
nán dù fēn
  • Difficulty score;score for difficulty
  1. 孩子们用来学阅读的书是按难度分等级的。

    The books that the children are using to learn to read are on a graduated scale of difficulty .

  2. 在竞技健美操比赛中,成套动作的评分由艺术分、完成分和难度分组成。

    In the sports aerobics world championships the evaluation of routine consists of artistic score , execution score and difficulty score .

  3. 体操赛制主要有以下三个变化:(1)取消10分值,难度分无上限。

    3 , Gymnastics format basically has the following three changes : ( 1 ) Cancel " 10 score ", difficulty points without limit .

  4. 方法收集124例下颌阻生第三磨牙拔除术的病例,按手术难度分为三组,分别于术后第二日及第七日分析三者之间的疼痛、张口受限及肿胀差异。

    Method According to extraction difficulty , 124 cases whose impacted mandibular third molar should be removed were divided into three groups . The difference of pain , edema and trismus was analysed statistically among three groups on the 2nd and 7th postoperative day respectively .

  5. 2001-2004年国际体操联合会技巧技术规则的主要变化内容是:单独列出难度分的计算、新增艺术性评分和突破10分制评分等。

    The contents changed in the FIG technical regulations of acrobatics in 2001 ~ 2004 are as follows : The calculation of the scores for difficulty is listed independently . The artistry evaluation is added , the 10-point system evaluation is broken through and so on .

  6. 第二个因素是被试内变量,即阅读材料的难度,分为容易、中等、难三个水平。

    The second within-subject factor is difficulty , included three levels , easy , medium and difficult .

  7. 目前我国六人操的难度编排分不低,但完成分和难度动作的完成率不高,应兼顾好难与美的辨证关系。

    At present , the degree of accomplishment and the accomplishment rate of difficult actions are not well , so should give consideration to the relation of difficulty and beauty .

  8. Sternberg双重任务作业主任务为跟踪作业,副任务为选择反应时作业.根据选择反应的难度,副任务分为3个等级。

    In Sternberg dual task , the primary task was tracing and the secondary task was selective reaction time , the latter of which was composed of three difficult levels by different dimensions of the selective reaction .

  9. 从挑战层面上说,这部戏的难度如果按10分满分来说,它是20分。

    On a challenge level , this one was a20 out of10 in terms of difficulty .

  10. 对于他们的择偶难易程度,一半以上的人感觉自己择偶难度一般,三分之一的人感觉择偶是容易的,感觉到困难的只占少数。

    For mating difficulty they encounter , more than half of the people feel " general ", a third of people feel easy , and a few people feel difficult .

  11. 通过对齿轮形、米字形、桔瓣形复合超细纤维截面边界长度的计算,说明了复合超细纤维的截面形状与剥离性的关系,剥离难度随两组分边界线长度的增大而增大。

    Through the calculation of gear shaped , citrus shaped and cross shaped cross section boundary length , the relationship between stripping difficulty and cross section of composite superfine fiber was explained , which stripping difficulty increases with the increase of boundary length of two components .

  12. 新的跳马器械改变后,男子跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体900°是该类动作中难度最大的动作之一,其难度分值为10分。

    After alternation of new vaulting horse apparatus , the forward handspring and salto stretched with twist 5 / 2 is one of the most difficult movements of same kind in men 's vaulting horse , with its grade of difficulty being 10 points .