
  • 网络threshold;Threshold value
  1. 仿真表明,基于优化PER门限值方案的链路自适应算法所取得的系统吞吐量要大于固定门限值方案。

    Simulation results indicate that the optimum threshold scheme is better than other algorithms in term of throughput .

  2. 该队列基于本地对数据分组的优先级划分,为不同的优先级类别设置不同的RED最大门限值。

    The queue sets different RED maximum threshold for different packet class based on local priority classification .

  3. 选择“Setwarningthresholdto”选项,然后输入门限值。

    Select the " Set warning threshold to " option and enter the warning threshold value .

  4. 汽车ABS逻辑门限值控制策略研究

    Study on Controlling Strategy of Logic Gate for Anti-lock Braking System

  5. 基于门限值控制的汽车ABS控制器的研制

    Development of Automobile ABS Controller Based on Threshold Control Method

  6. 速度分段在ABS逻辑门限值控制法中的研究与应用

    Study on Application of Speed Segmentation in the ABS Logic Threshold Control Method

  7. 更新了CPU的空闲潜伏期和门限值。

    CPU idle latencies and thresholds updated .

  8. DR算法门限值的确定

    Confirmation of Dead Reckoning Arithmetic Threshold Value

  9. 当R值超过设定的监测门限值时,微机控制系统转入执行控制程序。

    When the value of R has exceeded a given control threshold , the microcomputer control system will run control program .

  10. 数值结果表明,链状外地代理的分层移动IP方案适用于家乡切换门限值较小时的移动场景。

    Numerical results show that the chained foreign agent hierarchical mobile IP scheme outperforms the other two under small home handoff threshold .

  11. 采用固定阈值MCS选择算法,优化了信噪比的门限值。

    Fixed threshold MCS algorithm is adopted to optimize the threshold of SNR .

  12. 其中RTS门限值被用于决定是否采用RTS/CTS访问机制。

    RTS_threshold is used to determine whether to deploy RTS / CTS access method .

  13. 该方法需要仿真每一种MCS的性能,从而得到MCS的切换门限值。

    In this method , we should simulate the performance of all the MCS to get the thresholds .

  14. 仿真表明,通过设置合适的门限值,在不同的adhoc网络规模下,算法具有很好的定时同步性能。

    Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve the predominant performance of timing synchronization in variable scale Ad hoc networks when the threshold is set appropriately .

  15. 新算法根据QoS的要求确定一个时间门限值,在信道都被使用和预留时,利用此门限值确定新呼叫能否强占预留信道接入系统。

    According to the QoS this mechanism determine a value with which compare the time value when all the channels are reserved and determine whether new calling is accepted .

  16. 仿真研究表明基于PID控制算法,模糊控制算法比传统基于门限值控制算法的汽车ABS具有更好的制动性能。

    Automobile ABS based on PID control algorithm and fuzzy control algorithm can get better effects than the conventional threshold control algorithm as the results of simulation test shows .

  17. 汽车防抱制动系统(简称ABS)广泛采用的是逻辑门限值控制,这对于非线性系统是一种有效的控制方法。

    Logic gate limiting value control which is an efficient control method in nonlinear system is widely applied in automobile anti blocking brake system ( ABS ) .

  18. 为了解决此问题,在基于离散对数难题和拉格朗日插值公式,提出了一个可动态调整门限值的(t,n)多秘密分享方案。

    To overcome these problems , a ( t , n ) multi-secret sharing scheme based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem and Lagrange Interpolation Formula was proposed which could adjust the threshold value of a secret dynamically .

  19. 运用Hill图,结合统计量D来确定GPD的最佳门限值是合适的,选出的样本是独立的。

    It is appropriate to use Hill plot with Dto determine the optimal threshold of GPD , and the selected samples are independent .

  20. 最后,对基于门限值控制算法、PID控制算法和模糊控制算法,在不同车速下和不同附着系数路面上的汽车ABS的制动性能进行了详尽分析比较。

    Lastly , braking performance under different initial vehicle velocities and on different adhesion coefficient roads using logic threshold control algorithm , PID control algorithm and fuzzy control algorithm are analyzed and compared .

  21. Duane模型在确定装备可靠性门限值中的应用

    Application of a Duane model in the determination of the reliability threshold of materiel

  22. 通过二维Markov链的分析,研究了数据包长度服从均匀分布时的网络吞吐量性能,给出了最佳RTS门限值的计算方法。

    The throughput performance of network is analyzed based on 2-dimension Markov chain when packet lengths are uniformly distributed , and the optimal RTS threshold is presented .

  23. 对前者给出了4种不同的门限值确定规则,对后者给出了使用类似MexicanHat小波基的二进离散小波计算式。

    To the former the four different rules to make the threshold values are giving , to the latter the disperse wavelet transform based on the similar-Mexican hat is giving .

  24. 提出了一种基于差错控制编码(ECC)的水印检测方法,并且依据编码原理提出了进行水印检测的门限值的确定方法。

    In this paper , a method for watermark detection based on error control codes and a method for determining threshold for watermark detection are proposed .

  25. 偏差绝对值小于门限值时,系统控制程序采用PID算法,大于时用PD算法,以改善动态品质。

    If absolute value of windage was less than value of phylum limit , PID arithmetic was used by systemic control program ; if it was more , PD arithmetic was used to improve dynamic character .

  26. 结论:用偏倚缩减法确定出条件采样MU-LEVEL法、VITA法的门限值较其它三种方法客观、准确。

    Conclusion : More reasonable thresholds of conditional samples scheme for VITA and mu level may be determined by bias reduction procedure .

  27. 文章首先介绍了目前常用的ABS控制方法,包括逻辑门限值控制方法和基于滑移率的控制方法,并分析了各自的优缺点。

    Most of the control methods in the application of ABS including logic threshold control and control method based on wheel slip ratio are introduced , and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed respectively .

  28. 采用的耗散功率理论,避免了传统的逻辑门限值研究方法的局限性,取得了理论上的突破,研发ABS成功且进入产业化、批量生产阶段。

    The theory of dissipation power , avoid the traditional logic threshold method of research , the theory has limitations , r & d ABS success and the breakthrough , batch production industrialized stage .

  29. 限幅类方法,其中最简单的方法是限幅,它将OFDM信号的PAPR值限制在某一门限值以下,但这样做会使信号产生失真,并且频谱的带外失真较大。

    Clipping is the simplest scheme which clips the OFDM signal to limit the value of PAPR below a threshold level , but it causes signal distortion and big out-of-band radiation .

  30. 我们在对判决量统计特性分析的基础上,采用最大似然估计准则估计出等效高斯白噪声方差V.由此,我们得到了判决门限值的自适应设置方法。

    After analyzing the statistical property of the decision variable , we use the Maximum Likelihood ( ML ) criterion to adaptively estimate the variance of the Gaussian noise .