
jiē jí dí rén
  • class enemy
  1. 但在上世纪30年代斯大林(Stalin)的农业集体化时代,他的父亲被视为阶级敌人,他们家失去了自己的土地。

    But during Stalin 's agricultural collectivization in 1930 , his father was deemed a class enemy and the family lost its land .

  2. 当湘赣边界割据的初期,有些同志真正相信了当时湖南省委的不正确的估量,把阶级敌人看得一钱不值;

    In the initial period of our independent regime in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area , some comrades genuinely believed the incorrect appraisal made by the Hunan Provincial Committee and regarded the class enemy as not worth a rap ;

  3. 没过多久,漫画家就开始把劳动者,尤其是罢工的劳动者,描绘成现代参孙(Samson)了,他们推倒旧社会的支柱,与资产阶级敌人同归于尽。

    Cartoonists soon began depicting labor , and strikers in particular , as modern-day Samsons , pulling down the columns of an orderly society , killing their capitalist adversaries and themselves in the process .

  4. 反动的阶级敌人为什么自投罗网呢?

    Why do the reactionary class enemies bite the hook ?

  5. 民族敌人也是阶级敌人。

    Enemies of the nation are class enemies also .

  6. 警惕阶级敌人从革命队伍内部进行分化。

    Guard against the class enemies who try to split up the revolutionary ranks from within .

  7. 苏联持不同政见者运动是一种相当复杂的社会政治现象,持不同政见者不是阶级敌人,也不是苏联社会的异己分子,而是这个衰败体系的产物。

    The dissidents are neither the class enemies nor the dissidents of the Soviet society , but the products of this declining system .

  8. 土豪旧指富有的地主恶毒的有产乡绅,中国无产阶级同志的阶级敌人这个概念重新走红,是由于9月初中国社交媒体上一个广为流传的笑话。

    Tuhao once meant rich landowner the villainous landed gentry and class enemy of communist China 's proletariat but the term 's modern revival began with a popular joke that made its rounds on Chinese social media in early September .

  9. 民族敌人无非是帝国主义,外国垄断资产阶级也是阶级敌人。

    Enemies of the nation who are none other than the imperialists and the foreign monopoly capitalists are class enemies also .

  10. 这个口号,在资产阶级面前,在敌人面前,是防御的口号,表示我们要和平,不要战争,便于我们争取群众。

    This is a defensive slogan against the bourgeoisie , against the enemy , showing that we want peace , not war , and it will help us win over the masses .

  11. 马克思创立的经济学说敲响了资产阶级的丧钟,他被视为整个资产阶级的敌人,可是在东方,马克思的经济学说却被视为无产阶级的圣经。

    Marxism brings a funeral bell for capitalist class . Marx was viewed as the enemy of capitalist class , however , Marxism was accepted as the Holy Bible of proletariat in the east .