
  • 网络Longbowmen;Longbowman
  1. 在强力步兵保护下的强悍长弓手可以替你赢得许多战斗,然而英国人必须克服他们的骑兵较敌人们种类少这一劣势。

    Powerful English infantry , working to protect the mighty longbowmen will win many a battle however , the English will have to overcome the fact that their cavalry does not offer the same variety and power as some rival factions .

  2. 实际上,所谓长弓手赢得了阿金库尔战役是一种错误的说法。

    Actually it is rather incorrect to say that the longbows won agincourt .

  3. 用物理术语来说,一位长弓手就是一个频率为150毫赫兹的发箭机。

    In physics terms , a longbow archer is an arrow generator with a frequency of 150 millihertz .

  4. 尽管最初的他不过是一个罗宾汉式的盗版蝙蝠侠,但经过20世纪70年代丹尼·奥尼尔和尼尔·亚当斯的改编,他成为了一个富有特色的自由斗士。接着在80年代麦克·格瑞尔的限期系列漫画《长弓猎手》中他黑化了。

    Though he was originally little more than a Robin Hood-themed Batman knockoff , the character truly came into his own when Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams recreated him as a liberal crusader in the 1970s , and he then took a darker turn with the 1980s limited series Longbow Hunters , by Mike Grell .