
chē cì
  • train number;motor coach number order of departure
车次 [chē cì]
  • (1) [train number]∶列车的编号

  • (2) [motorcoach number order of departure]∶长途汽车的行车次第

车次[chē cì]
  1. 同一车次号问题的解决方案

    Solution for Same Train Number Problem

  2. 在分析装车计划调整的影响因素基础上,构建了分车次调度调整优化模型,以解决在装运行包广义收入最大的优化目标前提下,同时兼顾货物装运优先等级的问题。

    After analyzing the influencing factors , an optimal model of loading plan adjustment based on train number classified is given to solve the question that how to consider loading prior grade at the same time to achieve maximum generalized total income .

  3. 城市轨道交通ATS车次号系统的研究与设计

    The Study and Design of the Train Identification System in ATS in UMT

  4. 另一只名叫乔治(George)的猫,7月份时出现在坚尼路(CanalStreet)站的轨道上,造成了几十个车次延误。

    Another cat , this one named George , got onto the tracks at the Canal Street station in July , delaying dozens of trains .

  5. 虽然Auction算法能够获取使用车辆数最少代价最小的车次分组,但由于在我们的应用中存在间断性任务,因此Auction算法此时生成的分组已不能满足使用车辆数最少的要求。

    But because of the discontinuous duty in our application , the Auction algorithm can not produces the minimum number of vehicles in our new constraints .

  6. 车次号在DMIS工程中应用的探讨

    Exploration on Train Number Indication Application in DMIS Project

  7. R.C提出的严格n中取连续K系统在车次马尔科夫相依条件下的失效概率进行了讨论,给出了系统失效的精确概率公式。

    A failure probability formula is given in this paper of a strict consecutive k out of n : F system with homogeneous Markov dependence .

  8. 应用方面具备了铁路紧急呼叫、调车作业、多驾驶员通信、列车尾部风压、调度命令传送和打印、车次号传输、语音及数据的存储及通信模式的切换、GPS定位的位置寻址等功能。

    Applications have a railway emergency call , marshalling operations , multi-driver communications , train tail wind pressure , transmission and print out orders , the vehicle trips of transmission , voice and data storage and communication patterns cut over , GPS positioning location kinship and other functions .

  9. 对我国现有的DMIS系统的原理、结构以及功能进行全面的分析,提出解决现行DMIS系统中提高行车效率的调度监督和车次号等实际问题的方法。

    Introducing the principle , structure and functions of the DMIS in the round , brings forward the methods to solve the actual problems of Dispatch-Supervisal and the Train number indication in the DMIS .

  10. 区域控制中心的车次输入及网络通信的研究

    Study on Trains Input and Network Communications in Area Control Center

  11. 列车车次信息语音查询系统的开发设计

    The design of the phonetic inquiry system of the train number

  12. 许多车次因洪水而被取消。

    Many trains are subject to cancellation because of the flooding .

  13. 铁路车站售票厅车次查询系统

    Designs for A Query System in Ticket Office of Railway Station

  14. 列车运行图车次编码方案的分析与研究

    Analysis and Study of Train Number Encoding Plan in Train Graph

  15. 公交车过来了,但不是他们要坐的车次。

    Buses came by , not the one they wanted .

  16. 车次不多,也不挤。

    Have not as large train number and crowd either .

  17. 定期车票持有者在其车次被取消时可获得退款。

    Season-ticket holder will receive a refund if their train is cancelled .

  18. 该车次将于次日返回。

    The train will return to Shanghai the next day .

  19. 列车车次已大幅度减少。

    Train services have been cut to the bone .

  20. 服务员:从杭州到上海的车次很多。

    There are many trains from Hangzhou to Shanghai .

  21. 基于车次径路约束下的客运径路生成算法优化

    Optimization on Route Computation Algorithm Based on Train-Route Restriction

  22. 广州地铁1号线运营时刻表车次连接规则

    Train Linking Rules of the Schedule in the No.1 Line of Guangzhou Subway

  23. 那还有没有其他车次的票?

    Then are there still tickets for another train ?

  24. 他的那部车次拍卖会上能卖个好价钱。

    His car is certain to fetch a good price at the auction .

  25. 每逢节日,运输繁忙,他们总得增开车次。

    They always have to put on extra trains to handle the holiday traffic .

  26. 目前,一些车次学生票的预售期已经提前。

    Also , the student ticket booking time for some trains has been advanced .

  27. 车次号确认系统对提高运输效率有重要的意义。

    Train ID verification system plays a very important role in raising transportation efficiency .

  28. 误了飞机、车次取消、计划变动会让独自旅行的人学会随机应变。

    Missed flights , cancelled rides and changed plans make solo travelers incredibly resilient .

  29. 因铁路工人罢工,所有车次都被取消。

    Owing to a strike by railway workers all train journeys have been cancelled .

  30. 你可以从列车时刻表中查到从罗马到维也纳所有列车的车次时间。

    The railway time-talbe can tell you the times of trains from Rome to Vienna .