
  1. 近年来,经济系统的研究逐渐走热。

    In recent years , the work of the economic system gradually takes the heat .

  2. 当你走热了或是走累了,有些凉爽的小花园,你可在里面休息。

    When you are hot and tired , there are small cool gardens to rest in .

  3. 在文化全球化,中华民族日益强盛的现代背景下,小学阶段中华传统经典教育有再次走热之势。

    With the background of the cultural globalization and the Chinese nation going to its prosperity , Chinese traditional classics education in primary schools tends to be heated again .

  4. 由于云计算走热,主管们都想从效能模型的角度了解其成本,但你不必拥有云系统才能提供关于成本预估。

    With Cloud Computing being hot a lot of Directors would like to know the costs in " utility " model and you do not have to be in the cloud to provide them with estimates .

  5. 重载天车走轮热处理新工艺

    New Heat Treatment Process for Travelling Wheel of Heavy Overhead Crane

  6. 因此,如何提高气液传质速率和移走反应热是水合反应器选择上主要考虑的问题。

    Therefore , how to improve gas-liquid rate of mass transfer and how to enhance reaction heat transfer are main problems in reactors ' choice .

  7. 实验结果表明,移除盘管后,通过外循环冷凝器及时移走反应热,可以有效防止暴聚现象的发生,产品品质得到提高。

    The experimental results show that , after the removal of coil , through the outer loop condenser to remove the reaction heat , can effectively prevent the occurrence of polymerization phenomenon , the product quality is improved .

  8. 必须得走吗外面热死了

    Do we have to ? It 's so hot outside .

  9. 路很远,帽匠走得又热又累。

    It was a long way and the hat maker was tired and hot .

  10. 区域地质构造解析结果表明,连云山花岗岩与晚三叠世侏罗纪NNE向会聚走滑断层动热变质剪切重熔型岩浆作用有关。

    The analyses of regional structures show that Lianyunshan granite is associated with dynamic metamorphism shear remelt magmatism of NNE trending convergent strike slip faulting during T3-J.

  11. 我建议你现在就走,喝点热的。

    Go out now and get something hot to eat .

  12. 越往澳大利亚北部走就感觉越热。

    And the further north you go in Australia , the hotter it gets .

  13. 走得我好热啊。

    I 'm so hot after the walk .

  14. 当您走在表面较热的地方,注意保护脚部。

    Protect your feet from hot and cold .

  15. 实践证明新工艺是一种生产重载天车走轮行之有效的热处理方法。

    It is proved by practice that the new process is a effective heat treatment method for producing the travelling wheel of heavy overhead crane .

  16. 所以人们都说在这里泡完了温泉之后呢,是冬天走十里路不冷,夏天走十里路不热。

    So people here say after a bath in the hot spring here , they don 't feel cold walking five kilometers in winter and not hot walking five kilometers in summer .