
  • 网络Mesenchyme;mesenchymal tissues;Mesenchymal
  1. 结果:引起胃底贲门部肿块的疾病有癌肿21例、静脉曲张14例、间叶组织肿瘤11例、食管裂孔疝8例。

    Results : The types of the cardia diseases included carcinoma ( 21 ), esophageal varices ( 14 ), mesenchyme tissues neoplasm ( 11 ) and esophagus hiatus hernia ( 8 ) .

  2. 层粘连蛋白的表达主要分布于血管基膜和胶质膜,即是神经胶质和间叶组织间的接合部分。

    The laminin was distributed mainly in the vascular basement membrane and glial membrane , which was the joint section between neuroglial and mesenchymal tissues .

  3. 间叶组织肿瘤中增殖细胞核抗原、p53、Rb基因产物表达及意义

    Significance of PCNA , p53 , and Rb Gene Protein Expression in Mesenchymal Tumors

  4. 骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma)是一种起源于间叶组织的恶性肿瘤,是儿童和青少年中最常见的原发性恶性骨肿瘤。

    Osteosarcoma is a kind of malignant tumor originate from mesenchymal tissue , which onset mostly in children and adolescent .

  5. 颌面颈部间叶组织恶性肿瘤的超声分析

    Face - cervical Mesenchymal-tissue Malignant Tumor Diagnosed by Ultrasound

  6. 上皮组织和间叶组织标志性蛋白与手术切除的Ⅲa期非小细胞肺癌的预后相关性研究

    The Prognostic Significance of Epithelial and Mesenchymal Proteins in Resected Stage ⅲ a Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma

  7. 1例左股骨恶性尿磷性间叶组织肿瘤病人围手术期护理

    Peri-operative nursing care of a case with malignant urine phosphorus mesenchymal tissue tumor of left femoral bone

  8. 收集口腔颌面部肉瘤标本37例,良性间叶组织肿瘤14例和5例正常肌肉或脂肪组织标本。

    37 OMFS samples , 14 benign mesenchymal tumor samples and 5 normal mesenchymal tissue samples were collected .

  9. 组织学上,该病灶由肝间叶组织构成,其中并夹杂囊状的胆管。

    Histologically , the lesion appeared as a large island of loose mesenchymal tissue with few cystic bile ducts .

  10. 研究结果证实脊索瘤中既有上皮组织分化的特点又有间叶组织的表现,还存在着具有多潜能分化的恶性干细胞群体。

    Some cells were multipotential neoplasms cells in which the stem cells were capable of differentiation along both epithelial and mesenchymal pathways .

  11. 结论:肺原发性软骨肉瘤的组织发生来自支气管软骨组织和肺原始性间叶组织。

    Conclusion Primary chondrosarcoma of the lung is a rare neoplasm , that may originate from small bronchial cartilage and pulmonary primitive mesenchymal tissue .

  12. 结果上皮样肉瘤组织起源为原始间叶组织,可发生于躯体任何部位,以上肢多见。

    Results : Nascence of epithelioid sarcoma was primary space mesoderm , it is appeared in any part of body , more in upper limbs .

  13. 结论恶性黑色素瘤不仅源于体表皮肤的色素细胞,还可起自粘膜及间叶组织中残留的神经嵴细胞。

    Conclusion Our study suggested that melanoma is derived not only from the cutaneous chromatophore , but also from the remaining neural crest cell of mucous membrane and mesenchymal tissue .

  14. 本病系肾实质间叶组织肿瘤,因含较多脂肪组织,故X线平片肾肿块区有不规则斑片状密度减低透亮区。

    This disease is renal mesenchymal tumor and because of more fat tissues , it can show a characteristic irregular patchy radiolucent area in the renal mass in the x-ray plain film .

  15. 肾母细胞瘤作为肾胚胎发生的肿瘤其组织学结构与起源组织胚胎期结构有相似之处,由间叶组织细胞、上皮样细胞和幼稚的胚基细胞三种成分构成。

    Nephroblastoma , derived from embryonic renal tissue , comprise undifferentiated blastemal cells , differentiated epithelial cells and stromal cells . There are similarities between histology of the tumor and embryonic nephrogenesis .

  16. 3间叶组织恶性肿瘤中,青年人最多,男性多见;发病部位多为颌骨和颊部;病理类型多为骨肉瘤、恶性纤维组织细胞瘤、横纹肌肉瘤、平滑肌肉瘤。

    Mesenchymal malignancy in young people the most , more common in men ; diseased parts for jaw and cheek ; pathological pattern was osteosarcoma , malignant fibrous histiocytoma , rhabdomyosarcoma , leiomyosarcoma . 4 .

  17. 肝脏间叶性错构瘤组织学检查表现为混合的松软的间叶组织,胆管,结缔组织及肝细胞和囊肿。

    Histologic examination of HMH typically shows a mixture of loose mesenchymal tissue , bile ducts , connective tissue , and hepatocytes and cysts .

  18. 胃肠道间质瘤起源于胃肠道原始间叶组织,可能是Cajal细胞。

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors ( GIST ) are not rare non-epithelial tumors arising from the interstitial cell of Cajal of gastrointestinal tract .

  19. 良性间叶瘤少见,至少由两种间叶组织混合构成,分良性和恶性。

    Mesenchymomas are very rare tumors and contain at least two mesenchymal cellular elements not commonly associated Mesenechymomas may be either benign or malignant .

  20. 胃肠道间质瘤(gastrointestinalstromaltumors,GISTs)是起源于间叶组织的消化道肿瘤,其生物学行为从良性到高度恶性不等,免疫组织化学以表达CD117为特征。

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors ( GISTs ) are rarely one of gastrointestinal carcinomas that originate from mesenchymal tissue . GISTs are characterized by expression of CD117 receptor in cells and have variable biological phenotypes ranging from benign to highly malignant .

  21. 研究表明,CMS具有多种间充质细胞成分,它们均可能同源于多潜能原始间叶组织。

    Our study revealed that there were various kinds of mesenchymal cells in cardiac myxomas and they might originate from multipotential primeval mesenchymal tissues .

  22. 结果:12例肾上腺间质肿瘤包括骨髓脂肪瘤5例,囊肿2例,脂肪瘤、神经纤维瘤伴嗜铬细胞瘤、淋巴瘤、间皮瘤恶变、间叶组织来源恶性肿瘤各1例。

    Results : This group included 5 cases of myelolipoma , 2 cases of cysts ; and lipoma , neurofibroma accompanying pheochromocytoma , lymphoma , malignant transformation of mesothelioma , malignant mesenchymal tumor had I case for each .