
  1. 尽管对多数美国员工来说,劳动力市场目前状况较好,但“美国梦”(americandream)的状况已成为2008年总统大选前的一个重大主题。

    While in the short term labour market conditions are now good for most US workers , the state of the " American Dream " is already emerging as a big theme in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election .

  2. 反思&中国近代报刊的重大主题

    Reflection & Major Theme of the Press in Modern Times of China

  3. 社会治理是人类社会活动的基本内容,也是社会科学理论致思的重大主题。

    Social governance is the basic human activity and the major theme of social science .

  4. 爱情与婚姻是池莉小说创作中的一个重大主题。关于爱情,池莉赫赫然喊出:不谈爱情!

    Love as well as marriage is an important topic in Chi Li 's novels .

  5. 重大主题深度开掘&《宁波日报》做强正面典型报道的探索与思考

    Significant Themes and Deep Exploration

  6. 与会者讨论的一个重大主题是互联网正在颠覆商业世界。

    One of the great themes discussed by conference attendees is that the internet is turning the business world upside down .

  7. 她的散文大多是从个人角度去阐释重大主题,而不是把自己作为故事的中心。

    Her non-fiction has always considered grand matters from a personal perspective , without making herself the centre of the story .

  8. 他多部作品中都饱含热情的描述关于生命和死亡的一些重大主题,以及追求生存和维护正义的斗争。

    He wrote passionately and prolifically about the great questions of life and death , the struggle to survive and to maintain integrity .

  9. 世界经济论坛在达沃斯召开年会时,会议议程是按照涉及当今世界重大主题的貌似明确的观点来设计的。

    When the WEF holds its annual meeting in Davos , the programme is planned with seemingly-clear ideas about the big themes of the day .

  10. 论文还进一步指出欧茨是一位严肃的作家,她的创作一直在探索着人类生存这一重大主题。

    The author points out that Joyce Carol Oates is a serious writer and her works have been exploring the important theme of human existence .

  11. 本文围绕这一重大主题,提出了国家特定优势理论,为我国企业的对外直接投资构建了理论框架。

    This paper proposes the country specific advantage theory according to the above major theme , constructs the theoretical framework for FDI of Chinese enterprises .

  12. 重大主题报道是不可或缺的新闻报道样式之一,它以产生巨大影响力而被各大媒体所重视。

    As one of the essential news report forms , the significant subject report is given great attention by all the media for its huge influence .

  13. 推动政治制度的发展创新,增强政治制度的生机和活力,是我国现代政治发展过程中的重大主题。

    An essentially important theme of the present political development in our country is to propel the innovative development of political system and to enhance its vitality .

  14. 同样,海湾地区的问题也不会影响当前的其它重大主题,比如西方的公共与私人部门债务,或是中国的经济增长。

    Nor does trouble in the Gulf affect other influential themes of the day such as western public and private sector indebtedness , or growth in China .

  15. 在全球生态危机日趋严重的今天,生态将是未来哲学社会科学的重大主题之一。

    The global ecocrisis is becoming more and more serious nowadays , and as a result the ecology will become one of the major subjects of philosophy and social sciences .

  16. 连线报道以其快捷灵活、悬念感强等传播特性在报道重大主题及突发性新闻事件中屡建奇功。

    Connection report makes more and more achievements in significant themes and abrupt incidents with its propagating characteristics such as shortcut , agility , and strong suspense and so on .

  17. 尽管他老成的脸庞可能很适合演喜剧,但该片还让他有机会展现人性的一面,诠释了爱情与背叛等重大主题。

    His mellow face may lend itself to comedy , but the film also gives him a chance to show a human side , interpreting big themes like love and betrayal .

  18. 节能和环保成为当今世界关注的两个重大主题,提高能源利用效率和减少温室气体的排放变得越来越重要。

    The energy efficiency and environmental protection are two major theme to the world attention , improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases is becoming more and more important .

  19. 这是一个聪明的片头,因为它能很快让你意识到,这个故事是关于生死之间的重大主题,也能让你马上关注路易(由迷人的杰克·奥康奈尔[JackO’Connell]饰演)。

    It 's a shrewd opener , because it immediately puts you on notice in regard to the story 's life-and-death stakes and draws you close to Louie ( the appealing Jack O'Connell ) .

  20. 第三章通过这部小说延伸出去,着眼于昆德拉小说的系统化特征,从昆德拉看重的遗忘、存在与自我这些重大主题之间的联系入手,试图发现昆德拉指给我们的关于存在地图的秘密。

    This chapter starts from those important topics such as forgetting , the existence and the ego that Kundera values very much to try to find the secrets of the map of the existence that Kundera points out to us .

  21. 城镇化也是云南实现全面小康和现代化的重大主题,由于种种原因,建国以来云南的城镇化推进比较滞后,甚至成为了制约云南加快发展、科学发展的短板。

    Urbanization helps Yunnan to realize comprehensive well-off and modernization of the major theme , due to various reasons , since the founding of Yunnan urbanization lags behind , even become restrict the rapid development of Yunnan , the scientific development short board .

  22. 这已成为时下中国的一个重大时代主题。

    It has become a major theme of the times .

  23. 对我而言,沉默是弗雷泽天巨著中一个重大的主题,也是个中心问题。

    For me , that silence is the great subject-and central problem-of fraser 's sprawling work .

  24. 基纳斯顿并不争论,但他的书中确实有重大的主题。

    Mr. Kynaston does not have an argument , but he does have some big themes .

  25. 《额尔古纳河右岸》则涉及到传统文化与人的心灵皈依这一重大的主题。

    The Right Band of The Argun related to the major relation between the traditional culture and the convert of human mind .

  26. 构建和谐社会,已成为时下中国的一个重大时代主题,被称为新的伟大长征①。

    To construct a harmonious society , entitled with " A New Great Long March ", has become a great subject of times in modern China .

  27. 变革作为组织生命历程中永恒而重大的主题,一直受到理论界、实践界六十余年来持续地关注。

    As the eternal and significant theme in the organizational life cycle , change has been subject to theorists and practitioners for more than sixty years .

  28. 他认为,这将是亚洲下一个重大投资主题,并坚称罗祖儒公司是亚洲地区首家确立这一观点的基金管理公司。

    He believes it is the next big investment theme in Asia and maintains Lloyd George is the first fund management company to identify it in the region .

  29. 另一方面反映出重大政治主题的传播由于电视的介入而发生的调整与改变。

    On the other hand , owing to the intervening of TV media , the communication of many weighty political affairs have been occurring a lot of adjustments .

  30. 面对当代世界的一系列全球性问题,面对当代文明的种种危机,呼唤文化普遍价值、培育民族文化个性、建立现代生态文明,便凸现为全球化进程中的重大哲学主题。

    In a time of global problems and crises , universal cultural values , national cultural individuality and modern ecological civilization have become the most important themes for philosophical studies .