
zī ɡé shěn chá
  • Qualification Review;qualification screening committee
  1. NET技术设计的多层B/S结构,有效地实现了医疗设备采购环节中的从科室申报、设备委员会审核、供应商资格审查、合同图文查询、合同执行监控等信息动态管理。

    The system adopts multilayered B / S structure designed by . NET technology to realize the whole hospital medical equipment purchase management : purchase application , Equipment Committee verification , the suppliers qualifications examination , contract information dynamic management , etc.

  2. 未经任职资格审查任命董事、高级管理人员的;

    Appointing directors and senior managerial personnel without undergoing qualification examination ;

  3. 国际麻醉药品管制局成员候选资格审查委员会

    Committee to Review Candidatures for Election to the International Narcotics Control Board

  4. 改指标分配制为资格审查制;

    Changing the assignation system into qualification verified system ;

  5. 浅谈公开招投标工作中的资格审查

    Discussion on Qualification Checking in Calling for Bids

  6. 资深会员资格审查委员会将根据您提供的申请材料做出决定。

    Please bear in mind the Fellowship Committee make their decision on your documentation .

  7. 国外高校学生贷款资格审查的借鉴与启示

    Experience and Enlightenment : Examination of the Eligibility for Student Loan in Other Countries

  8. (ⅱ)努力缩小各实体之间资格审查程序的差异。

    ( ii ) efforts be made to minimize differences in qualification procedures between entities .

  9. 会员资格审查委员会对汤姆参加俱乐部的要求不予理会。

    The membership committee turned a cold shoulder to Tom 's request to join the club .

  10. 就进入规制而言,它是对矿业权申请人的资格审查。

    In terms of the entry regulation , it is the qualification of mining rights applicants .

  11. 武器装备科研生产单位保密资格审查认证实践

    Practice of Auditing and Approving of Confidential Qualification of Manufacturer , Scientific Bodies in Military Equipments

  12. 推进合理低价中标.应该把好资格审查关、标书评审关、招投标监督关,并要实行担保制,引入索赔机制。

    The pre-qualification , bid evaluation , bid supervision , assurance and claim system should be emphasized .

  13. 政府工程施工招投标中资格审查办法的析及对利弊分策

    Analysis on advantage and disadvantage of qualification investigating methods for construction bidding of government project and relevant countermeasures

  14. 购枪者:“哦,太好了,因为我不能通过资格审查。”

    Gun Buyer : " Oh , that 's good because I couldn 't pass one . So "

  15. 市人事部门发布考录公告并接受报名和进行资格审查;

    The municipal department of personnel shall give public notice of the exams , accept applications and check qualifications ;

  16. 珠穆朗玛峰登山资格审查委员会称,人们没有去过的山顶比已经去过的“多得多”。

    The Mount Everest Screening Committee claims that there are " infinitely " more unclimbed mountains than there are climbed ones .

  17. 本文对设备招标资格审查的方式及方法进行了详细的论述,为资格审查的评审要素、评审标准及评审分值的确定提供了依据;

    This paper discusses the models and methods of qualification of equipment bidding and provides the elements , standard and grades of evaluation .

  18. 它是事前的资格审查制度,事中的行为制度和全过程的政府监管制度的结合。

    It is a system including prior qualification review system , conduct system in the middle , government supervision system in the all activity .

  19. 在招生环节中建立完善了资格审查、录取、复核、颁发学籍证明等相关程序。学科建设上完善了三大类别九个学科十四个专业的学科体系建设,使中医学科发展到空前的地步。

    Construction of the three disciplines perfect nine categories of professional disciplines 14 disciplines system makes the development of Chinese medicine disciplines to unprecedented proportions .

  20. 据悉,中国官员日前称新的资格审查条例将结束一名中国体操运动员被取消铜牌而引起的“年龄造假”丑闻。

    Chinese officials have insisted that tough new eligibility rules will end the type of'age cheat'scandal which saw a Chinese gymnast stripped of her bronze medal .

  21. 提高帆船帆板教练员的业务水平,制定统一的从业资格审查制度,对教练员的素质及文明礼仪进行定期培训。

    Enhance the professional level of the sailboat and sailboard coaches . Make a unified professional qualification standard , and train the coaches at regular intervals .

  22. 第六完善大学生跆拳道协会组织管理机构,健全管理制度,引入指纹识别系统或人脸识别系统,抓好资格审查关。

    Try to improve the organization and management of Taekwondo Association . And we can introduce fingerprint or face recognition system to strict the qualification examination .

  23. 在我国目前尚未建立此种证人资格审查程序,这种状况不仅不利于提高诉讼效率,也容易对公正审理产生负面影响。

    Currently China has no such inspective procedure for the witness , which hampered the efficiency of litigation and gave negative effect to the fair judgment .

  24. 英国将推行150年来最大的一次医疗管理制度改革,今后英国的15万名医生每五年要接受一次行医资格审查。

    Britain's150,000 doctors will have to show they are fit to practice once every five years in the nation 's biggest change to medical regulation for150 years .

  25. 学生档案是高职院校教学档案的重要组成部分,它能为毕业生资格审查、用人单位招工等提供准确的参考材料。

    Vocational education student records is an important part of the file , it can provide accurate reference materials qualification for graduates , recruitment and other employers .

  26. 由于公众反对死刑观点的增加,死刑资格审查过程导致很多潜在陪审团成员被准予离开。

    This process of ―" death qualification " has resulted in larger numbers of potential jurors being excused as public opinion against the death penalty has grown .

  27. (ⅰ)每一实体及其组成部分遵循单一的资格审查程序,除非能够适当证明有必要采用不同的程序;

    ( I ) each entity and its constituent parts follow a single qualification procedure , except in cases of duly substantiated need for a different procedure ;

  28. 它包括一套系统的政府宗教管理机构,定额管理、官方登记和资格审查三项常规管理制度。

    It consisted of a systematic government institution for managing religion , and a regular management system comprised of quantitative control , governmental registration and qualification censorship .

  29. 2007年通过了国防武器装备科研生产单位、保密资格审查认证委员会的二级保密资格单位;

    In2007 , it became the research and production unit for National Defense Weapon Equipment , the second level secrecy qualification unit of Secrecy Qualification Certification Committee .

  30. 在当前的制度背景下,基于公司经营绩效的高层管理人员任职资格审查与禁入惩罚制度可以部分地替代接管市场与经理人员市场对经理行为的约束。

    The system of examining and approving qualification of high-level managers according to the results of operation can restrain the behavior of managers instead of inefficient market .