
  • 网络track structure;rail structure;orbital structure
  1. 应用有限元方法及ANSYS软件建立了有碴轨道结构有限元分析模型,计算了几种工况下轨道结构各部件的位移、应力等强度指标。

    This paper established a finite element model of track structure with the finite element method and ANSYS software , calculated the displacement and stress of track structure .

  2. 对于300-350km/h的高速铁路,无砟轨道结构被认为是首选方案。

    Ballastless track structure is considered to be the first choice for the 300-350km / h high-speed rail .

  3. 由于轨道结构条件制约,钢轨接头扣件应用C型弹条受到限制。

    The C type spring catch can 't be used as the retainer of the rail joint due to the restriction of the railroad construction .

  4. 采用Newmark时间积分方法,模拟了列车荷载作用下,浮置板轨道结构的瞬态响应。

    Transient response was simulated under the train vibration load by means of Newmark time integration .

  5. SS(7E)型机车在弹性轨道结构上的动力学性能仿真与试验研究

    Simulation and experiment study on dynamics performances of SS_ ( 7E ) locomotive running on elastic track

  6. 水泥乳化沥青砂浆(简称CA砂浆)是板式无砟轨道结构中的关键材料之一,由水泥、乳化沥青、砂、添加剂和水等组成,经搅拌、灌注形成砂浆充填层。

    Cement and emulsified asphalt mortar ( CA mortar ), which consists of cement , emulsified asphalt , sand , water and other admixtures , is one of the key materials of the slab ballastless track structure .

  7. 由于拥有独特的4f电子轨道结构以及与钙离子相似的性质,稀土元素广泛应用于工业、医药等行业。

    For their special 4f electronic configuration and similarity with Ca2 + , REEs are mainly used in industry and medicine .

  8. 客运专线桥梁挠曲变形对CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道结构受力影响分析

    Analysis on Bridge Deflection Influence on the Force of CRTS ⅰ Slab Ballastless Track Structure on Passenger Dedicated Line

  9. 从轨道结构看当前我国发展25t轴重货车的可行性

    The Current Availability of Development of 25t Axle Load Wagons in China from the Point of View of Track Structure

  10. 文章对TGV动车在不同速度下对轨道结构的动力响应进行了分析。

    Finally , analyses of dynamic response of track structure for TGV under different speeds are performed .

  11. 研究结果表明,行车速度的增加对车辆和CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道结构的影响非常显著。

    The researches indicate that the increase of the traffic speed has very significant effects on the vehicle and track structure .

  12. 更进一步,将轨道结构作为随机参数结构,把扣件刚度和道床刚度视为服从正态分布的随机变量,应用MonteCarlo随机有限元方法,对轨道结构的随机振动规律进行了研究。

    Further more , the random vibration laws were studied by using Monte Carlo random FEM ( finite element method ) under the condition that the track parameters of fastener stiffness and ballast stiffness are treated as random parameters obeying normal distribution .

  13. 根据能量法和Timoshenko梁理论,运用振型叠加法建立轴向载荷作用下无缝线路钢轨谐响应有限元模型,分析了不同温度力作用对轨道结构钢轨振动特性的影响。

    According to the energy method and Timoshenko beam theory , the FEM model analyzing harmonic response of CWR ( continunes welded rail ) under the axially load was developed based on the mode superposition method .

  14. 按照客运专线18号道岔设计参数并采用Rheda型无碴轨道结构建立模型,模型中对上部钢轨结构的尖轨和可动心轨辙叉部分进行了简化处理;

    The model was built according to the design parameter of the 18th rail switch of the Passenger-Dedicated Lines .

  15. 针对320t混铁车起行线出现的问题,开展合理轨道结构的分析与探讨。下行式轻型挂篮设计与施工

    In light of the problems existing in the travelling line of 320 ? Design and Construction of the Down Light Travelling Carriage

  16. 首先介绍了桥上轨道结构的减振及隔振垫层原理,然后利用ansys建立在移动荷载作用下桥上轨道结构振动模型,并以外部激励的形式输入轨道不平顺。

    The paper described the vibration reducing of track structure on bridge and principle of track pads firstly . And then a vibration model of track structure on bridge is established under the function of moving load by using ANSYS , inputting irregularities of track in forms of external excitation .

  17. 关于集总参数模型分析轨道结构动力问题的研究

    The study of lumped - parameter model for railway track dynamics

  18. 铁路板式轨道结构平面有限元分析

    Analysis of Plane FEM on Structures of Slab Track in Railway

  19. 浮置板轨道结构是一种质量弹簧阻尼隔振系统。

    Floating slab track structure is a mass-spring-damping vibration isolated system .

  20. 流变力学理论在铁路轨道结构力学研究中的应用

    Application of the rheologic mechanics theory to track structures of Railway

  21. 我国高速铁路特殊地段轨道结构模式设想

    Planning for Track Structures in Special Sections on Chinese High-Speed Railways

  22. 30吨轴重重载铁路轨道结构力学特性研究

    Mechnical Properties Study of 30t Axle Load Heavy-haul Railway Track Structure

  23. 我国新型无碴轨道结构比较及适用情况

    The structure comparison and application situation of new type sludge-less track structure

  24. 高速铁路轨道结构空间动力分析

    Space dynamic analyses for track structure of high speed railway

  25. 接头冲击作用下轨道结构加速度谱分析

    Acceleration spectral analyses of track struc - ture under rail joint impactions

  26. 橡胶浮置板式轨道结构竖向振动分析模型

    Analysis model of vertical vibration for rubber floating slab track

  27. 轨道结构隔振系统功率流分析

    Power Flow Analysis of Vibration Isolation System on Track Structure

  28. 轨道结构弹性与钢轨横向位移关系的动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis of the Relationship between Track Stiffness and Rail Lateral Displacement

  29. 高速铁路无砟轨道结构力学特性的研究

    Research on Mechanical Characteristics of Ballastless Track in High-Speed Railway

  30. 轨道结构分析模型的探讨

    A Discussion on the Analytic Model for Ballast Track Structures