
  • 网络Excess capacity;overcapacity
  1. 垄断厂商的过剩生产能力可置信威胁行为分析

    Credibility Threats Analysis of Monopoly Firm 's Excess Capacity

  2. 美日铸件市场结构变化和大量的过剩生产能力思考

    Changes of Market Structure Great Number of Overcapacities in Japan the U.S.A

  3. 财政政策应当在资本退出的补偿援助上发挥更大的作用,对过剩生产能力可施行政策性收购。

    The financial policy should play an important role in compensating assistance for the withdrawal of capital , and may purchase the surplus productivity for policy consideration .

  4. 按照这个定义,过剩生产能力(即产能与实际产出之差)指标应该和产能利用率指标一起,用于判断是否出现了产能过剩。

    In accordance with this definition , as capacity utilization rate , superfluous production capacity ( that is , capacity minus actual output ) should be used to determine whether there has been excess capacity .

  5. 如果在一段时期内,不仅产能利用率持续低迷,而且过剩生产能力快速扩张,那么,过剩生产能力的迅速扩大肯定容易造成产能过剩。

    In a period of time , for one industry , if its capacity utilization rate is at a low ebb , and , its superfluous production capacity rapidly expands , it is likely to occur excess capacity . 3 .

  6. 中国医药制造业整体处于过度竞争状态,其产业组织政策或法律调整的重点是提高市场集中度、降低退出壁垒、盘活过剩生产能力和提高R&D强度。

    Excessive competition is the general situation of Chinese pharmaceutical industry . Increasing the concentration ratio , lowering the exit barrier , activating the surplus production capacity and enhancing the R & D strength are the vital points of the adjustment to the industrial organization policies and laws .

  7. 淘汰落后和压缩过剩工业生产能力取得成效,重点企业技术改造不断推进。

    Good results were achieved in eliminating outmoded industrial production capacity , reducing excess production capacity and upgrading technology in key enterprises .

  8. 本文的研究结果表明,企业选择保持过剩的生产能力是在特定条件下的理性选择,是根据特定的技术和市场条件确定的。

    The result of this paper shows that holding the excess capacity is a rational choice for firms under certain conditions , and it is determined by the special technology and market conditions .

  9. 用行业供给增长率衡量竞争程度的分析结果表明,在行业供给大量增加的情况下,行业的竞争压力增强,过剩的生产能力迫使产业整合行为的发生。

    Take the growth rate as the measure of the intensity of competition , the results show that the supply increase in the industry makes the competitive pressures increase and excess capacity , and all of these led to industry consolidation .