
  • 网络movement structure
  1. 文章提出了小提琴演奏的5个区位运动结构,认为小提琴演奏的所有姿势和动作都是建立在5个基本的区位之上的,它们构成了一个互相合作的整体。

    This paper puts forward a theory of the 5 - district movement structure of playing the violin . The paper argues that all postures and movements of a violin player can be divided into 5 districts and that they constitute an interactively integrated entirety .

  2. 根据Matlock的观点,理解虚拟运动结构需要理解者在想象空间沿着路径轨迹模拟运动或扫描。

    According to Matlock , understanding fictive motion involves mental simulated movement or scanning along a trajectory through imagined space .

  3. 推导了一种基于ALE(ArbitraryLagrangian-Eulerian,即任意的拉格朗日-欧拉)描述下的带有自由液面不可压液体与运动结构非线性耦合问题的一种有限元数值计算方法。

    This paper presents a finite element analysis based on the ALE ( Arbitrary Lagrangian - Eulerian ) description for the nonlinear interaction between unsteady incompressible viscous fluid with free surface and moving structure .

  4. 高空急流对黄渤海登陆热带气旋三维运动结构的影响

    Effect of Upper-level Jet on 3D Structure of Landing Tropical Cyclones

  5. 卫星轮系运动结构特性的分析与研究

    Research and Analysis of Kinematic Structure of Satellite Gear Trains

  6. 实时运动结构重建在自主导航系统中的应用

    Structure and motion by sensor fusion for autonomous navigation system

  7. 运动结构背景对视觉系统神经元反应的调制作用

    Modulation of moving textured background for the response of neurons in visual system

  8. 大倾角煤层采场顶板运动结构分析

    Structural Analysis for Roof Movement for Steep Coal Seams

  9. 拖拉机变速箱运动结构的分析

    Analysis of kinetic structure of the tractor gearbox

  10. 食指触点运动结构模式的主元分析

    Principal component analysis of motion patterns for the point-touch movement of the index finger

  11. 根据涡旋压缩机运动结构,建立了通用涡旋型线集成型线涡旋压缩机的动态仿真模型。

    Analyzed the construction and performance of scroll compressor to establish dynamic simulation model of general scroll profiles compressor .

  12. 同时进行了定位系统运动结构的设计、定位系统控制系统软硬件的设计。

    And then designs the structure and control system ( including hardware and software design ) of positioning system .

  13. 在语言层面上,我们发现虚拟运动结构中的主语和运动动词受许多语义或语用因素的制约。

    Concerning the linguistic level , the trajector and motion verb in fictive motion constructions are subject to certain semantic and pragmatic constraints .

  14. 实时运动结构重建是自主车辆、机器人导航、空间探测器自主降落、智能监控等领域中的重要研究课题。

    Real-time structure and motion is the most important research direction , which can be applied in vehicle navigation , spacecraft landing , intelligent monitoring system .

  15. 旋转平台有几个部分组成:电机及运动结构、上位机、下位机、电机控制器单元和平台状态检测单元。

    The rotating platform has several components : Motor and Motion structure , the PC , the lower computer , the motor controller unit and platform state detection unit .

  16. 首先,采用弹塑性理论分析,对不同覆岩运动结构下采场煤层底板的应力状态进行了分析,获得了一些规律性认识。

    At first , it analyzed stress state in the seam floor of stope with different structure of cover rock motion , and drew some disciplinary conclusions , adopting elasticity-plasticity theory .

  17. 应用这种科学方法的主要规则,一是研究对象的主体存在形式和发展运动结构,决定理论范畴系统的逻辑结构;

    The main rules of applying this kind of method as following : Firstly , principal existing form of researched object and its structure of developing operation decide on logic structure of academic category system .

  18. 多学科新知识的学习、实践反馈的能动检验,可以不断提高竞技运动结构的认识能力,改进训练水平、提高训练效益。

    Through our multi-disciplinary study of new knowledge , practice test dynamic feedback , to continually improve the competitive structure of awareness of exercise capacity , and improve the level of training , improve training efficiency .

  19. 针对其缺陷,探讨了几种改进方案,包括机械结构采用双斗平衡型结构、双运动结构,控制器采用变频型、闭环和数字控制方式。

    Aiming at bettering their defects , discusses several ways of improvement , including dual bowel of balanced motion Dual motion structure in the mechanical structure and multi-frequency style , close-loop and numeric controlled system in the controller .

  20. 依据袋鼠生物体的运动结构和跳跃运动特点,利用扭转弹簧模拟其关节柔性和肌肉的储能作用,提出仿袋鼠柔性跳跃机器人的伪刚体机构模型。

    According to kangaroo 's hopping configuration and characteristics , a pseudo-rigid-body model of bionic kangaroo-hopping mechanism was presented , which used torsional spring to model the flexibility of joint and the energy storage characteristics of its muscle .

  21. 该算法具有如下特点:①充分利用了小波分解后各子带所表征的运动结构的相关性,有效地提高了运动矢量的编码效率;

    The features of the presented algorithm are as follow : ① by fully using the spacial and orientation correlations between the motion structure represented by the subbands of wavelet decomposition , the coding efficiency of motion vector is improved ;

  22. 基于透视和正投影图像的3D运动与结构恢复

    Motion and Structure from One Perspective and One Orthographic Views

  23. 田径运动场地结构对100m与200m项目的影响

    Effect of 100m and 200m Achievement as the Straight Track Structure Change

  24. 在3D运动和结构重建方面,本文改进了基于光流场计算3D运动和结构的线性算法,通过光流运动模型的建立,推导出由角点光流场重建3D物体运动和结构的线性算法。

    A linear method is derived to determine 3D structure and motion using corner point optical flow . The method has advantages over the traditional methods in algorithm .

  25. 通过透射电镜观察各组运动终板结构和AchE阳性反应产物的变化。

    The structure of motor end plate and the AchE positive reactive product were observed via transmitting electron microscope .

  26. 第一步,通过循环迭代基于运动恢复结构的方法,然后使用LM算法进行集束调整。

    The first step , we run an iterative , robust Structure from Motion procedure , and then do a bundle adjustment using the LM algorithm .

  27. 分析了3-RPS并联机构在奇异位形时上动平台微分运动与结构约束的关系,得到了机构奇异位形显格式的判别方程。

    Analyzes the relations between the differential equation of top platform and configuration constraints on 3-PRS parallel mechanism .

  28. 理论分析表明,在特定的条件下,电磁慢波与运动周期结构之间可以发生稳定的相互作用,这能够成为一大类MEMS电机或执行器的一种不同的工作原理。

    Theoretical analysis showed that under well specified conditions , electromagnetic slow wave can interact stationary with moving periodic structure , based on that the a working principle can be proposed for a class of MEMS motor and actuator .

  29. 近二十年来,围绕着中枢模式发生器(CPG)的仿生控制发展迅速。基于CPG模型的运动控制结构简单且耦合能力强,已逐渐成为多关节足式机器人的主要控制手段。

    The bionic control based on CPG had developed rapidly the last two decades , which had become a main method to tackle multi-joints legged robot due to its simple architecture and strong coupling capability .

  30. 概述了新型FWX20容器封头旋压机的运动及结构特点和主要技术性能。

    The motion situation , structure feature and main technique properties of a new type of rotary pressure machine for forming container head ( FWX20 ) are introduced in this paper .