
  • 网络those places
  1. 那些地方他也许去过一些。

    He may have been to some of those places

  2. 与特西利安相比,那些地方很现代。

    Those places are modern by comparison with Tresillian .

  3. 我非常同情生活在那些地方的人们。

    I clearly empathize with the people who live in those neighborhoods

  4. 对有经验的入室窃贼来说,人们惯常藏钱的那些地方最容易得手。

    Traditional hiding places are easy pickings for experienced burglars

  5. 国际移民组织女发言人JeminiPandya称,那些地方的失业数据相当高。

    IOM Spokeswoman , Jemini Pandya , says the unemployment figures there are high .

  6. 外界越来越担心那些地方政府如何找到资金、以偿还银行贷款,或者如瑞信(CreditSuisse)所言,中央政府是否需要向银行注入更多的资本,来填补日益扩大的缺口。

    Fears have been growing over how those local authorities will find the money to pay the banks back – or whether , as Credit Suisse have suggested , the central government will need to infuse the banks with more capital to meet the gaping shortfall .

  7. 噢,boonies就是指离城市很远的乡下地方,也就是很偏僻的地方,我们中文里说那些地方是“前不着村,后不搭店”。

    LL : No ," boonies " is a slang term for any place that is very far from any major city or town .

  8. 亚当斯表示,mba毕业之后,还有很多东西要学,但商学院的确教会了大家如何去学习,以及在实际工作中应关注那些地方而一旦出现问题,新的解决问题技巧就能派上用场。

    There is still much to be learnt after an MBA , he says , but it does teach students how to learn and what to pay attention to in the real world and when things go wrong , their new problem-solving skills can be deployed .

  9. “我只需打个电话,说我要去那些地方,他们会说‘祝你玩得开心’,”伯明翰(Birmingham)DunganNequette公司的邓根说,“这是一项极大的特惠权利。”

    I just call and say I 'm going down there , and they say ' Have fun ' , ' says Mr. Dungan , of Birmingham firm Dungan Nequette . ' It 's a great perk . '

  10. 然而,尽管覆盖范围更广,但我测试的那个rangemaxnext路由器和几个pre-n路由器在我木制结构住宅的远端仍然有“死”角,在那些地方,无线信号要么没有、要么很弱。

    However , in spite of their enhanced range , the rangemax next router and the pre-N routers I have tested still leave " dead " spots in distant parts of my wood-frame home where the wireless signal is either non-existent or very weak .

  11. 最后一个问题,那些地方的湿度如何?

    Lastly , what is the humidity level at those places ?

  12. 但是现在,即使是那些地方,也不能保证产品的质量。

    But now even there , product quality cannot be guaranteed .

  13. 申请人有那些地方需改善?

    In what areas do you think the applicant can improve ?

  14. 对于一个来旅游的人你会建议他去那些地方玩呢?

    What places would you recommend a visitor to go to ?

  15. 那么有那些地方需要改进呢?

    InfoQ : Likewise , what areas need the most improvement ?

  16. 我从没见过那些地方。我再也不会有机会见到的地方。

    Places I 'd never seen . And would never see .

  17. 我所要去的那些地方,都必须是有专业的原因的。

    I only go to places if I have a professional reason .

  18. 我想看看所有那些地方像什么样子。

    I want to see what all of those places look like .

  19. 事实上,那些地方当中有一些指定给了开发商。

    In fact , some of those had been earmarked for developers .

  20. 奇怪的是,那些地方我都去过。

    Oddly , I had been to many of these places before .

  21. 为什么我进去了那些地方却什么都没有拿?

    Why I broke into all those places and never took anything ?

  22. 他们说:恶魔的城镇在那些地方拔地而起。

    They say , demon towns grew from nothing in those places .

  23. 你总是说那些地方是邪恶帝国。

    You always referred to those places as evil empires .

  24. 那些地方讲的语言都是一样。

    The language spoken in these places stayed the same .

  25. 学生:你认为那些地方也都差不多预定满了吗?

    Student : You think they 're pretty booked up ?

  26. 那些地方没有人类活动的痕迹。

    The backcountry is far away from human activity .

  27. 你完全没有去过那些地方。

    You didn 't go to all those places .

  28. 给我讲讲你想要带我去的那些地方。

    Tell me about all the places you 'd like to take me .

  29. 是的,项目结束后,我们还要到那些地方去观光。

    Yes . We 'll go sightseeing in those places after the project .

  30. 他说,排外暴力活动的受害者聚集在那些地方是因为他们感觉比较安全。

    He says victims of violence are congregating there because they feel safer .