model and data model are presented based on J2EE to control effectively dynamic information of processing manufacturing process and manage and monitor the static information .

  11. 船载AIS设备通过周期性地向外广播船舶航行动静态信息,使得船舶对外可见,以起到安全避险作用,保障海上人员和船只安全。

    It periodically broadcasts static and dynamic information of the ship , which makes the ship " visible ", to protect the safety of the ship and people .

  12. 此文分析了AIS(船舶自动识别系统)报文格式和解码显示的实现方法,并以船舶动态信息和静态信息为例分析其过程。

    This paper analyses the format of the AIS information packet . Then introduce a way to decoding and displaying the detailed Dynamic and Static information from the AIS receiver .

  13. 利用尺度共生矩阵和Laws纹理能量在不同频段上对植被纹理信息进行深度挖掘,将不同尺度间的动态信息和同一尺度上的静态信息相结合,充分表达了植被的纹理信息。

    Using scale-based concurrent matrix and Laws texture energy , vegetation texture information is deeply mined on various frequency bands . The dynamic information between different scales and the static information of the same scale is combined and verified to sufficiently express vegetation texture information . 4 .

  14. 当然,CMS可以更好地管理具有静态信息的页面集合,然而当论及一个应用程序的多用户交互时,框架展示了其优势。

    Of course , a set of pages with static information could be better managed with a CMS , but when talking about multiple user interactions with an application , the frameworks show off their best .

  15. 该文提出了一种中小企业构建经济简便的Intranet内部网的具体实施办法,对系统总体结构、Web服务器的建立、静态信息的发布以及Web服务器与数据库的连接等问题作了详细阐述。

    This Paper studies the method for middle & small scale enterPrise to build intranet Web , it discusses the details of the system structure , the building of the Web server , the publishing of the static information and the dynamic link between the Web server and the database .

  16. 该算法主要由哈希表,改进的四叉树森林及TPR-tree三部分构成,分别用于索引作业船舶的静态信息、动态历史时空信息、当前及未来时空信息。

    The algorithm is composed by Hash Table , Improved Quadtree Forest and TPR-tree . Hash Table is used to deal with static information .

  17. 基于多层模结构的瞬态热传导过程的有限差分解法,开发了用于模拟相变光盘静态信息记录过程的计算机程序HSS,并用它计算了相变光盘静态信息记录过程的温度场分布。

    Based on definite difference algorithm of transient heat conduction equation of multilayered structure , a computer program used to simulate phase-change optical disk recording process is developed , and it is used to obtain transient temperature distribution during phase-change optical disk recording process .

  18. 第四章是探讨静态信息和动态信息的贝叶斯学习。

    Chapter four is " Static and Dynamic Bayesian Learning " .

  19. 论文论述了用户的静态信息和动态信息模型。

    The model includes two parts : static information and dynamic information .

  20. 基于静态信息结构损伤定位的模式匹配法

    Structure damage location model matching method based on static information

  21. 基于静态信息获取面向对象程序的动态信息

    Gathering Dynamic Information of Object-oriented Program Based on Static Information

  22. 再次,用面向对象的思想来进行静态信息提取。

    Thirdly , the object-oriented thinking is introduced to extract the static information .

  23. 对信息调度算法进行了探讨,指出了各种动、静态信息调度算法的优缺点。

    Moreover , dynamic and static message scheduling algorithms were discussed in detail .

  24. 第五章是研究基于静态信息的误定价理论模型。

    Chapter five is " Model of Mispricing Based on Static information " .

  25. 分析了信息检索和信息过滤的搜索过程,前者是在静态信息源中搜索用户短期的特定信息需求的过程;

    The paper analyzed the information seeking processes of information retrieval and information filtering .

  26. 这包括指定有关要使用的各个服务端点的静态信息。

    This specification includes static information about the various service endpoints to be used .

  27. 提出了一种有效结合静态信息及动态信息的认证机制,解决了在服务器端如何对证书进行验证的问题。

    O The presentation of an authentication mechanism which efficiently combines the static and dynamic information .

  28. 静态信息包括名称、单元和数据描述。

    The static information includes the name , the unit , and description of the data .

  29. 文章讨论了对于异构数据库的元数据,如何实现动/静态信息的管理。

    For the metadata of heretical database , it discusses how to manage dynamic / static information .

  30. 在交互过程中,用户通过社交元数据增强了页面上的静态信息。

    By interacting , users augment the static information on the page with " social " metadata .