
  • 网络Vertigo
  1. 《迷魂记》和《公民凯恩》有何伟大之处?

    What is so great about ' Vertigo ' and ' Citizen Kane ?

  2. 《迷魂记》的情节很合情理,但许多观众发现自己摸不着头脑。

    The plot of ' Vertigo ' makes perfect sense , but many viewers find themselves adrift .

  3. 从1962年起一直占据榜首的奥森・威尔斯(OrsonWelles)的《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane,1941)被阿尔弗雷德・希区柯克(AlfredHitchcock)的《迷魂记》(Vertigo,1958)取代,降至第二位。

    After occupying the No. 1 position since 1962 , Orson Welles ' ' Citizen Kane ' ( 1941 ) was demoted to second place by Alfred Hitchcock 's ' Vertigo ' ( 1958 ) .

  4. 1958年5月,迷魂记在旧金山的舞台们电影院首映。

    Vertigo premiered in San Francisco in May 1958 at the Stage Door Theater .

  5. 《迷魂记》于1982年首次上榜,而后名次持续攀升。

    Vertigo ' made the list for the first time in 1982 and kept climbing .

  6. 7彩靴子迷魂记冬季女装色彩预测

    How to choose boots color

  7. 我对《公民凯恩》、《迷魂记》和其他一些电影位居榜单前列非常满意。

    I 'm perfectly happy with ' Citizen Kane , ' ' Vertigo ' or a number of other films topping the list .

  8. 迷魂记是一部上映于1958年的心理悬疑电影,导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克,主演詹姆斯·斯图尔特,巴巴拉·贝尔·戈迪斯。

    Vertigo is a 1958 psychological thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring James Stewart , Ki Novak , and Barbara Bel Geddes .

  9. 现在,我可以说《迷魂记》了。当有人和我说:“我从没看出它有什么了不起”时,我可以回答:“从自传的角度看,它很了不起。”

    Now I can say ' Vertigo . ' When I am told , ' I 've never seen what 's so great about it , ' I can reply : ' That 's fascinating from an autobiographical point of view . '

  10. 《迷魂记》和《公民凯恩》有何伟大之处?撇开会让我们争论一整天的技术和艺术问题,真正吸引我的是,这两部电影都具有强烈的个人性和自传性。

    What is so great about ' Vertigo ' and ' Citizen Kane ? ' To set aside matters of technique and artistry , which would keep us here all day , what fascinates me is that both films are intensely personal and autobiographical .