
zī běn zhànɡ
  • capital account
  1. 但世事没有完美,而且从维持货币与金融稳定的过程来看,开放资本帐的风险又极高。

    But the world is far from ideal , and capital account liberalisation is a risky process , in terms of the maintenance of monetary and financial stability .

  2. 而在考虑资本帐开放的顺序问题上,并非孰先孰后,而是如何根据我国具体情况采取一种综合性的方式。

    As for the opening order , we need to seek a comprehensive method according to Chinese concrete conditions .

  3. 资本帐开放就是取消对资本流动的限制,它涉及到实际经济部门与金融业各方面。

    The openness of C / A is to cancel the restriction on the flowing of capital , which involves economic departments and financial field .

  4. 因此,资本帐开放的成功应该具备起码的工具、制度与市场。如现代企业制度、适当的宏观经济政策、相应的金融市场体系等。

    Therefore , a successful openness need necessary implements , institution and market , such as modern enterprise system , appropriate macro-economic policy , financial market system , etc.