
xiāo shòu yuán
  • salesperson
  1. 在当今竞争激烈的市场上,一个好的销售员应该有进取精神。

    A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today 's competitive market .

  2. 假设H1d:销售员自我监控水平对其自我中心网络异质性有正向影响。

    H1d : salesperson self-monitoring has a positive effect on the heterogeneity of salesperson ego-centric network .

  3. 我妈妈年轻时曾经是个成功的时装销售员。

    In her younger days my mother had been a successful fashionwear saleswoman .

  4. 五金店的销售员们只要两分半钟就能安装起一台缝纫机。

    Salesmen in hardware shops assembled sewing machines in two and a half minutes .

  5. 1960年,就在肖恩·康纳利签约007系列电影之前,一位名叫格雷维尔·韦恩的销售员受雇于军情六处和中央情报局从莫斯科带回苏联机密。

    In 1960 , just before Sean Connery signed up to be 007 , a salesman named Greville Wynne was recruited by MI6 and the CIA to carry Soviet13 secrets back from Moscow .

  6. C销售员:有什麽我能帮您的吗?

    Salesclerk : > Can I help you find anything ?

  7. 玩具反斗城公司(ToysRUs)几天前宣布,为了迎接圣诞,公司将招聘包括销售员、玩具展示员和仓库工人在内的45000名新员工。

    Toys R US will add about 45,000 salespeople , toy demonstrators , and warehouse workers for the holiday season , the company announced a few days ago .

  8. 将销售员ID更改为RAND(0999999),以用随机的数字来替换ID。

    Change the salesman ID to RAND ( 0, 999999 ) to replace the ID with a random number .

  9. 于是她联系了自己的一位儿时好友、花旗居屋(CitiHabitats)的女销售员克莱尔·马歇尔(ClaireMarshall)。

    So she contacted her childhood friend Claire Marshall , a saleswoman at Citi Habitats .

  10. 如果资深投资银行家张红力(LeeZhang)厌倦了日常工作,他可以考虑重新接受培训,成为一名广告销售员。

    If senior investment banker Lee Zhang ever tires of the day job , he could consider re - training as an advertising salesman .

  11. 网飞(Netflix)总裁里德•哈斯廷斯:真空吸尘器销售员

    Netflix CEO Reed Hastings : Vacuum cleaner salesman

  12. 退役以后,Gardner作起了医药销售员。

    After the military , Gardner took a job as a medical supply salesman .

  13. 最重要的是,市场需要对CDS有真正的需求,最关键的是来自最终投资者、而非渴求赚取手续费的银行销售员的需求。

    Most importantly , there needs to be genuine demand for CDS & most crucially from end investors rather than fee-hungry banking salesmen .

  14. 艺术家汉斯•松德布卢姆(HansSundblom)用一个退休的销售员诺士•普伦蒂斯(LesPrentice)作为他的模特。

    Artist Hans Sundblom used as his model a retired salesman named Les Prentice .

  15. 克里斯蒂安·维利(ChristianVerre)是一名26岁的服装销售员,他曾和21岁的女友爱丽丝·华盛顿(AliceWashington)以及八个朋友一起,经由一座废弃的建筑物偷偷溜出。

    Christian Verre , a 26-year-old clothing salesman , sneaked out through an abandoned building with his girlfriend , Alice Washington , 21 , and eight friends .

  16. 他聘请了一名宾利(Bentley)销售员,帮助向富有顾客推广钢琴。

    He recruited a Bentley salesman to help market the pianos to affluent customers .

  17. 销售员Andy并不是专业的流程工程师,因此我们并没有围绕BPMN进行设计。

    Andy our Sales guys is not a professional process engineer , hence we did not design around BPMN .

  18. 在真实的职业选拔下,向42位应聘销售员职位的应征者实施了NEO人格子问卷和结构化人格面试。

    In a real occupational selection situation , the 42 candidates for sales were introduced lattice NEO Personality questionnaires and structured interviews .

  19. 那是因为你本来就不应该做销售员,你应该当个DJ。

    It 's because you were not supposed to be a sales person , you were meant to be a DJ .

  20. 另一家商店的销售员拿出一个用《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)人物“安迪”(Andy)的形象制造的玩具,开口要价420人民币(约66美元)。

    A saleswoman at another store offered a toy doll of Andy , a character from the movie " Toy Story , " for an asking price of 420 renminbi , or about $ 66 .

  21. 几年前,佩尔•松丁(PerSundin)与妻子参加晚宴时,妻子叮嘱他:“别跟别人说你是做什么工作的。”松丁既非银行家、二手车销售员,也非军火商,而是瑞典一家唱片公司的主管。

    Don 't tell people what you do , " Per Sundin 's wife insisted as they went to a dinner party several years ago . Sundin wasn 't a banker , used-car salesman or weapons producer , but the head of a record label in Sweden .

  22. 当那位销售员到来时,他身体多个部位配带着电子产品:腰带上挂着PDA和一部手机,耳边别着蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机。

    The salesman had arrived with electronics affixed to various parts of his body : a PDA and phone attached to his belt and a Bluetooth ear piece stapled to the side of his head .

  23. 如果你甚至连折磨那些电话推销人员的时间或心力都没有,请在www.donotcall.gov这个网站上写上你的大名。词语解释:1.tormentv.折磨2.telemarketern.电话销售员

    If you don 't have the time or the heart to torment telemarketers , put your name on the National Do Not Call Registry at www.donotcall.gov .

  24. 假设H2b:销售员自我中心网络中的强连带数对其销售绩效有正向影响。

    H2b : the number of strong ties in salesperson ego-centric network has a positive effect on sales performance . 7 .

  25. 20世纪60年代,他来到纽约,担任市政债券交易商lebenthal的销售员,之前曾任废铁销售员。

    He worked as a scrap iron salesman before moving to New York in the 1960s as a salesman at lebenthal , the municipal bond dealer .

  26. Getdowntobrasstacks这个短语意思是触及某物的底部或最重要的部分,比如,一名销售员会大谈特谈产品就是不谈价格,你会开门见山地问,“听起来不错,价格如何呢?”

    This expression means to get to the bottom or most important part of something . For example , a salesman may talk and talk about his product without saying the price . You get down to brass tacks when you say , " it sounds good , but how much does it cost ? "

  27. 附近女人岛(IsladeMujeres)的潜水是一流的,但是你要准备好应付那些积极的分时销售员、潜水旅行小贩,以及引人注目的年轻女性——她们认为你很帅,但脑子并不怎么灵光。

    The beaches are beautiful and the snorkeling and diving in nearby Isla de Mujeres is world-class , but prepare yourself for a hundred daily conversations with aggressive timeshare salesmen , snorkeling tour hawkers and insistent young ladies who really think you 'd look great with a head full of braids .

  28. 销售员们在旅馆的酒吧间见面。

    The sale reps meet in the bar of the hotel .

  29. 销售员把销售协议传真给总部。

    The salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office .

  30. 体验学习:你是位“电梯思维”销售员吗?

    Experiential Learning : Are You An " Elevator-Thinking " Salesperson ?