- 名heavy isotope

A Heavy Isotope of Osmium : ~ ( 197 ) Os
The uncertainty of burnup values got by the set of formulae is 3 % , maxium deviation from Nd method is 2 % . This is a set of new formulae for heavy isotope method .
The analyses of Cr (ⅵ) in the groundwater show enrichment of the heavy isotopes relative to the plating baths .
In rain season with the moist air , heavy precipitation , small Δ T_d in atmosphere , light evaporation and thus light enrichment , influenced by low-latitude marine vapor , the rainfall is characterized with low stable isotopic ratio .
In this research , the δ 13C values of suspended particulate matter in outfall sites were serious losses . This is because the input of effluent will enter the carbon isotope values of suspended particulate matter make the deficit of heavy isotopes . 4 .
More reactive are the heavier isotopes of hydrogen , deuterium and tritium .
On the light and heavy isotope separation
The thermal spring water has a light isotope composition in summer and a heavy isotope composition in winter .
The isotopic fractionation under microbial actions belongs to the kinetic isotopic fractionation , which results in the enrichment of heavier isotopes in .
So , as rain gets carried inland from where it is created over the oceans , the heavy isotopes tend to rain down first on the coastal areas .
The burnup values agree with the data obtained from heavy isotope ratio and radiochemistry methods within the errors of 4 . 0 % and 2 . 8 % respectively .
The enrichment of heavy oxygen and hydrogen isotope in the solid phase , during the gas hydrate formation , causes a decrease gradient in the δ 18O and δ D profiles and indicates the gas hydrate existence .
The slope and the constant item in the meteoric water line ( MWL ), compared to the global MWL , are both smaller in Kunming , and are related to the evaporation enrichment of heavy isotopes as raindrops fall in unsaturated atmosphere .
Finally , the fluorescence spectroscopy , multi-photon ionization spectroscopy for supersonic molecular beam are briefly introduced .
It is indicated that the sulfur isotopic composition of precipitation of Xiang-Gui Corridor is enriched in 32S , however , which of the Pearl River Delta is enriched in 34S .
The fuel will be made from two heavy forms of hydrogen , called deuterium and tritium .
Researchers said the zircon 's high level of heavy oxygen isotopes suggest it was cooled by surface water after it formed .
The researchers took cores from tree trunks , and sampled the individual rings that form with each year 's growth to assess the ratio of normal to'heavy'oxygen .
The latter is rich in Cl but poor in Tl , high in I , rich in heavy sulfur isotope , and relatively depleted in alkali-earth group elements .
She notes that the theory does not totally explain all of the excess heavy xenon in the atmosphere , nor for additional xenon made from the radioactive decay of uranium and plutonium in rocks .
Half-life Measurement of Heavy Neutron-rich Isotope ~ ( 237 ) Th
A New Heavy Neutron-Rich Isotope  ̄( 239 ) Pa
For the gas in Yingcheng Fm , the carbon isotope values of methane are heavier than that of ethane .
S.By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair , scientists can construct a geographic timeline .
And as growing grapes absorb carbon dioxide , they take in trace amounts of the heavier carbon isotope & which eventually show up in the wine .
Some natural gas has experienced secondary change , and the relatively heavy carbon isotope of hydrocarbons and the inverse carbon isotope of heavy hydrocarbons are the results of biodegradation .
The natural uranium targets are bombarded by 18 O ( 60 MeV / u ) ions , and the heavy neutron rich isotope 237 Th is produced through the multi nucleon transfer reaction .
The existence of gas chimney can explain the mixed source characters of Quaternary gas composition and ethane carbon isotope , thus resolving the contradictions between source rock hydrocarbon-generating potentials and gas reserves of each sequence .
A New Heavy Neutron rich Isotope & 238 Th
Deuterium is a heavier and stable isotope of ordinary hydrogen .