
  1. 沃勒斯坦的资本积累论评析

    Analyzing Wallerstein 's Theory of Accumulation of the Capital

  2. 沃勒斯坦的资本积累论为资本主义的历史进程提供一种重要的理论解释。

    The author holds that Wallerstein 's accumulation of capital offers an important theoretical support for the historical course of capitalism .

  3. 世界体系论的奠基人沃勒斯坦在汲取马克思和卢森堡的资本积累论的基础上,提出无止境的资本积累是世界体系发展的根本动力。

    Wallerstein , founder of the world system , claimed that the never-ending accumulation of capital serves as the fundamental motive for development of the world .

  4. “资本积累论”与新古典经济学一脉相承,其增长核算模型对后发国家的适用性值得思考。

    The theory of accumulation shares the same theoretical foundations with Neoclassical Economics , and the applicability of its growth accounting model to the latecomers is worth rethinking .