
  • 网络excess volatility;excessive volatility;excessive fluctuations
  1. 他对货币市场的过度波动提出了警告。

    He warned against excess volatility in currency markets .

  2. 有限理性、噪音交易与过度波动

    Bounded Rationality , Noise Trading and Excess Volatility

  3. 中国人民银行(PBoC)干预外汇市场由来已久,目的是防止过度波动。

    The People 's Bank of China has long intervened in foreign-exchange markets to hedge against excessive volatility .

  4. 由于ST板块实行5%的涨跌幅限制,这种规定限制了股价的过度波动,我们可以看到ST板块日收益的最大值和最小值之间的差距是最小的。

    As the implementation of ST plate a 5 % price limit , which limits the stock price fluctuations , we can see that the income gap between the maximum and the minimum is the smallest .

  5. G7周日晚间表示:我们对近期(日元)汇率过度波动及其对经济和金融稳定的潜在负面影响感到担心。

    Late on Sunday the G7 said : We are concerned about the recent excessive volatility in the exchange rate and its possible adverse implications for economic and financial stability .

  6. 资产价格波动对宏观经济影响的程度日益增加,同时,资产价格的过度波动对以实物价格稳定为目标的货币政策提出了挑战。

    Assets price fluctuation has an increasingly effect on macroeconomic .

  7. 中国封闭式基金价格报酬过度波动的经验分析

    Empirical Research on Excess Volatility of Stock Returns of Closed-end Fund in China

  8. 从石油到白银,所有商品价格的过度波动都是投机者制造的?

    Everything from Oil to Silver : Are Speculators Causing Too Much Volatility ?

  9. 学习趋向缓慢或者停滞将导致过度波动程度的小幅度增加;

    Lower learning frequency and more noise traders will result in more excess volatility .

  10. 投资者情绪与股市过度波动:文献综述与中国证据

    Investor Sentiment and Undue Fluctuations of Stock Market : Literature Review and Chinese Evidence

  11. 本文将这类波动称为过度波动。

    We call such type of excessive fluctuation .

  12. 如果不加以反制,这些过度波动就可能导致永久性的伤害。

    It could happen that these excessive oscillations result in permanent damage unless they are countered .

  13. 目前,泰铢浮动自由,在中央银行的干预下避免了过度波动。

    The baht currently floats freely , with the central bank intervening to avoid excessive volatility .

  14. 第五部分对股票价格过度波动的控制提出几点建议。

    And the last chapter puts forward some suggestions to the control of the stock price volatility .

  15. 当市场投资者构成中噪音交易者比例很小的情况下,涨跌幅限制制度反而将增加过度波动程度。

    While there are few noise traders , such institute will increase the degree of excess volatility .

  16. 野田彦说,采取干预措施的目的是遏制货币市场的过度波动。

    Noda said the intervention was taken to contain " excessive " movements in the currency market .

  17. 房地产价格的过度波动将引起房地产泡沫的产生。

    The excessive of the real estate price will cause the produce of the real estate bubble .

  18. 为尽可能避免经济运行出现过度波动,财政政策成为各国政府调控经济运行的常用工具。

    Fiscal policies are normal tools used by every country to prevent excess fluctuations in economy 's running .

  19. 对卖空行为的执念,正在妨碍我们以全面的视角看待短期的过度波动性。

    The obsession with short selling is obstructing what should be a comprehensive look at excessive short-run volatility .

  20. 其中,信用价差之谜、过度波动、对冲失效等现象最为引人注目。

    Among them , the credit spread puzzle , excess volatility , arbitrage violation are the most striking ones .

  21. 错误的、缺失的和多余的制度在股票市场事本身就是一种噪音,是导致市场过度波动和市场风险增大的根源。

    A wrong institutional arrangement is kind of noise and can lead to over - fluctuation of the stock market .

  22. 我们重申,汇率方面的过度波动和不守规矩的动向,对保持经济和金融稳定性有不良影响。

    We reiterate that excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability .

  23. 因此本文探讨了房地产泡沫的的检验和判断问题,并对我房价是否存在过度波动进行分析。

    Therefore this paper focused on tested and judged the excessive of the real estate price fluctuation in our country .

  24. 因此,可能需要在国际货币多元化上采用一个共同框架,以避免外汇市场过度波动。

    The adoption of a common framework for international currency diversification may therefore be required to avoid undue exchange market volatility .

  25. 利用过度波动检验,研究中国封闭式基金在熊市环境中是否存在过度波动。

    Excess volatility tests are used to examine if there is an excess return volatility of closed-end fund in a bear market .

  26. 涨跌幅限制主要抑制了B股的过度波动,没有阻碍价格反应信息的过程,即不会扭曲股价行为;

    Price limits restrain the excessive volatility of B-share , whereas up-limits affect the fundamental volatility of B-share and distort the price behavior .

  27. 涨跌停板制度作为一种重要的风险控制制度,其主要作用是抑制股市的过度波动,稳定股票市场。

    As an important risk control system , price limits plays its main role to inhibit the excessive volatility and stabilize the stock market .

  28. 美国将对汇率过度波动保持警惕,中国将继续增强人民币汇率弹性。

    The United States will maintain vigilance against excess volatility in exchange rates , and China will continue to promote RMB exchange rate flexibility .

  29. 介绍黄土高原地区农村自然社会经济条件并归纳出黄土高原农村产业结构的特征:①以二元结构强度衡量,黄土高原具有严重的二元经济结构特征;②农业生产条件落后,农业增长过度波动;

    The rural natural social and economic condition and the character of rural industrial structure on the Loess Plateau areas have been introduction and summarized .

  30. 通过研究发现,当前股票市场的异常波动程度比较显著,政策控制型均衡引发市场过度波动;

    In the paper , We discover that its distinct of abnormal volatility in stock market , which is caused by the policy controlled equilibrium .