
zhònɡ diǎn xué xiào
  • key school/institute/university
  1. 伦敦周边的许多重点学校都出现了类似情况。

    A similar position is found at many grammar schools around London .

  2. 非重点学校学生比重点学校学生更多地使用求助方式。

    More non-key school students use the support-seeking . 3 .

  3. 中学生学习策略的发展在重点学校与普通学校之间存在极其显著的差异。

    There is a significant difference between key middle school and common middle school .

  4. 重点学校的教师极其显著地低于一般学校的教师;

    The three scores in key schools were extremely significantly lower than common schools ;

  5. 精英主义教育体制与重点学校

    Educational System for the Elite and Key Schools

  6. 辽宁省足球重点学校11~13岁男生体育兴趣调查与分析

    Analysis and Investigation on 11 ~ 13-year-old Boy Students of Football Key Schools in Liaoning Province

  7. 目前我国教育发展不均衡,教育资源配置失衡、重点学校制度、教育政策中的城市取向以及教育腐败都严重损害了教育公平。

    At present , educational development is imbalance , so is the disposition of educational resources .

  8. 劳拉在城里的重点学校以考试成绩优异而出众。

    Laura distinguished herself by her performance in the examination at the city 's leading school .

  9. 首先,教育市场存在教育质量有明显优势的重点学校。

    Firstly , there are key schools in the education market which have sharp advantage of education quality .

  10. 我又不是去重点学校我没有那种压力。

    I 'm not going to a fancy schooi . I don 't have that kind of pressure .

  11. 重点学校学生与非重点学校学生相比,其心理控制源更倾向于内控性。

    The locus of control of key school students than non-key school students tend to the internality . 2 .

  12. 同时,重点学校制度对于农村学生形成了教育排斥,使农村学生未进入高中阶段之前,已经被学校教育淘汰。

    At the same time , key school system has formed " education repulsion " to rural area students .

  13. 总的来说,重点学校教学设施完备,教师的教学水平比较高,学生的学习成绩好。

    On the whole , the key schools have high-level teaching facilities , qualified teachers and high grade students .

  14. 我父亲帮我找了一个重点学校,并且我还会成为学校足球队的队员。

    My father helped me find a key school and I 'll be a member of the school football team .

  15. 重点学校的学生比普通学校的学生日常推理更加倾向于使用数学推理。

    The logic in daily lives of students in point school inclines to mathematical logic morethan the students in common school .

  16. 青少年学生责任心的学校类型差异显著,重点学校的学生责任心水平普遍高于非重点学校。

    There exits a school difference , the key school students get the higher score than those of the common school .

  17. 重点学校学生有机会走出教室、到社会中去学习、并且进行了研究性学习。

    The students from important school have the chance of studying outside of classroom or researching some questions from our life .

  18. 结果表明:足球重点学校11~13岁男生体育兴趣广泛,体育兴趣程度高;

    The results show that 11 ~ 13-year-old boy students in football key schools have extensive and profound interest in sports ;

  19. 普通学校小学教师的应激水平显著低于普通学校初中和高中教师,重点学校高中教师的应激水平却低于重点小学和重点初中学校教师,重点高中教师的应激水平显著低于普通高中教师。

    But in ordinary school , the stress score of primary school teachers is lower than that of second and high school teachers .

  20. 大部分重点学校的申请截止日期是去年10月份,就在之前一个月,全球经济衰退明显加剧。

    The deadline for most applications to grammar schools was October last year , a month after the global economic downturn intensified dramatically .

  21. 择校的本质是择师,人们费心费力送孩子去重点学校就读,说到底是看中了重点学校的教师资源。

    People make great efforts to send their children to the key schools because the have desires for teacher resources of the key schools .

  22. 4一般学校学生的心理健康总体状况不如重点学校,但两类学校学生的具体心理问题表现的差异并不显著(P>0.05)。

    The students ' psychological health in general schools is worse than those in important schools , but not serious ( P > 0.05 ) .

  23. 本科学历的教师大部分集中在城市中心重点学校,而乡镇的农村学校的教师基本上以专科生为主。

    Teachers with bachelor ' sdegree are most concentrated in the city center key schools , and of the rural schoolteachers basically to college students .

  24. 采用问卷调查、文献资料等研究方法,对辽宁省足球重点学校11~13岁男生的体育兴趣进行研究。

    This paper takes an investigation into 11 ~ 13-year-old boy students of football key schools in Liaoning province by means of literature review , questionnaire .

  25. 由60名教师组成的队伍全部来自上海重点学校,他们将首次被聘请,力图在英国教育系统中促进中国式教学方法。

    For the first time , a team of 60 teachers from high-performing schools in Shanghai will be hired in an attempt to promote Chinese-style teaching methods in the state education system .

  26. 这种现象表明,家长对经济不安全的应对方法,是既帮自己的孩子申请重点学校,同时也申请顶尖私立学校,因为他们不确定到9月份时自己的财务状况如何。

    That suggests parents might be responding to economic insecurity by registering their children for both grammars and top private schools , because they are unsure what their personal financial situation will be by September .

  27. 结果表明:(1)中学生学习主观幸福感普遍偏低,且存在学校类型、年级的差异,非重点学校学生学习主观幸福感更低;

    Results show that : ( 1 ) Middle school students ' learning subjective well-being is generally low , and differences exist among schools and grades : Students from non-key-schools have lower learning subjective well-being than others .

  28. 巨型高中是当地的名牌、重点学校,面对升学和教学质量的压力,教师负担加重,教师冷暴力现象更为凸显。

    Giant senior high schools are local famous and important school . The Faces of the entering a higher school and the quality of teaching make burden on teachers . the phenomenon of teacher cold violence is more serious .

  29. 它们的观点及其背后的数字,支持了坊间传闻的迹象:即越来越多先前打算送孩子上私立学校的家长,现在转而青睐免费的公立重点学校。

    Their views , and the figures behind them , support anecdotal evidence that an increasing number of parents previously intent on their children being educated in the private sector are exploring the option of a free education at grammar schools .

  30. 目前,在城市学校和乡村学校、富裕地区学校与贫困地区学校、重点学校和非重点学校普遍存在差别的情况下,我国儿童的受教育权实际上不平等。

    At present , children 's right of accepting education is , in fact , unfair because of the differences and gaps existing between urban and rural schools , between schools in rich and poor areas and between the key schools and non-key schools .