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  • ostomy
  1. CT引导下经皮胆囊造瘘术治疗高龄、危重急性胆囊炎患者

    Percutaneous cholecystostomy by using CT guidance for treatment of acute cholecystitis in elderly , critically ill patients

  2. 经皮穿刺胃造瘘术7例,均在术后2d经饲管注入胃肠营养液及流质食物。

    Of 7 cases of percutaneous gastrostomy , liquid diet was given 2 days after operation .

  3. 目的:介绍胃镜下经皮胃造瘘术(PEG)维持重症颅脑外伤患者肠内营养的临床应用。

    Objective : To elucidate the value of percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy ( PEG ) under endoscopy in patients with severe head injury .

  4. 结果21例造瘘术前后BA的管径、血流速度无变化,无血管损伤并发症。

    Results : In 21 cases , diameter and velocity of BA have not distinction before and after fenestration and vascular injury complications .

  5. 目的评估内镜下食管覆膜自膨式金属支架植入术与经皮内镜下胃造瘘术(PEG)在气管食管瘘治疗中的应用价值。

    Objective To assess the effects of self-expandable metallic stents ( covered-SEMS ) and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy ( PEG ) in the treatment of tracheoesophageal fistulas .

  6. 与CSF分流手术相比,神经内镜三脑室造瘘术具有感染机会少,与分流术相关的并发症少,远期死亡率、残废率低等优点。

    Compared with CSF shunt , the advantages of EVT come as follows : lower infection rate , fewer complications , lower morbidity and mortality .

  7. 磁共振3D-CISS序列检查在三脑室造瘘术前后的意义

    Evaluation of 3D-CISS sequence MRI before and after the endoscopic third ventriculostomy

  8. 方法30只胃造瘘术后的Wistar大鼠随机分为饲料组(A组)、肠内营养组(B组)和谷氨酰胺强化的肠内营养组(C组),每组10只。

    Methods Thirty Wistar rats that had undergone gastrostomy were assigned randomly to chow ( group A ), enteral nutrition ( group B ), and glutamine enriched enteral nutrition ( group C ) groups , 10 in each group .

  9. 应用Seldinger技术,在B超引导下,用输尿管导管对29例病人作经皮穿刺肾造瘘术34次。

    By the Seldinger technique , ultrasonically guided percutaneous nephrostomy ( UG-PCN ) was performed 34 times in 29 patients with ureteral catheter .

  10. 目的探讨内镜第三脑室造瘘术(ETV)处理非交通性脑积水的手术技巧。

    S : Objective To probe into the techniques of endoscopic third ventriculostomy ( ETV ) for the treatment of non-communicating hydrocephalus .

  11. 结果:在听功能上,造瘘术后一些动物的蜗神经动作电位(AP)出现了不同程度地升高;80dBN1波潜伏期随AP阈值升高而延长;

    The results showed that for the hearing function , the AP threshold increased in some animals after the operation , and the latency of N1 ( 80 dB ) prolonged with the increase of AP threshold .

  12. 方法作者将直径1.5mm,频率20MHz的Doppler微型探头应用于80位患者的86个脑动脉瘤的术中监测。应用腔内超声检查的内镜三脑室底造瘘术

    Methods Doppler probe was used in 86 aneurysms of 80 patients . Application of ultrasonic microvascular doppler probe in endoscopic third ventriculostomy

  13. AV造瘘术一周后引起大鼠离心性心肌肥厚,心肌无明显纤维化,心肌Axin表达量与对照相比无显著变化。

    Cardiac eccentric hypertrophy without fibrosis was induced by A-V fistula for one week in rats , and no change in Axin protein expression in the left ventricles was observed .

  14. 应用ChaitTrapdoor导管介入法经皮行内镜下盲肠造瘘术与顺行保留灌肠治疗成人神经性肠道功能失常

    Introducer method of percutaneous endoscopic cecostomy and antegrade continence enema by use of the Chait Trapdoor cecostomy catheter in patients with adult neurogenic bowel

  15. 结果15例在新生儿期行结肠造瘘术,术后3~7个月行PSARP;

    Results Of 44 cases , 15 were treated by colon stoma in neonate , then PSARP was executed after 3 ~ 7 months .

  16. 方法2001年2月~2005年12月改良传统的经皮经肝胆道镜(PTCS)技术,参考经皮肾造瘘术(PCN)碎石取石的方法治疗复发的肝胆管结石17例。

    Methods Seventeen cases with RHS were treated by PCH from February 2001 to October 2005 , which was an improved technology of percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopy ( PTCS ) and made reference to the methods of percutaneous nephrostomy ( PCN ) .

  17. 选择上腹部垂直切口,于皮肤切口处切一条约2×5cm大小带蒂皮条穿过横结肠系膜并缝合固定以替代支撑棒,余手术操作基本同传统袢式造瘘术。

    Modification ⅱ: Epigastic vertical incision was chosen , a piece of about 2 × 5cm of skin strip with pedicle was pulled through transverse mesocolon to function as the supporting stick of traditional loop ostomy , other operation steps ere similar to traditional loop ostomy .

  18. 210例直肠膀胱&乙状结肠腹壁造瘘术30年回顾

    Retrospection of 210 Rectum Bladder & Abdominal Sigmoidostomy in 30 Years

  19. 2例尿失禁行永久膀胱造瘘术。

    Permanent cystostomy was performed in 2 patients with urinary incontinence .

  20. 本组32例患者行手术治疗,手术包括膀胱修补术、膀胱造瘘术;

    Thirty-two cases were treated surgically with bladder repair and cystostomy .

  21. 螺纹管在左半结肠梗阻造瘘术中的应用

    Application of Screw Pipe During the Operation of Left Colon Obstruction

  22. 减少心脏术后心包及纵隔引流液的研究上纵隔气管造瘘术

    The study of reduce shed pericardiac and mediastinal blood after cardiac operation

  23. 经皮内镜下胃造瘘术与外科胃造瘘术的对比研究

    The Comparative Study between Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and Surgical Gastrostomy

  24. 直肠癌前切除嵌入式吻合与生活质量上纵隔气管造瘘术

    Anterior resection plus impacted anastomosis for rectal cancer and quality of life

  25. 术中经皮空肠穿刺造瘘术术后病人的护理

    Postoperative nursing care of patients after underwent intraoperative per cutem jejunum fistulation

  26. 重症颅脑损伤患者的肠内营养和胃镜下经皮胃造瘘术

    Enteral Nutrition and Percutaneous Endoscopy Gastrostomy in Patients with Severe Head Injury

  27. 锁骨下静脉穿刺置管并发症的分析及防治经皮肾穿刺造瘘术的并发症及防治措施

    Cause analysis and preventing method of Complication Subclavian vein Catheterization

  28. 低位吻合口漏的治疗应尽早采取近端结肠造瘘术。

    Proximal colostomy was necessary to treat low anastomotic leakage .

  29. 多普勒微血管探头在三脑室底造瘘术中的应用

    Application of ultrasonic microvascular Doppler probe in third ventriculostomy

  30. 经皮内镜下胃造瘘术36例护理体会

    Nursing experiences of 36 cases of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy