- be exposed to light;be completely deserted;entirely walk away

It is now used as a euphemism referring to an accidental instance of indecent exposure caused by a fault in someone 's clothing ( especially that of a performer ) or by an error made while changing this costume .
At first glance , the split skirt sounds like a wardrobe malfunction , bronzed legs can break out .
As former TOMS presidentLaurent Potdevin takes over as CEO , we suggest he keep his customers completely covered -- no ifs , ands , or butts about it .
But what can we do ? Students are dropping out .
The population here had cleared out a long time ago .
Oh , my god , your wardrobe malfunction idea was the best .
The day was done , and the merrymakers had nearly all departed .
The crowd quickly melted away when police asked for the names of witnesses .
If you look to your left , you can totally see her downstairs .
Some celebrity wardrobe malfunctions were accidental while others look to be purely intentional .
I thought everybody has already gone , but there are still few people anyhow .
He sits out the other guests .
Lululemon : Keep your customers covered
Sooner or later , his luck is going to run out . he 's had too many close calls .
But this Georgia town is not the only place , by the way , taking a stand on visible under pants .
It 's very disrespectful for young men for going around in the community with their pants hanging down and their underwear shown .
Model Kate Moss attends the unveiling of the ' White Light ' diamond brooch designed by Shaun Leane at Millbank Tower in London , England .
Finnegan will wear a white gown and Fulmore will be in a tux with tapered tails to ensure their clothes don 't reveal too much .
For those not brave enough to " go commando ", the survey found boxer shorts with a tartan design were the second most popular choice .
But one day she found that a candid photo of her six-month old son receiving toilet training had been marked as'favorite'by someone she didn 't know .
Finnegan will wear a multilayered white gown and Fulmore will be in a tux with tapered tails to ensure their clothes don 't reveal too much .
Lin said although the stairs were made of frosted glass , the men were still able to peer through the gaps to catch a glimpse of the female customers .
Wildly she was racking her brain to decide whether she should sit still when the others left the room or follow , and ask some one where the Freshmen went first .
They got a four-hundred-and-forty-pound reel of cable and other equipment into the elevator , took it to the unfinished top ten floors , and waited till nightfall when everyone had gone .
Poetry became " congregational " lonely show , the audience left , the remaining relatives due to the face where the applause , this is now the current situation of poetry ?
There are rules that are always adhered to - the two-inch heel , the hemline below the knee , the hem weighed down to avoid undignified wardrobe mishaps in windy conditions .
It 's been labelled ' The Duchess Slant ' by etiquette expert Myka Meier who told People magazine that Kate 's go-to pose is crucial for not showing off too much during public appearances .
Rather than take responsibility for selling a large quantity of see-through pants , Lululemon founder Chip Wilson said , " some women 's bodies just actually don 't work " with the brand 's clothes .
As the socialite arrived at Kylie Jenner 's 19th birthday party in August she alighted her sports car in such a cack-handed ( cack-legged , I suppose ) way that meant that more was glimpsed than intended .
In particular , they object to the FCC 's rules about " fleeting expletives " ( isolated , and in many cases , unscripted swearing ) and brief glimpses of titillating body parts , which are subject to heavy fines .