
yín hánɡ jià rì
  • bank holiday
  1. 你不能去,现在是银行假日。

    You can 't go , it 's a bank holiday weekend .

  2. “银行假日”(指银行不营业的周末)这两天过得不错。

    So the bank holiday was fun , of course .

  3. 5月份的两个银行假日离得很近。

    The two bank holidays are quite close together in may .

  4. 银行假日算年假的一部分吗?

    Do bank holidays count as part of annual leave ?

  5. 如果银行假日恰好是周末会怎么样呢?

    What happens when bank holidays fall on a weekend ?

  6. 感谢上帝,它不是一个银行假日。

    Thank God it isn 't a bank holiday .

  7. 在英国,官方公假也称作“银行假日”。

    In Britain , official public holidays are also called " bank holidays " .

  8. 看输入的日期是否是交易日而非银行假日或周末。

    Entering to ensure it was a trading day and not a bank holiday or weekend .

  9. 按传统,在银行假日,许多商家都停业,以便员工们可以休假。

    Traditionally on a Bank Holiday many businesses are closed to enable the workers to have a holiday .

  10. 但是,我们的银行假日的缘由是什么,而在这个假日里,英国的人民又是怎样过的呢?

    But what is the origin of our bank holidays and what do they tell us about the UK ?

  11. 他说他上周一没能休银行假日,就在昨天晚上休了。

    He said he was unable to take his Bank Holiday last Monday , and took it last night instead .

  12. “银行假日”这个名称起源于银行关闭以至所有交易暂停的时期。

    The name Bank Holiday comes from the time when Banks were shut and so no trading could take place .

  13. 许多人多半会欢迎再有一两个“银行假日”,因为英国的公假日比欧洲大陆多数的国家都少。

    Many people would welcome an extra " Bank Holiday " or two as England has fewer than most continental countries .

  14. 因周末适值银行假日,这一争执已对爱尔兰的航空旅游普遍造成紊乱。

    Since the weekend happened to fall on a bank holiday , the dispute has already caused general confusion for the air travel in Ireland .

  15. 在复活节银行假日的周末,位于伦敦市中心的哈顿花园保险有限公司发生了一起迅雷不及掩耳之势的盗窃,72个保险箱被洗劫一空。

    Seventy-two safe deposit boxes were opened in a raid at the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Ltd in central London over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend .

  16. 在银行假日工作的人,一般会得到额外的报酬&“原工资一倍半”或甚至“双工资”,这是工会为他们争取来的。

    Anyone who works on Bank Holidays usually gets paid extra " timeandahalf " or even " double time ," negotiated for them by the Trades Unions .

  17. 传统上银行假日是人们用来改善家居的时间,一项研究显示,人们正倾向于雇佣其他人来完成这项工作。

    While Bank Holidays were traditionally a time when people looked to get on with home improvements , a study indicates that people would rather employ someone else to do the work .

  18. (星期六和星期日以外的)银行假日(通常为公众假日,如复活节后的星期一、圣诞节等)。

    Bank holiday ; day ( not a Saturday or a Sunday ) on which banks are officially closed , usu a public holiday ( eg Easter Monday , Christmas Day , etc )

  19. 在这里(就像你在银行假日周一夜里可能经历的那样),他耐心地等了1个小时,才有医生为成本中心3号做检查,然后拍X光又等了一个小时左右。

    Here ( as you would expect on a bank holiday Monday night ) he waited patiently for an hour for CC # 3 to be seen , and then another hour or so for him to be X-rayed .

  20. 我们储蓄银行除假日外每天上午9:00开业。

    It opens at9:00 in the morning every day except holidays .

  21. 利用八月间的银行休假日,来回只消花上两先令六便士。

    August bank holiday , only two and six return .

  22. 复活节翌日的星期一是一个银行休假日,在哪一天银行和其他的主要生意被关闭。

    Easter Monday is a Bank Holiday , on which banks and other major businesses are closed .

  23. 随着婚礼前一周周末的复活节放假以及婚礼后五一银行休假日的到来,这就意味着英国民众将享受到连续2个为期4天的周末小长假。

    With Easter falling the weekend before , and May Day holiday on the following Monday , it means many people will enjoy two four-day weekends in a row .

  24. 如果您计划访问瑞典,不要忘记考虑的日期瑞典公众,银行及国定假日。

    If you plan to visit Sweden , don 't forget to consider the dates of the Swedish public , bank & national holidays .