
  • 网络Illegal construction;illegal building
  1. 刍议拆除违法建筑中的行政强制执行

    On the Arbitrary Administrative Execution in Demolishing the Illegal Building

  2. 第一章详细介绍了查处违法建筑的研究背景和研究意义,梳理了国内外研究综述,并做了简要的评析,详细介绍了研究思路与方法以及研究内容与可能的创新点。

    The first chapter introduce the research background and significance of the investigation about illegal building , combing the domestic and international research reviews , and do a brief assessment , detailing the ideas and methods of study and research the content and possible innovation .

  3. 第二章,对违法建筑的定义问题进行了深入研究。

    Chapter Two deeply researches the definition of illegal constructions .

  4. 违法建筑整治是市政管理中一项艰巨的工作。

    Rectification of illegal construction is a formidable task in the municipal administration .

  5. 违法建筑处理制度的功能研究

    The Functional Analysis on Regulations of Illegal Constructions

  6. 因此,对违法建筑问题必须引起重视,加强治理。

    Therefore , importance must be attached to the intensive rectification over illicit constructions .

  7. 违法建筑的基本特征是先天违法性。根据其违法的内容和程序不同又分为程序违建和实质违建,程序违建可通过补办手续成为合法建筑;

    The basic feature of illegal construction is " the illegality in nature " .

  8. 由于受局部利益和眼前利益驱使,违法建筑迅速滋生蔓延。

    As driven by local and immediate interests , the rapid spread of illegal construction .

  9. 整治违法建筑呼唤建立行政主导型的强制执行模式

    Mandatory Enforcement Pattern with Administrative Domination Is Called to Be Established in Renovating the Illegal Constructions

  10. 违法建筑在私法上的地位

    Discussing Illegal Construction Upon Private Law

  11. 违法建筑上的民事权利长期遭遇忽视是这类问题发生的根源所在。

    The root reason of the problem on illegal construction is that civil rights be ignored by long-term .

  12. 可以说,违法建筑问题已成为当前立法和实践中一个不容忽视,也不容模糊的课题。

    Illegal constructions problem becomes a subject in legislation and practice which can not be ignored and vague .

  13. 或许是中国人口众多的国情使然,或许是行政机关监管不力,当前,无论在农村还是在城市,违法建筑都成为一大焦点问题。

    At present , illegal construction has become one of the hot pots wherever in Chinese cities or its countryside .

  14. 违法建筑引发的民事纠纷已成为我国当前亟待解决的社会问题;

    In China , the civil dissension caused by illegal constructions has presently become the social problem that needs urgent solutions .

  15. 接着,在此基础上,分析了我国当前违法建筑治理中存在的诸多法律问题。

    Then , in this based on the analysis of the illegal construction of the current governance of many legal issues exist .

  16. 浅谈违法建筑的综合治理&对合肥市拆违活动后续工作的探究

    On the Comprehensive Treatment of the Unauthorized Building & Study on the Follow-up Work of " Unauthorized Building Demolition " in Hefei

  17. 这一部分分别介绍了我国目前理论界和实务界对违法建筑权益属性的理论观点。

    This part describes the theoretical point of view of our current theory and practice of community attributes of the illegal construction interests .

  18. 违法建筑问题不应仅在公法范畴内加以考量,更应在私法范畴内加以调整。

    The issue of illegal construction should not only be considered within the public law , but also should be recognized within the private law .

  19. 违法建筑问题之所以引发诸多社会纠纷,归其缘由在于长期以来对违法建筑的地位的错误性确认。

    The reason why the issue of illegal construction caused so much social disputes is the inappropriate location in the position about illegal construction for long-time .

  20. 本文首先立足小产权房的内涵,分析认为深圳要处理的违法建筑属于小产权房。

    Basing on the intension of small property right , the paper think that the illegal construction of Shenzhen is'the housing of small property right ' .

  21. 本文认为,在肯定违法建筑上负担一定公法上义务的同时也应承认违法建筑上所具有的私法上的权利。

    The article holds that , we should confirm the private rights on the illegal construction when we given the certain obligation of public law on it .

  22. 这种保障不仅仅是对民事权利的保障,同时也是对违法建筑上所负担的公法义务的明确。

    The conclusion is that the guaranteeing is not only for protect the civil rights , but also for dividing the obligation to burden in public law .

  23. 城市规划管理工作的难点是违法建筑的查处工作,近几年我们着力推进这方面的工作,并取得了一定的效果。

    Urban planning and construction management work is difficult and the work in recent years to promote our work in this area , and have achieved some results .

  24. 拆除违法建筑的行政强制执行关系到政府对良好发展环境的营造和百姓切身利益的维护。

    The arbitrary administrative execution in demolishing the illegal buildings is of vital importance for the government to create good development environment and protect the common people 's interests .

  25. 与此同时,当地政府今年开始整顿泰姬陵的周围环境&违法建筑被清除、摩托车被禁止通行,黄包车只能在指定区域内活动。

    This year local authorities began a simultaneous campaign to clean up the surroundings of the Taj by demolishing illegal structures , banning squatting and restricting rickshaws to designated areas .

  26. 第三章以深圳市光明新区的查处违法建筑作为实地调研,进行问卷的收集和数据分析,分析深圳市光明新区查处违法建筑的现状。

    Chapter Shenzhen Guangming New District deal with illegal construction as a field research , questionnaire collection and data analysis , analysis of Shenzhen Guangming New District investigated the status of illegal construction .

  27. 而违法建筑的大量出现也是有着许多方面的原因,如经济利益的驱动、法制观念淡薄、行政人员合力不够等等。

    A great many of illegal constructions exist in nowadays because of various causes , for example , driven by economic interests , weak sense of legal concepts , less cooperation of administrative stuff .

  28. 但是违法建筑的产生原因很多,这需要社会各个方面的共同努力和国家出台更加合理的规制措施才能够根治。

    But many of the causes of illegal construction , which requires the joint efforts of all aspects of society and the state has adopted more reasonable regulatory measures to be able to cure .

  29. 即便在不能纠正的违法建筑中,也还有相当部分属于影响城乡远期规划的,近期内还可以为人们所利用,不必立即拆除。

    Even some illegal constructions which can not be corrected , just against long term urban and rural planning , can also be used currently . It is not necessary to demolish them immediately .

  30. 另一方面,目前对违法建筑的法律治理机制并不完善,在立法,执法,司法救济等方面均有待加强和完善。

    On the other hand , the current law on illegal construction of the governance mechanism is not perfect legislation , law enforcement , judicial assistance and other aspects need to be strengthened and improved .