
  1. 总结出银行卡收单外包服务商的盈利模式可以分为两种:直接盈利模式和间接盈利模式。

    The profit mode can be divided into two types of direct and indirect .

  2. 而随着分工的日益细化,银行卡收单外包服务商应运而生。

    Following the thinning of the division of labor , the banking card acquiring outsourcing service providers came into being .

  3. 通过形象而清晰的图表、简单易懂的实例,深入剖析银行卡收单外包服务商的收益情况、成本投入及在收单基础业务上的最终所得。

    By the simple and understandable chart , give an insight into the banking card acquiring revenue of outsourcing service provider .

  4. 随着银行卡收单市场竞争日益激烈,黑龙江省银行卡收单业务发展前景变得越来越复杂。

    Along with the more and more competitive market of Bank Card Acquiring Service ( BCAS ), the prospect of developing BCAS in Heilongjiang province becomes increasingly complicated and difficult .

  5. 因此银行卡产业取得了突飞猛进的发展,随之也孕育了银行卡收单市场。

    Therefore rapid development has taken place in banking card industry and also it gave birth to banking card acquiring market .