首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 随附我方商品的目录单一份,供你方考虑。

    We attach a catalogue of our commodities for your consideration .

  2. 头向何方,他们也随向何方,行走的时候并不掉转。

    The cherubim went in whatever direction the head faced , without turning as they went .

  3. 为便于贵方熟悉我方交易条件,随附我方空白订货确认书一份,供贵方参考。

    To acquaint you with our purchase terms , we enclose a blank form of our confirmation of order for your reference .

  4. 随函附上我方第345号合同一式两分,请会签并回寄一份。

    Enclosed is our contract No.345 in duplicate , of which please return us one copy , duly countersign .

  5. 随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF纽约报价单。

    751 Please find enclosed our current catalogue and price-list quoting CIF New York .

  6. 我方随函附上我方的销售确认书两份。

    We are enclosing herewith our sales confirmation in duplicate .

  7. 随函附上我方经营的所有产品的详细目录及价目表。

    Enclosed are our illustrated catalogue and price list covering all the products .

  8. 随函附上我方会签的合同,请查收。

    Enclosed please find the duplicate with our countersignature .

  9. 随附一份我方的56号售货通知。

    Enclosed is a copy of our Sales No56 .

  10. 随信附上我方自行车的目录及最新价目单一份,请查收。

    Enclosed , please find a catalogue and current pricelist of our bicycle .

  11. 随函附上我方估价单一式两份。

    Enclosed be our program invoice in duplicate .

  12. 随函附上我方第818号贷方通知是我方少付的三百一十五美元。

    Enclosed is our Credit Note No.818 for the short-paid amount of $ 315 .

  13. 贵方4月2日电传收悉,随函附上我方第15号订单。

    In reply to your telex dated April 2nd , we are enclosed this order sheet No. 15 .

  14. 随函附送我方形式发票一式三份,以便你方申请许可证。

    We are enclosing our proforma invoice in triplicate to the effect that you may apply for the import licence .

  15. 在无限和真空的空间中,地磁场在强度上随距离3次方而衰减。

    In a infinite and empty space the geomagnetic field falls off in strength with the third power of distance .

  16. 随函附上我方售货确认书第SH1100号一式两份,其中一份经你方签字后寄回存档。

    Enclosed you will find s / c no. sh 1100 In duplicate , a copy of which be to be sign and returned to us for our record .