
zuān yíng
  • curry favour with sb. in authority for personal gain;secure personal gain;curry favor with sb.in authority for personal gain;insinuate
钻营 [zuān yíng]
  • [curry favor with sb.in authority for personal gain;secure personal gain] 找门路,托人情,谋求私利

钻营[zuān yíng]
  1. 他暗通关节,钻营投机挤进了委员会。

    He bribed himself onto the committee .

  2. 他到处钻营,只要能有所得。

    He will crawl anywhere if he can gain something by it .

  3. 他宁愿清贫不苟且,不愿钻营以谋高官厚禄。

    He prefers honest poverty to a high position obtained by questionable means .

  4. 问:社会真的是建立在野心及钻营上的吗?

    Questioner : It is true that society is based on acquisitiveness and ambition ;

  5. 资产阶级政客们为了要在自己政党内确立有利地位而钻营策划。

    The bourgeois politicians jockeyed about in order to establish advantageous positions within their party .

  6. 他确确实实就是英国人所说的‘投机钻营者’:一位老谋深算的企业家。

    He was literally what the British call a ' wheeler-dealer ' – a wily entrepreneur .

  7. 在邻里间钻营名望和人气时,总是使用间接方式;

    Whenever we do climb into local fame and notice , it is by indirect methods ;

  8. 不要钻营于利益之中,没有未来的考量,只有现在。

    Look for no profit out of it , see no future in it , just the present .

  9. 野心常常把人们推上最卑鄙的职位;向上钻营同样要卑躬屈膝。

    Ambition often puts men upon doing the meanest offices ; so climbing is performed in the same posture with creeping .

  10. 我不想听你那些为钻营功名富贵而设计出来的诈巧虚伪的论述。

    I don 't want to hear your tricky and fictitious words designed for cheating of fame , honor , wealth and rank .

  11. 她是个精明油滑的女人,对她没有好处的事她是从来不做的,她总是竭力钻营,唯利是图。

    She was a shrewed woman ; she never did a kindness without a good reason , and she always had an eye on the main chance .

  12. 今天,老挝人看起来都满足于他们所拥有的一切,即使老挝是世界上最穷的国家之一,大多数老挝人不太关心钻营敛财之道,也不关心现代化的种种发展。

    Laotians today seem happy with what little they have - theirs is one of the poorest countries in the world - and largely unconcerned by the mucky business of making money , as well as many other aspects of modernity .